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I’m Dolly, a systems and workflow educator, integrator, and podcast host dedicated to helping small business owners streamline and organize their launches with effective systems, workflows, and SOPs. My goal is to empower you to feel confident and excited about launching & systems!

Each of my blog posts is designed to inspire, provide clarity, and offer actionable insights on systems and workflow education, launching strategies, and more. You'll also find glimpses of my personal life sprinkled throughout, so you can get to know me better.

Most importantly, I want you to leave with tangible next steps and resources to enhance your launch journey. Thanks for being here!

Welcome to the Systems & workflow education blog

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If you are visiting Nashville, Tennessee for an upcoming family vacation and you know that family photos in a new location are a top priority for you and your family here are some details you should think through in order to have a smooth (and successful) family photography session! 

How To Prep For A Nashville Family Photography Session
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Capturing Christmas Magic: The Importance Of Holiday Mini Sessions In The Summer by Nashville Family Photographer Dolly DeLong Photography As cheerful (and hot) vibes of summer surround us, it may seem counterintuitive to think about holiday photos. However, when it comes to creating unforgettable memories, it’s essential to plan ahead. One way to do this […]

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The Systems & Workflow Magic Summit is officially here! I’m thrilled for you to join me, plus 20 other summit speakers who will teach you all about the different puzzle pieces of successful email marketing and how to apply it to your own business. In this episode, I’m sharing exactly what this summit is all […]

83: The Systems & Workflow Magic Summit: Email Marketing Edition is LIVE
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So you’ve got an email list, but it just doesn’t seem to be growing. It feels like you’re reaching out to the same people over and over again, and you’re spinning your wheels. In this episode, photography business mentor and photographer Jamie Fisher is here to share her secrets for getting in front of new […]

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We’ve all heard that storytelling is a key component of email marketing, but how exactly do we make that happen? In this episode, Allea Grummert, an email marketing strategist and conversion copywriter is sharing her best tips for incorporating storytelling into email marketing without overthinking it or getting stuck along the way.    The Systems […]

81: The Power of Storytelling in Email Marketing featuring Allea Grummert
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Are you adding email subscribers to your list pretty regularly, but you’re stumped about what exactly to DO with them now that you have them? If that’s you, you’re not alone. Tune in to hear Liz Wilcox share a simple 3-step approach to converting your new leads into customers with a wicked simple welcome sequence. […]

80: How to Turn Your New Leads into Customers with a Wicked Simple Welcome Sequence featuring Liz Wilcox
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Have you ever wanted to be more intentional with your business’s content strategy? One of the best ways to do that is by building a content strategy that supports your email marketing strategy. Yes! The two can work together to create a powerful combination. In this episode, visibility coach and business strategist Joy Michelle shares […]

79: How to Build Out a Content Strategy that Aligns with Email Marketing featuring Joy Michelle
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How to make your email marketing legally legit written by Paige Griffith, J.D. of The Legal Paige

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What’s holding you back from making moves with email marketing in your business? You know it’s something you should prioritize, but you still feel held back from taking action. If you want to step up your email marketing, this episode is for you. Kate Doster, online business pro and host of the Do The Brave […]

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Do you ever feel like there’s just never enough time to focus on email marketing in your business? Not to mention, figuring it all out seems like it would take hours! If that sounds familiar, then tune in and turn up this episode featuring Anna Dearmon Kornick, a Time Management Coach and host if It’s About Time podcast. Anna’s sharing her best tips for making time for email marketing in your online business.

How to Actually Have the Time for Email Marketing
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It's time to start getting more intentional with the backend of your business (and launches) with systems, workflows & sops!

let's be strategic with your business & launches