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I’m Dolly, a systems and workflow educator, integrator, and podcast host dedicated to helping small business owners streamline and organize their launches with effective systems, workflows, and SOPs. My goal is to empower you to feel confident and excited about launching & systems!

Each of my blog posts is designed to inspire, provide clarity, and offer actionable insights on systems and workflow education, launching strategies, and more. You'll also find glimpses of my personal life sprinkled throughout, so you can get to know me better.

Most importantly, I want you to leave with tangible next steps and resources to enhance your launch journey. Thanks for being here!

Welcome to the Systems & workflow education blog

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How to Use Dubsado for Invoices as a Family Photographer | Nashville Family Photographer & Dubsado Educator Dolly DeLong Photography Today’s post is about a not-so-fun, but definitely important, a topic for family photographers: money. Let’s be real. This isn’t the sexy or exciting part about owning a business. And really, no one wants to […]

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3 reasons why Family Photographers Need To Use Dubsado In Their Business Today Even if you are in your first year of business, you need to have some sort of streamlined workflow when you are onboarding your family photography clients. Dubsado is a great CRM tool (Client Relationship Management Tool) that can help you get […]

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How to Prepare Your Kids for Family Photos | Nashville Family Photographer Dolly DeLong Photography As a family photographer here in Nashville, I’ve had the chance to work with so many incredible families. We’ve had sessions in some of my favorite spots and I always walk away grinning because we just have fun. While I […]

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The 5 Essential Forms You Will Need To Use In Dubsado For Your Family Photography Business When I first started out with my family photography business in 2008 (okay okay it was mostly a side-hobby because I treated it like one) I was not treating photography like a business, and I was always so “shocked” […]

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4 Reasons Family Photographers Should Use Client Style Guides | Nashville Family Photographer Dolly DeLong Photography When photographers hear the term “style guide”, they immediately go to an engagement style guide or wedding day prep, am I right?! Today, I’m here to tell you that family photographers should ALSO be using a style guide with […]

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Why Canned Emails Are a Game-Changer in Dubsado Dubsado is my favorite CRM tool – by far. It helps me manage my invoices, contracts, and all the nitty-gritty parts of my business that can sometimes be, well, not very fun.  I’ve heard Dubsado described as your personal VA because it takes so much off your plate […]

canned emails and Dubsado and how to use them as a small business owner
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 Starting a family photography business is hard and can be exhausting (not only because there are so many steps to take-but the #comparison game is SO REAL) but there are some smart steps you can take to avoid burnout.  Burnout is real. Anyone who has built a successful business has had to deal with and […]

7 ways to avoid burnout as a family photographer by nashville family photographer and educator dolly delong photography
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How To Show Graciousness And Professionalism In Photography Sessions Nashville family photographer, Dolly DeLong, shares tips in how to be gracious towards children when serving families in photography sessions Missed out on Tips #1-#9? Read Tip #1 HERE, Tip #2 HERE,  Tip #3 HERE, Tip #4 HERE,  Tip #5 HERE,  tip #6 HERE, tip #7  HERE,  tip #8 HERE , and finally tip […]

Father is holding his infant son during the golden hour of sunset in West Virginia
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Week 6 is here you all, and this tip is a funny one, or at least I hope it makes you laugh especially if you have a favorite memory about the weirdest bribe you have ever had to use as a hook to get your child’s attention! Before you dive in, don’t forget to catch […]

Nashville Luxury Family Photographer Dolly DeLong Photography LLC 1 year old portrait session
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Nashville family photographer, Dolly DeLong photography LLC, shares her best tips and secrets on how to joyfully work with children for family photography sessions (read below for tip #4) Tip #4 is pretty short and sweet, but it’s to the point and has been an incredible tip in preventing some meltdowns for photo sessions. Also, […]

Nashville Family Photographer Dolly DeLong Photography LLC
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It's time to start getting more intentional with the backend of your business (and launches) with systems, workflows & sops!

let's be strategic with your business & launches