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I’m Dolly, a systems and workflow educator, integrator, and podcast host dedicated to helping small business owners streamline and organize their launches with effective systems, workflows, and SOPs. My goal is to empower you to feel confident and excited about launching & systems!

Each of my blog posts is designed to inspire, provide clarity, and offer actionable insights on systems and workflow education, launching strategies, and more. You'll also find glimpses of my personal life sprinkled throughout, so you can get to know me better.

Most importantly, I want you to leave with tangible next steps and resources to enhance your launch journey. Thanks for being here!

Welcome to the Systems & workflow education blog

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I’m so excited to introduce a project I’ve been working on with you today! We’re going to be talking all about the Systems & Workflow Magic Bundle that’s available January 24th-January 28th for business owners like you!! The Systems & Workflow Bundle is intended for creative small business owners who are running the show on […]

Systems & Workflow Magic Bundle: Introducing the new bundle for business owners who want to streamline + update their business processes
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How to get found on Google with strategic content planning I have been blogging for my small business (Dolly DeLong Photography) since 2012. However, I did not start blogging strategically until 2019. Why am I sharing this random information with you? Well, it may seem obvious that blogging is a key way to share visual […]

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Why Canned Emails Are a Game-Changer in Dubsado Dubsado is my favorite CRM tool – by far. It helps me manage my invoices, contracts, and all the nitty-gritty parts of my business that can sometimes be, well, not very fun.  I’ve heard Dubsado described as your personal VA because it takes so much off your plate […]

canned emails and Dubsado and how to use them as a small business owner
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Are you looking for ways to stretch out your content to better organize and streamline your business? Here are 9+ ways to share 1 blog post!

Small Business Tips How to work smarter NOT harder in your small business as a solopreneur
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It's time to start getting more intentional with the backend of your business (and launches) with systems, workflows & sops!

let's be strategic with your business & launches