Dolly DeLong: Hello my friends, and welcome back to another episode of the Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast. I am your systems workflow fractional CMO, and launching BFF and guide Dolly DeLong. And today we are going to be diving into a more advanced. Lead gen strategy that is gonna help you grow your email list.
So no matter what type of business you have, I know that’s a very strong statement I’m making, but this is a more advanced lead gen strategy and I’m really excited for you to listen in. And I know I have business owners from all walks of life listening in. So this, this does apply to you. So please listen in.
So I don’t care if you think email marketing is dead. Because it’s not. Um, but I’ve heard from too many business owners who are playing it small by not investing in their email list growth because they are either too afraid of sounding too spammy or annoying, or they don’t know how to consistently market themselves.
And so I’m gonna give you some tough love right now listeners and say, please continue to listen and keep on taking those baby steps in developing an SOP. With your email marketing. So without further ado, I wanna introduce my guest, Jessia on the podcast. And Jessia is a former attorney turned entrepreneur storyteller, and alongside her husband Lou, founder of the quiz creator. A breakthrough tool designed to help business owners grow engaged email lists with ready to buy subscribers. Now, after building a successful six figure law firm with her husband, she realized her passion lay with business growth more than in legal practice. She started Mama of both worlds. An online business focusing on helping moms in business launch and scaling their businesses back in 2020.
We all just remember 2020 so fondly, and she built that into six figures as well, while homeschooling her young children. And in a bold move, she and her husband closed their firm in 2022, moved to Hawaii with their three boys, and launched the quiz creator in June of 2024. So welcome. I really am so excited to have you, Jessia.
Do you mind giving a little bit more context of like why you created your, the quiz creator and just like more of who you are, just in case I left anything out.
Yesenia Faiella: Sure, sure. Thank you so much for having me. I really am excited to be here. I love talking all things business and. Especially quiz creation. but I’m jumping the gun here. Yeah, so just, I, I think, you know, you said it in, in my intro, I really am all about business strategy and I went to school for law and I think that a lot of those pieces stuck with me, right?
The strategy of, of, of law and the persuasiveness, right? We have to be compelling in our briefs and compelling in our arguments. And so those were the pieces that really. Uh, spoke to me and when I started my own law firm, I, I realized that even more so I was like, you know what? I actually love growing the business and doing the marketing and doing all the things the day to day in that sense, more than I like the practice of it.
And so, thankfully my husband loved the practice side of it, and so we were able to kind of mesh our two passions and loves together. And so he was building the law firm, uh, while I would, well, he was practicing in the law firm while I was building the law firm. And so. It’s always really been a part of who I am, just the strategy of things.
Right. And so, you know, after our very lengthy story there of multiple businesses that we’ve started and stuff, we, we did, we decided to close down our firm and move to Hawaii, which has been a lifelong dream of ours and a dream that we thought would have to be, you know, years away. And we decided. We didn’t wanna wait anymore and it was time.
And if we were ever gonna do it, now was the, the right time. And I was still growing Mama of both worlds when we first moved here. But the quiz creator actually was born through Mama of both worlds in the sense that I started a quiz. I started using a quiz as lead generation, and my husband was doing the backend stuff for me all like.
All the systems in the backend and the website and the things like that. And he asked me, you know, how much are you paying for your quiz? And I told him I was paying $39 a month. But that eventually, once we, you know, blew through whatever their limitations and caps were, we’d be paying more. And he was like, I’m gonna figure out a way for you to not have to pay anyone.
And you’re gonna host your quiz for yourself, like on your own website. And I was like, cool, cool. And he did it. He did it. and then once he did it, I was like, okay, we can’t keep this to, to just me, like we have to share this because we really wanted to create a tool that, you know, other business owners could take advantage of the power of quizzes without feeling like they were being taken advantage of themselves by these hefty monthly fees.
And the limitations set on, you know, how many quizzes you can have or how many people can take your quiz. And so that was really how the quiz creator was born. It was through a need and necessity for myself and then wanting to share that with, with all business owners.
Dolly DeLong: Wow. Okay, so I, I just love that your husband was like, here. I’m gonna help you solve this problem. I am only laughing because on a weekly basis, my, my own husband, whenever I, I am like, I really need this or I really want to do this, he’s, he always jokes around with me. He’s oh, I’ll build that for you, or I’ll make that for you. But it’s like really ridiculous things. Like, I
Yesenia Faiella: Same though.
Dolly DeLong: I will express like, I really want this, dress from anthropology. And he’s like, I’ll make it. I’m like. No, you won’t. You don’t even know how to design. So I am like, but your husband actually did the thing. And I just, I’m just so impressed. Go Lou.
Yesenia Faiella: I’m impressed. I’m impressed. ’cause just like your husband, my husband says that he would say that all the time about anything and everything. And I will say he is really handy and really like intentional, but also it’s like where do you have the time? Like, even if you could do it, like when are you gonna do it?
Right? And, but he did it. He was like, I’m gonna do this. And he, he did. And the, the beautiful thing about what he created was that he created it in such a way that it wasn’t just for me, meaning it wasn’t just built for my website and my email service provider, he created it so that as long as you can embed HTML code, you can use it on any platform.
And I think that was what was really just like. Mind blowing to me is like, wow, you really took this and elevated it so that it’s not just something that works for me. It’s something that works for many, you know?
Dolly DeLong: Yeah. That’s amazing. Okay, so let’s merge into like more of the easier questions for the business owners who are like, okay, I know what a quiz is, but what is like an online quiz? Like what makes it such a powerful growth tool for your business?
Yesenia Faiella: Yeah. Oh man, I, I can answer that question for hours, so I’m gonna try and concise and limit it here. Yeah, condense it. I just personally feel that a quiz is such a superior lead magnet, and I think that it’s also important to take into consideration. The time that we’re into, right? We are in a time where chat, GPT is everybody’s best friend, right?
AI can do so many things, and I think it’s important for us as business owners to focus on connection and personalization, right? That is what is going to help us stand out, not only from others in our industry, but also from chat CBT, right? And we actually just launched a podcast, uh, this week, this
Dolly DeLong: I know I just subscribed to it by the way.
Yesenia Faiella:. Thank you. and one of the first episodes that we shared was really talking about this, like what do I see working for 2025? And I shared a story where just last week I went to chat GBT and I asked it to write me an entire meal plan. And it was very specific to me, right. And my family. And I told them the grocery store we use, I told them the likes and dislikes of our family, the budget that we are trying to stay within our schedule so that we know like what types of things we’re trying to cook and not these elaborate fancy dishes.
Right. And within minutes chat, GBT spit out an entire meal plan for two weeks with a, a ingredients list, with a shopping list based on the two grocery stores we use. I mean, it was so specific to me. And how can we compete with that, right? When we’re creating these PDFs that are essentially generic, right?
’cause they have to serve many, so like meal plans and workout plans and checklists and your mindset mantras and all these things. How can we stand out, right? How can we build that connection, build that personalization in? And a quiz is such a great tool to do just that. It really helps you connect with your audience.
A quiz is a two-way conversation where your quiz participant is getting value and information, but you’re also getting value and insight so that then you can use that to curate that personalization and those specific pieces of content that are really gonna resonate with your audience. And so. That’s why I love quizzes.
Right? I love that. In an age where we are competing against, well, I can just go to chat, GBT and chat, GBT will do this for me. What can we offer? We can offer personalization, human nature, right? Connection. And so it was just about finding a way to do that. And I think that a quiz is engaging, it’s interactive.
It stops the scroll. It allows them to be interactively consuming, right? With PDFs and, and trainings and all that. They’re not wrong. They’re not bad. I think that there’s a time and a place for them, but when they are that initial point of contact, we have no idea. Right? They can download it and it can just sit on their shelves, on their online shelves forever and ever, and they can never actually consume it with the quiz, you know, they’re actively consuming as they’re going through, so they’re listening, they’re paying attention, they’re.
Answering the questions or getting to the result page and you know that they wanna know ’cause they’re curious now. And so I think a quiz is just unique in so many different ways and, and that’s why I think it’s important again in 2025 to really start thinking about how can I incorporate a quiz into my marketing strategy?
Dolly DeLong: I really like this a lot. I’m gonna ask you, I don’t know if this is putting you on the spot. I didn’t send you this question. I literally have this. Please forgive me, but I was like, okay, Jess, any, can you break down then? Um, high level, it doesn’t have to be deeper, just Explain how a quiz can be used for both a service-based business owners.
’cause I have a lot of service-based business owners who listen to me. So they’re working, one-to-one with clients in either a project-based way or they’re like, like serving their clients with photography or just working one-to-one. Or they may be. They may have an online digital business. So I do speak to both, both types of business owners.
so in my mind I hear the, like photographer for example, saying, but I don’t have anything to sell at the end. Like it’s just my services. How do I, how do I use a quiz? Because it, it makes sense to have a quiz lead to like a digital product and evergreen, but how? Can you like, I guess, argue the point for both ends like a quiz is very beneficial for both ends.
Yesenia Faiella: Yeah. I think that I, I don’t know. I. If everybody agrees with this, but I do. Right? I think that a quiz can work for any and every business, and it’s really about understanding what’s the point, right? What is the purpose of the quiz? And I think that there’s a couple. the first one is for you to, and this is I think the.
The most important, you want to create a quiz that allows your ideal client to feel, seen, heard, and understood, right? So that they are going through this quiz and they’re like, that’s me. How did you know you get me? And then by the end, they’re like, how can I learn more about you? How can I work with you?
How can I buy from you? I, I love this. Right? And so when we’re thinking about it that way, the quiz. Like, it doesn’t necessarily have to lead to a product or a course or your service in that sense, but it’s just letting them feel like they’re in the right place, right? this person gets me, they understand me, and I wanna learn more about them, and I want them to learn more about me.
And so if you are. Like I’ve had people who are like, well, I only have one offer, right? So what am I segmenting them by if I’m not segmenting them by what offer is best for them? And I think that that’s great. That’s one way to absolutely segment your list if that works for you, right? Knowing, for example, if you have a DIY offer and then you have a done with you offer and then you have a done for you, and it’s which one of these are they?
Do they fit best into.
but more than like the offer, it’s really the preference, right? That’s what you’re learning. You’re learning what are their preferences, what are their desires, what are their pain points. I was just on a call today. Um, we have a membership on the back end of the quiz creator, and one of the clients was talking about how she does, she helps.
With postpartum back pains. Right. And so, uh, it, it’s not really a course, so to speak. She has a, a service that she offers. And so we got down to the nitty gritty, right? What is it that your ideal client wa needs to know about themselves, right? Yes. They want less back pain, but do they know the root problem of that?
Of those pain points that they’re having, what are the pain points that they’re having? And it’s well, they’re not sleeping well and so then the next day they’re not as energized or they’re being short with their spouse or their kids or, right. And so, okay, well what if we came up with a quiz that let them knowLike what? How is your back pain impacting your life? Right? And it’s okay, now it’s either like lack of sleep, it’s affecting their mood, So now she has these insights.
Okay. I know. What’s top of mind. I know that this person has back pain, but the way that it’s manifesting itself is that they’re not sleeping well. And so that’s what I wanna talk to in my content. I wanna curate content that speaks to that first and foremost for this person. ’cause that’s what’s going to help them, uh, move through that, that journey to becoming a client.
Right. So that was a long way of saying, right. I think that. just understanding that the point of the quiz is to get you that insight so that you can then curate that personalized information so that you can move them along that customer journey. And so you don’t have to be offering a product at the end and segmenting that way.
It’s segmenting them by what kind of information do you as a business owner need so that you can. Connect with them so that you can personalize the information you’re sending them so that you know what is the best offer that you should sell them. And, and if you’re like a photographer and you’re like, I, I have one, like I have one main offer, right?
it’s. Infusing your isms, right? Infusing your expertise, infusing information that they can’t just Google, right? That’s another thing, like we don’t want it to be just information that if you Googled it, there’d be hundreds of blog posts coming up with that same information you want for your quiz to be one of a kind.
So if you take the example where I was saying, you know, I got this meal plan, I just went and, and created a meal plan on my own. Somebody in that industry who was like, that’s what I was using. Instead of saying, uh, here’s, here’s A PDF with a meal plan for you helping me. Get the information I need so that if I do go to chat GPTI know what to, to ask it.
Right? So making a quiz that’s what is your nutrition profile? That’s gonna be a quiz that speaks to this is based on your metabolism, based on your lifestyle habits, based on your busy schedule, based on your all the things, here’s your nutrition profile and, and you can then deliver a meal plan on the backend.
But also, if I took that nutrition profile and then went to Chat GPT. I’d get a completely different meal plan than if I just went to chat g Bt on my own right, because you gave me that information and now I’m completely obsessed with you. Like you understand me. Look at this meal plan that I got from chat GBT based on the nutrition profile that your quiz, let me know I fit into, you know.
Dolly DeLong: Yeah, I love that. And I was just thinking this too, while you were saying that example of a photographer, most photographers, and I will speak very boldly in saying this, like I know have a lot of family photographers that listen in. You offer family photography, maternity photography, and newborn photography.
You might offer other ones. But let’s say for simplicity sake. You can segment, technically your quiz, to go into those three different segments based on the preference of where your potential client is, in their journey with you. And I was just like, wow, like maybe I should be like digging more into this type of quiz.
And then another thing that just came to mind was what time of year is best for many sessions for my family? That type of quiz, and then that way it can segment, the, I don’t know, the results can like segment, like either, oh, you desire a, your, your family would be best for a spring mini session or a fall mini session. And then that way you can nurture them
Yesenia Faiella: Exactly,
Dolly DeLong: on the back end in email marketing.
Yesenia Faiella: exactly. You would know, okay, this person wants, something in nature. something where there’s like. Deeper colors, oh, okay, fall, right? You’re asking ’em these questions and then so, you know, fall and so now you have, I mean, depending on when they take it, you can have seasons to nurture them and prepare them and build them into being ready when that time comes.
Um, and giving them all that information. Right now it’s like personal now. It’s not that they’re getting these emails where you’re talking about. You know, beach, uh, scenes and how to make sure that your makeup doesn’t run in the summer sun. And they’re like, yeah, that’s doesn’t apply to me. I don’t want summer, you know, photos.
But you could als, you can even do it a step further where you’re saying,which location matches your, your idea, right? And now you’re speaking directly to the people in your location, right? And so you’re actually helping them. Again, they can’t Google this, right?
This is you talking about your expertise based on what you know about the locations that, you serve and the feelings that are able to be curated in those specific locations, right? They’re coming to you ’cause they want your opinion, they want your expertise based on what you know, where should we get our family pictures taken, right?
This is what we’re looking for. And now you’re like, well. This is everything I know. And because of that, this is where you should go, you know? And it just allows you to tap into those pieces that, again, build that connection and build that personalization.
Dolly DeLong: I love that so much. I literally, you all, if you are a photographer, you should, test the Siri out and be like, okay, let’s say you are a, I don’t know why, but Cincinnati came to mind. I’ve never lived there, but I’ve driven through there. I like, I, I do Ohio. So let’s say you are a Cincinnati, family photographer.
What if you created a quiz that you had, like the seasonality in mind, but then you also paired it with locations and then that way it takes the pressure of planning.
Yesenia Faiella: Yeah.
Dolly DeLong: off of your ideal client’s minds because we all know like planning can be just like so draining for moms in like in general, they’re like, just gimme an easy step.
Help me to get to like, that’s why one of the reasons why you went to chat GPT, you’re like, please just like offset this
Yesenia Faiella: less decisions we have to make, especially as moms, right, the better. Right. We’re just looking for, and that’s why, you know, the fewer options we have in business in general is, is it’s easier to sell because we’re taking that decision fatigue out of the situation. So I love what you’re saying.
Dolly DeLong: Yeah. So it is very possible listener, like you can apply this to your service-based business. Like it doesn’t have to be, you don’t have to have a digital product at the end. You don’t have to have like. A suite of digital products, I just want to, to showcase the power of quizzes for, for your service-based business and, um, Jessia.
This is a perfect. Tie in I keep on mentioning family photographers ’cause I’m like sprinkling it in, but how, how, in your mind, how can quizzes be a game changer for family photographers? Because we, you are gonna be a part of a summit really soon and it is about advanced systems, workflows and strategies for.
Family photographers who are looking just to grow their business, they’ve already nailed down their posing, they’ve already nailed down the art of their photography style, but now they need just more help with systems, workflows, SOPs. And so I love that you’re a part of the summit. And, I just wanna showcase to photographers, family photographers like, Hey, like having a good lead Jed strategy is good for the backend of your business.
Yesenia Faiella: Absolutely. And I think that especially for creatives, right? Anybody who’s in a creative field, we all know that your. Passion is in that creative piece, right? And the backend and the systems and the workflows, that is not what you went into business for, right? That’s oh gosh, okay, I guess we have to do this.
And oftentimes, right, it can get left on the, on the backend and the, uh, back burner, right? And you’re like, I don’t have to do these things. I just wanna focus on what I do best. But then, you know, when you, when you don’t, When you don’t take that into account, right, and when you just leave it, leads start to slow down, business starts to slow down, right?
And, and it has a ripple effect, right? It’s not something that we can just ignore, right? We, we have to, we have to tackle it. And so I do think that a quiz makes it fun for you. Fun for your audience, but also it, it just ties in so seamlessly to getting these workflows into place, right? When you have this quiz that is segmenting your audience by either their preferences or their desires or what have you.
and then you can just create these like one and done nurture sequences, right? even if you, so, you know, whatever the, the nurture sequence is. So if you have your results based on, season, right? So you have summer, spring, winter, fall, you can create the same exact nurture sequence, but you’re just changing the paragraph that speaks to that season, right?
All the other information is still relevant. It’s still, uh, valuable to your audience. And so you’re just. Creating one sequence. Okay, this is the winter sequence, and then you’re gonna copy and paste, here’s the summer sequence. But instead of talking about winter, I’m gonna change that paragraph and I’m gonna enter information about summer.
Right? And so it just, it gives you that intention. It takes away that, what, what should I be talking about? It takes away that, am I saying the same thing? Uh, it takes away that overwhelming of I have to create. All these different kinds of leads, and you can just have your quiz as your lead magnet and that’s it, right?
And. And now you’re creating this curated piece of information, this curated content, and that’s building that trust. It’s building that authority. It’s showing them, you can highlight, you know, winter sessions and they’re looking at these sessions and they’re like, wow, these are beautiful shots. This is, they’re now envisioning what they could have.
Right? I’d love to have a, a, a session here. So it’s just allowing you to take that guesswork out. It’s removing that guesswork and removing that overwhelm. ’cause now you’re intentionally creating, okay. This is for these people. This is for these people. And it’s not to say that you can’t, uh, have pour over, right?
They can’t like go back into your generalist, but now when you’re like, you know what, uh, I need to run a promotion, or I need like a, a boost of, of income, I know that I could target. It’s, we’re about to enter spring. I’m gonna target the spring candidates here, right? I’m gonna talk to them directly. I’m gonna run like a spring promotion, or I’m going to add value and create something like.
Uh, a checklist, right? We can do those things and we can have the PDFs, and we can have the wardrobe selection things because we’ve already built that trust and because we’re sending it to the right people, we’re not sending the springs wardrobe selection to the winter people, right? And so I think it just, it removes that guesswork.
It removes that overwhelm, and it creates intention behind what you’re doing so that it’s actually working. And we know when things are working, we feel more confident in continuing to put. Forward. Right. We’re like, okay, this is working. This is working. I can keep going and, and not feeling like I’m doing everything and nothing’s working,
Dolly DeLong: Yeah. Yeah. Well, I will say the, like I. Want to encourage listeners who are like ready to like, okay, I want really wanna learn how to make quizzes. Can you give an additional step of, okay, you’ve made the quiz, now you do have to market it consistently in your content. And so can you speak to that?
Especially to service-based business owners? Because once you create it, like it’s not everybody’s gonna find it. You have to market it.
Yesenia Faiella: Yes, absolutely. And we actually created a quiz for this, which I would recommend everybody take. It’s literally called, what is the easiest way for you to market your business? And the idea behind it is we all have strengths, right? And it’s gonna be easier for me to build on one platform and for you to build on another platform.
And we should recognize those streams ’cause it will make our marketing easier, right? But once we do understand that, so let’s say that, um, like one of our results is YouTube. So if it’s really easy for you to sit in front of a camera and make a YouTube video or edit, et cetera, that’s where you should start, right?
Starting there and then repurposing and then it’s easier for you to show up in other places, right? And so. The, the quiz that we have is twofold, right? It’s showing you where, where do your strengths lies? Are you a writer where you should be focusing, like on highlighting your email marketing? Are you a talker?
Podcasting, right? Figuring that out first, and then we show you how you can use a quiz to amplify that. Because once you figure out where you should be talking, where you should be, you know, uh, showing up. Yeah, you do, you have to talk about the quiz, right? So if you have. We’ll keep with YouTube, right? If you have a YouTube channel making a video that talks about the different results, right?
and highlights it, and you have a video on that, and then you’re saying, Hey, which of these four results do you think you uh, fit into? We have a quiz for that. Take this quiz. That’s down in the description, right? And so talking about it all the time, really fitting it and weaving it into whatever you’re talking about and just tying it back into that.
But I think again, the quiz gives you that context and gives you that intention behind. I know the information that I want to receive from my audience, so now I just have to ask for it. Right now, I just have to weave in stories to talk about it so that they’re curious, so that I can pique their curiosity.
That is why quizzes work so well. It piques our curiosity. If you think back, like I can think back to being a teenager and going to get 17 Magazine, and the first thing I would do is
Dolly DeLong: say 17
Yesenia Faiella: 17 magazine, I would check what is the quiz in this magazine issue? And I’d go to the quiz like first and foremost, right?
Because we all have a desire to learn more about ourself. And, and not just ourselves. It can be we wanna learn about ourselves or our spouse or our kids or what kind of person we are. as far as it’s related to business or, you know, we just wanna learn those things. ’cause it helps us grow and it helps us connect to others.
We send it to our friends and we’re like, which one did you get? Right? And so we wanna make sure okay, that’s why quizzes work, so let’s use that. Let’s pique their curiosity. Let me make a post that will talk about. Uh, that will tease the results and let them know these are the possible results.
Which one do you fit into? Right? And so figuring out how can I talk about this all the time? There’s There’s one lead magnet now that I have to talk about. I don’t have to mention, I have a training and I have a PDF, and I have a checklist and I, it’s like, Hey, take this quiz and it will get you curated resources for you.
And then again, once you know who they are, you can deliver that on the backend through your email sequence, right? So email number two in your email sequence can be like, because this is who you are, I have this resource for you and this is gonna help you. And it’s going to elaborate on the result that you got when you took yesterday’s quiz.
So. Marketing is a huge piece of the puzzle, right? Yes. Create it, but it isn’t. If you build it, they will come, right? You have to call them in. But again, I think that a quiz makes that so much easier because you have that intention and now you’re like, I know what I wanna get out of this. I know the information I want to squeeze out of them to help me serve them and, and add value to, to the journey here.
So now I know what I wanna talk about. And now it’s just intentionally talking about it and then always remembering to lead back to the quiz.
Dolly DeLong: I love it. Thank you so much for letting me ask you like so many deeper questions.
Yesenia Faiella: of course.
Dolly DeLong: So what, what can attendees expect to learn from you during the Advanced Family Photographer Summit? I know you’re gonna be talking about quiz lead, Jen, but can you give any hints to the listeners as to why they sign should sign up for this free
Yesenia Faiella: Yeah, definitely. I think that even after listening to this, it’s okay, yes, I wanna do a quiz. And then it’s but where do I start, right? Like, how do I make the quiz and how do I know what topic? And so I really wanna dive into that in the presentation, helping you see what makes a topic unique.
And then once we know that, like how do we build it, right? Where do we start? How do we correlate? The, the questions and answers to the results and how do we know what the results should be, right? It quizzes. I sometimes feel very overwhelming. I have people that are, that come to us and they buy the quiz creator, and they’re like, this all sounds amazing, but now, like, where do we start?
Right? Like, how do we do it? And we have resources for that, you know, for, for our customers and on our website, because I get it. And, and it can feel overwhelming, but again, once we peel back the purpose, the intention of it, what we’re looking for, and what goes into making that kind of irresistible quiz, the elements to it.
I think then the wheels start spinning. We’re like, oh, okay. Okay. So I really wanna dive into helping these family photographers understand, okay, this is the purpose and intention behind it. I wanna highlight my brand, not everybody else’s. And so I wanna make a quiz that people are gonna actually scroll by and stop and take.
Dolly DeLong: Yes. Yes. And family photographers like the style guides and the how to get ready for your session guides, like those are great PDFs too. Like we’re not dogging them, but those are so overdone and, uh, sometimes overwhelming. And so you need to make sure that you are presenting like a new lead gen strategy to.
Acquire more interest to hopefully convert to clients. And so that’s why I am just like so excited about you being a part of the summit. Um, Yesenia, do you mind sharing with my listeners how they can find you, connect with you and contact you?
Yesenia Faiella: Absolutely. Can I just add one more thing?
Dolly DeLong: Yes, please.
Yesenia Faiella: I just wanted to piggyback off what you said. That yes, like the style guides, like they’re all great, but if you think about it, right, you want to deliver that once they already trust you, right? I trust that you understand our, the style. I trust that you have the the expertise to know where, when, how, right?
And so they are, they, they’re not bad, right? It’s just what can we do? To gain that trust, build that authority first and foremost, and attract the leads. Once we have their attention, then we can deliver, right? Because now they’re paying attention. We know that they’re gonna download that and they’re gonna read it because they’re so intrigued and they’re so engaged and they’re wanting more, right?
They’re entering their email at the end of this quiz ’cause they’re wanting to know more. The people who don’t wanna know more, they’ll take the quiz and they won’t enter it and they won’t get the results. Right. We know that. Those people do exist, right? But the ones who do, we know that they’re paying attention and they want more.
That’s why they’re putting their email in. So they, they do serve a purpose, but just knowing when and where to deliver them, I think is a difference.
Dolly DeLong: Yes, and I am, I’m gonna piggyback off that
Yesenia Faiella: Oh, perfect.
Dolly DeLong: love that you also mentioned like the reality of not everybody is gonna convert. For your quit, like not everybody and listener like you are, not for everyone. unless like you heard that saying like, you can’t please everyone. You’re not a taco.
Like, um, or unless you like donuts, you, you’re not a donut.
Yesenia Faiella: gonna say donut.
Dolly DeLong: Yeah, so just know like you will with like very specified lead gen tools, it’s gonna attract the right type of client, which will then funnel into your nurture sequence, like more clients that are better fit for you versus somebody who’s just like doing it for fun doesn’t really intend to work with you.
So it’s okay. It’s okay to not attract all the people.
Yesenia Faiella: and that’s why there is a higher conversion rate with quizzes as lead gen because they are paying attention, because they’re interested, they’re intrigued, they can convert because they’re entering their email and now you know exactly how to. Talk to them. Right? Talk with them. You’re curating this. And so that’s why there is, there are, there’s data to back that quiz, uh, leads convert at a higher rate than any other ones.
And so, yeah, there’s just, again, we could talk about this all day.
Dolly DeLong: Oh, I, you’ve got my brain spinning. I’m like, I need to do some quizzes for like specific mini sessions and I’m planning for 2025 and now I’m just like, okay, well I just need to carve out time to do all this. So I’m really excited. Well, thank you so much. Yeah. Share with everyone how they can connect you with you, find you, and work with you.
Yesenia Faiella: Perfect. So you can connect with us on Instagram at the Quiz Creator. We also, like I said, just released a podcast, this week as we’re recording this. It’s called Quiz Centered Marketing, and it’s all about teaching how to have a quiz, be at the heartbeat, right? The heartbeat and the center of your marketing.
Again, so that we’re simplifying your marketing, but we’re amplifying those results. And so they’re short bite-sized podcast episodes to really just intentionally help you take action. And then if you wanna learn about our quiz creation tool, it’s at create your And the quiz Creative tool is a very unique in that there’s no monthly fee.
It’s a one time fee. You get unlimited quizzes, unlimited quiz participants, and, and we do have a really great community that we’re building a Facebook group where you can get tons of support and advice and feedback and it’s, it’s been really great building this.
Dolly DeLong: Well, I’m so excited. Thank you so much. And thank you so much again for agreeing to be a part of the summit. I know that, like whoever decides to come to this free summit is they’re gonna learn so much from you, so thank
Yesenia Faiella: Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you again.
Dolly DeLong: Of course. Well, I am just going to wrap us up here. For those of you who have listened and you’re interested in, getting a free ticket to the Advanced Family Photographer Summit, it will be in the show notes and it’s, again, it’s absolutely free to attend and to, they will be prerecorded, summit presentations.
So, I strongly encourage you to check it out and until then, I will see you all or talk to you all next week with a brand new systems and workflow related episode. Until then, stay streamlined you, amazing muggle you and I will talk to you all next week. Bye.