Dolly DeLong: Hi, and welcome back to another episode of the systems and workflow magic podcast. I am your systems workflow and launching BFF and guide Dolly DeLong. And today I am so excited that you chose to come and listen in. Again, and I am meeting with a new friend, new business friend online today. Jillian Dolberry.
And now Jillian is an ops consultant and team strategist for women entrepreneurs.
And she’s the host of the grace filled CEO podcast. In addition to devoting her heart and time to her family, she helps busy women honor their values and find consistent grace while trying to leave every business better than she found it. Jillian has become a master of setting up boundaries, streamlined systems.
You all know, I love streamlined systems and increasing profit from the inside out. And she also helps navigate hard conversations with her honor, everyone in the room approach. So I have Jillian on the pod podcast for several reasons. One, she is going to be Speaking about how to have a value, based systemization for your business, especially if you are a service based business, especially if you are a family photographer who was looking for more, just like, how do I apply more advanced systems?
This is going to be a good topic to listen into. And she’s also one of the amazing speakers for the upcoming summit, which is for family photographers. I’m calling it the family photographer, advanced blueprint summit. So more advanced systems, workflows, SOPs to add to the back end of your family photography business.
And I knew that Jillian had to be a part of it because this is her area of expertise. So Jillian, did I miss anything?
Jillian Dolberry: No, you did perfect.
Dolly DeLong: Great. Okay. So let’s just dive straight in. talking about what I, how do you even know? Like when you, pitch this topic to me, I was like, this sounds great, but I don’t even know what value based system might systemization is.
I’m not even pronouncing it right.
Jillian Dolberry: Yeah, so I feel like people hear systems and they just think like black and white. Here’s how something’s going to work. but I think that 1 mistake we often make is thinking that it is just a black and white. Thing that is in our business that helps us get from point A to point B. But what it’s missing is the heart.
And so value based systemization is about creating processes that don’t just make your business more efficient, but they actively express what matters most to you as a photographer and a business owner.
Dolly DeLong: Gotcha. And why do you think this is, let’s answer this twofold. Cause I already know the answer to this, but why is this important for. family photographers and then also for business owners. So it’s kind of like obviously family photographers own the small business, but also for service based business owners.
Jillian Dolberry: Yeah, it’s really important to everybody, like you said. And the reason why is because when we communicate what’s important to us, it attracts the people that value that same thing. And so you’re really, it’s kind of helping you identify and pull in your ideal clients. But it’s also creating this margin and this space for you to actually do what you do. I like to think about it in terms of like, you know, there’s a lot of nuances to how you will put different settings in your camera and you know that certain things work a certain way for a certain reason, but ultimately what you bring to the table as a photographer is the creativity, the artistry of it.
And so. Both of those things need to coexist. If you just had the settings in your camera, that does not mean you’re going to get a great shot. If you have all the black and white boxes checked, great. And you’ve got a great foundation, but it’s still missing something, right? It’s missing the core. It’s missing the heart.
It’s missing the values. And so that’s really the same. conversation of wanting to communicate what’s important to us and show people that we can implement that into the experience of working together.
Dolly DeLong: Awesome. So how can like, this all sounds Great. I’m like trying to think of it from a photographer’s perspective. Okay. That sounds great. But how do I even identify my, core values? And I know what they are, but how do I translate it into an actionable system? Like, how do I take action on this?
Jillian Dolberry: response to anything that I share is like. Okay, cool. But how? Because it’s, it’s reality. It’s like we go to things like a summit or a conference and we love to hear, we like get excited about the different topics and how it might sound a little bit different and a little bit more us or it might, it just like pings our interest, right?
And then we go home and we’re like, okay, but how do I actually implement this into what I do? And so I want to share that your core values are already showing up in your best work. So we just need to make them intentional and consistent. So how do we identify our core values? We do that by looking at our favorite client experiences.
So what specific things About those experiences made it special, and you can almost directly attach that thing that moment that experience to a value. And so you want to also notice, like, in those other interactions that may have been your favorite. What was missing there? Was it effective communication?
Was it? understanding certain things or being on the same page in a certain way creatively or like what, what are the things that you feel like we’re missing and that will often reveal what your core values are because if it was missing from the conversation and it did not feel aligned with you when you went through the process, then there, there’s a value missing there.
and so I think that a great step forward would be to start with one client touchpoint and ask yourself, how can this touchpoint reflect what matters most? So, like, let’s say, if we’re like, looking at all of our processes, the whole, like, start to finish experience of working with a photography client.
And you’re thinking, okay, the lead process, and someone books a call with me or books a session with me, whatever that looks like for everybody, because I would assume it’s different just depending on the investment, the type of photography, all of those things. So you think about that experience. think about what do I want them to know about me as a photographer, or about working with me as a photographer, and what do I want them to feel?
So what matters most in that moment that is going to help either weed out the people that are not meant to work with me because they’re not aligned with my value system, or with how I do business, or they won’t value the same things. but then it also helps the people who are. a super aligned client say they like self select themselves in and they’re like I have to work with this person because from the very beginning it was just the experience that I needed and so I think we do that by you know taking a look forward at everything that we do for people but also looking backward like the experiences that we have had what went well and what didn’t.
Dolly DeLong: I want to hit up on, well, that whole point, we just need to like simmer in this point, listeners, because I tend to be very action oriented, obviously systems and workflow magic podcast. Let’s talk about strategies. Let’s talk about how to market the back end of our business.
But, part of, speeding up. Your business is knowing also how to slow down and assess these different points that Jillian is sharing with us. And, I don’t know if this is the best example, but you all know, I love giving examples, so maybe this can be tangible and understandable for listeners, but I just went through a process myself earlier this year of mapping out my Photography side of my business because you all know I have two sides to my business family photography And then systems workflow launching education on the other side.
So two different sides. I knew I was speaking to two different clients. And then I had to slow down and think, okay, well, so last year I separated both of my websites and that was making the client journey easier. And then what I’ve been doing further this year is building out a brand messaging strategy for clients.
in chat GPT for both sides to my business. And so going back to what Jillian mentioned, like knowing what your core values are, knowing what, who you want to attract. These are questions I had to answer for my brand messaging strategy. And it was a, it wasn’t a one hour thing. It took me about six hours or over seven days cause I like, Divided it up in like 30 minute, one hour increments each.
And it was 120 document, 20 page document. And it showed me, okay, these are your core values of your family photography business. And this is who you need to talk to. And it did take work. But once you have that, um, I’m not saying you have to take six to seven days to like, I’m kind of over the top listeners.
I just want to do everything well. Um, I want to create a better system, but. See, hearing what Jillian said, like this is helping me even know, okay, how can I attract the right type of client to my business? Because like, you really do have to slow down and do this step of knowing your core values. I hope that helped and makes sense.
Jillian Dolberry: to that I love that you said that you are using these things In chat GPT, because let’s think about this as simple as possible. If you open up a Google doc and you say, and you like go through this process where you’re like, okay. What are the situations and memories and moments and clients that I have loved the most?
And you kind of just do some journaling, just type everything out of like, I worked with this client. I loved it because I felt like what was missing was, and then you just fill out all of those things. If you threw all of that in the chat, GPT, and you said, based off of these experience, what do you think are my core values of my business?
And then you asked it, okay, now how do I implement those core values? If this is my current system, okay. that is how we work smarter here, because I also have used those types of situations and you can continually add to those things and pop it into chat. I use Claude personally, and you’re able to, and I don’t know how chat works, but I know that in Claude you can like save certain documents and then it’s like, it basically has its own little brain of all the things that you’ve saved.
And I’m able to ask it questions of like, what do you think I should do in this situation? If my brain feels stuck, because we’re human. And sometimes we’re operating on zero sleep and stress about something completely different. And, but we still want to show up authentically with our values and making the right decisions for our business.
And so sometimes. In those situations that can be helpful. Do you do exactly what it says? Not always. I mean, you have to like use your brain, right? And be you, but it helps us remind us of the things that are most important whenever we have to reset or redo something in our business. So I love that you mentioned it.
Dolly DeLong: Yeah, it’s really helped and sometimes I am so close to my business. I know listeners, you can’t see me, but Jillian is seeing me like sometimes my business is just like right here like on my nose like so close. I’m just staring at it that I forget those details of what makes my business my business.
so like some were like, this is fresh on my mind. I was asking chat GPT about my brand voice and about, for Dolly the love photography. And it was like, cause it had assessed. 120 pages of like everything I had put in. all these questions I had put in and it was like, oh you like to work with a family unit that like really values family and honors the family unit I’m based in Nashville.
So, it was just like all of these words. I’m like, Oh, I’ve never thought of it like that. Or very warm, very friendly, very joyful, and that has been impacting. Okay, well, how do I need to showcase these words then on different areas of the client journey? Like, Creating a better system and systematizing it.
So I hope that I hope that makes sense
Jillian Dolberry: Yeah, I think it does. I mean, you have to think about What you give out to the world, people are going to recognize as something that they either align with or they don’t. And so in being able to use all the tools that we have to do that, well, I mean, why not? I feel like it makes our lives so much easier and our businesses better.
Dolly DeLong: there is this other question I’ve been like, I am dying to know what Jillian’s going to say about this because, a lot of family photographers, myself included, when I picked up my camera back in 2007, 2008, like I just had a passion for taking photos and creating art.
I make fun of that phrase all the time. I feel like it’s so like, artsy and just like fluffy. I’m just creating art. But then when you, you attach a business to that art, how can we as business owners, as family photographers who own small businesses, ensure that our systems don’t stifle or like kind of like knock heads with, our creativity.
Does that make sense? Because we still need to sustain, have a sustainable system of our business, but then we also need to sustain that creative side.
Jillian Dolberry: Yeah. So let me level with you a little bit because I, started as a graphic designer. That was when I graduated college. That was my degree. That was what I loved. Always been a very creative person. So like I resonate with what you just said so much of like, it starts because you really love what you’re doing and you have a passion for it and you have a gift for it.
And how do we like reconcile the, well, we think what, what the world has told us is a good system and a good process for something and a good business owner with. Someone who got into it because they loved it. And then the more they grow it, it’s like the more they’re pulled into this darker side of well, this isn’t fun, you know, so I totally understand that perspective.
And what I want to share is good systems don’t restrict your creativity. They create the mental space and the freedom for you to be more creative. I know we’re not talking about boundaries per se, but I would even replace good systems with good boundaries. So good boundaries don’t restrict your creativity.
They create the mental space and freedom for you to be more creative. and I think the two can kind of go hand in hand. So that’s just like food for thought for everyone listening. but basically the systems are intended to handle like all of the routine tasks that you do in your business that you probably don’t even realize that you do, so that you can help focus on the artistic side and like what actually does fire you up.
And it’s like, you know, oftentimes, too, as a creative, we all think of ourselves as, you know, It’s like, it’s beautiful chaos, right? Like it’s, there’s never a full on plan of how the shoot is going to go, how the, the graphic is going to come together and you just kind of have to like tweak and move things around.
And what I love about that is just creative problem solving. You are moving things around. You have an idea, you try an idea. It ends up being the best idea, or you have a lot of happy accidents or whatever it is. and I think that we see that as being the absolute opposite of a well oiled machine or a well oiled system.
And I’m going to tell you that the two can coexist so beautifully, but we have to be able to recognize what does need to be a system and what needs to be a machine. Like the experience right the experience of you working with them I think that if I were sitting down with a photographer and they were like, okay but like what do I do versus what do I automate or what do I Create a system around well systems are like the framework for what you get to do inside of it.
So the system could be the start and the finish of the whole process, but the connection actually happens inside of the system. So when you have a system that takes care of all of the details, all of the routine tasks, all of the things that you don’t really want to do or that you Maybe don’t love to do in your business.
If there’s a system around that It’s going to get you from a to b in that system really quickly if you follow it, right? Whereas then it creates this margin for you to actually have that Connection and experience with the client. And so I really feel like If we just kind of like trash what we believe about systems as creative people, we start to be able to see how we can mold it back into what we do and into our businesses as something that serves us, that amplifies our creativity, and that really helps us get more aligned with our craft and our artistry.
In a way that feels really good. Not in a way that makes us feel inadequate.
Dolly DeLong: Yeah. Oh, preach it. Okay. If you are listening in, pause this and just like, I know rewind is not like a term anymore. I know I’m an elder millennial, but just rewind back to that point. That was a great point right there, Jillian. while you were talking, I was like, yes, this is also true. I was also thinking
When I became a mother, to my firstborn, Blaze, He was just, like, the epitome of the firstborn. Both my husband and I, Ty, were like, We’ve got this. We are perfect parents. Because we just like, We must be really smart. And we just naturally can do this. I mean, he doesn’t really go with the flow, but he is really good at following instruction.
He’s always been good. Since he came out. And, all kids are good. I should rephrase that. But, Our second born, We thought, Oh, this is going to be the same experience. And he is always going against the grain. He’s kind of like the other brain that you don’t tap into in your business. you think as a creative business owner, Oh, things are going this way.
I know like this, this feels great. This is a well oiled machine. And then something else comes and you’re like,you can’t fit that square peg into the round hole. You have to figure out how to navigate life with the square peg and poor Jack you all I love my my second born so much He is the best blessing to my life and to um Ty’s life But we are figuring out how to help him navigate life with a different personality than his older brother And I was just thinking This is kind of like running a business.
you have one side of your brain that works so well, like the creative side and you do that so well, but you also have to marry systems. You also have to marry running the back end of your business with that. how can you do that? You, you do that really well as a parent and navigating your children’s different personalities.
You do that really well. I know that parents, you’d like, figure it out. You can figure this out. As a business owner to you can do it. I don’t even know if that any of that analogy made sense, but it just came to me.
Jillian Dolberry: No, I love that analogy actually, because, something I was thinking while you were talking was, you know, how, like as a mother, sometimes we just wish that someone, when we wake up, someone would tell us what to do. Like, can you just outline my whole day? I, I, I’m sure you’re the same way. Like I, I manage the schedule.
I manage. A lot of the moving pieces of my family. That’s my gift, right? On the other hand, I am not a good cook. My husband has taken up cooking and I’m like, that’s amazing. but sometimes we just wish that we could just show up and someone, even in our businesses, could I just like have someone who’s like, Who could tell me what to do in life.
I show up to my business, I log on, and they tell me exactly what I need to do this today. I don’t know if that brings, if that excites people or not, but that’s something that I’ve always thought about, is having something where, the decisions are made for me.
like all of the things that I have to figure out are just laid out in front of me and my friends, that is what a system does.
Once you’ve outlined the system, it is like the mama bear that comes and puts her arm around you and says, let me show you what we need to do today. And I feel like, again, the limiting belief of the system has to be hard and rigid and black and white and like, cold. we think of systems as being cold and, They are not that at all.
It’s not how they’re supposed to be. They’re supposed to be warm. They’re supposed to be life giving. They’re supposed to be creativity giving and cultivating. And if we could just trash our old ideas of what that needs to look like, like, you might be implementing some of the same systems and processes that someone has told you about, but it’s really the mental aspect around why we need a system and how we need to implement it.
That’s the problem.
Dolly DeLong: Yeah. And it’s going to be different for everyone. It’s literally different based off of going back to your first point, based off of your values and how you infuse those values into your business. You can marry the both. You can marry that, that structure, the system, but then you can also marry your creativity with it and find a balance for your business and not let one overtake the other.
and it can still, be freedom giving. Jillian, I could, I really selfishly wanted to, like, ask you, can you, Give like one tangible example for family photographers and how they can apply this to Their business because like I know we’ve been giving analogies. I know we’ve been giving kind of like motherhood examples But how can a family photographer apply this to their business?
Jillian Dolberry: Yeah. That’s a great question. So I think that the easiest way to move forward here after hearing all of this and somebody saying, okay, well now you need to trash your ideas of how systems work and now you need to do this. And like basically barking borders at you. I think the best. Way to move forward is to create that Google Doc.
Let’s just start there. Like, let’s just create a doc. Let’s carve out 30 minutes. If that’s all that you have, if you have an hour, lovely, do it for a couple of days in a row and just give yourself that time to brain dump the experiences that went well and the experiences that didn’t. And Let’s pull out those pieces, like reflect on some of these things.
You said it earlier. Sometimes our business is so close to us. That we are so in the weeds and being reactive to what other people are telling us they need from us. We’re feeding into their urgency and that their urgency becomes our urgency and then it drains us for the things that we really need to do that day.
And ultimately, if we start first with knowing what is most important to us, that is going to help set the stage for everything moving forward. I would love for everyone listening to Start that Google Doc. Let’s go ahead and download those things. Let’s figure out what those values are. I would rather you do that than look at Googling a list of value, business values or personal values.
I think that those are great resources, but in order for you to connect with the core of what you do and why you do it, I’d say, let’s start with the experiences that you’ve had and what feels like. Was absolutely present and worked super well. And what didn’t, and then from there, just being able to pop those things into chat, GPT, like let’s use, let’s use AI.
Okay. Let’s get over the fear of it. Let’s go ahead and jump in. Let’s pop it all in there and ask it. What we think the values are. I also think another important thing is to ask the people that you love and that love you and say like, what do you feel like my superpowers? Like, what do you feel like I’m, like, so good at that, like, anytime you’re around me, it, like, comes up or it’s a way that I make you feel or, like, what is, is my thing?
And they are so quick to tell you what your thing is and it is always right. And there’s always a way to turn a personal experience and a personal feeling and a personal value into a business thing. Experience and value in a way that makes sense. So I really encourage people to just start with having those conversations and reflect on their past experiences and see what I feel like that’s going to lead them and what they need to do.
I feel like at that point they’re going to know, okay, I need to improve this thing or I need to create a system around this. And when you think about creating a system around a value, I want you to think about all the touch points you have with your clients and
Dolly DeLong: I feel like it gives us a really good framework for how we need to like where we need to start because the most overwhelming piece of all this is like, okay, well, this is all great, but like, how do I start if you just choose one client to start and say, Okay. I know that a big value of mine is communication. Well, then you start with one touch point. How can I improve the communication in that one touch point? whether you’re like giving them a phone call, delivering them an email, sending them a voice note. I don’t know what it looks like for, for you because everyone’s going to choose something
Jillian Dolberry: different, but
you just think about one value, one touch point, and then Maybe you even document, like, I would love for it to be this way.
Maybe you test that out with somebody and just see how they respond to it. I think that the approach here needs to be very step by step
and know what, like we are all, we all started a business, we’re all in it for the long haul, no one is like, well, I just need my business to survive through the end of the year.
No, we want our businesses to support us and support our dreams and support our guests. Long term. So if you just take one step today, you’re not behind.
Dolly DeLong: Yeah. Can I share an example again? I love sharing tangible examples. And, maybe, like, this will get the listener’s wheels turning, but, Subjillion, like, what I have done In the past, let’s say I’ve talked about it so much. OG listeners might be like, Oh, here she goes with her loom video. for three years, I have been implementing this in the back end of my family photography business.
And it’s this every time somebody fills out my contact form. Yes. They get that automated email, but as soon as I’m free, like as soon as I have a moment, I will send a personalized loom video to that inquiry and I will thank them for filling out my contact form I will just ask them like hey, like I will like literally read their contact form back to them Use their names let them know i’m excited about potentially working with them And then let them know like hey, like you’ve met me now like you have a face to the name I just wanted to say hi to you Okay, let’s talk about your next steps and Iasked them a question.
Okay, now it’s time for you to answer me, but I don’t say it like that. I asked them a question, but me sending a video has helped me close so many bookings for family photography clients, because a lot of them are moms and they just need to see like another mom, or another person on the other end of the line, like, Oh, it’s a real person.
and she’s answering my questions She seems to be organized because as a mom, I’m so All over the place. And I just need somebody who’s going to be organized as a photographer to help organize this event for me. and I’ve had a lot of feedback from so many clients saying that video really helped us decide to work with you.
but that took me so long to figure out until like, I slowed down and thought, Oh, like it would be a good little touch point. Why not use that? And it’s been part of my workflow for three years now.
Jillian Dolberry: I love that. I have never gotten a loom video or any kind of like video from a photographer before and I’m thinking if I had seen that or if I had been provided something like that, at that point, you’re like making a face to face
connectionI feel like that would really solidify the relationship because I know photography is a service,
you’re going into somebody’s home or somebody’s life, somebody’s family and documenting joy.
Or documenting this, these moments that they share together. And sometimes it’s not joy. that’s like a really intimate thing that you share with people. And so I love that practice that you have of like, that is a part of your process. And I feel like that probably makes you feel like you.
Dolly DeLong: It does it it’s honestly everyone listening Sometimes I do feel awkward still because like at moments I am not wearing I don’t have my hair and makeup done like but i’m like I still want them to meet me like they still need to hear Me and to meet me and because there’s psychology behind looking at a camera looking at a person’s eyes like Building that connection and they may be like, oh, I don’t like the way she sounds she looks weird I don’t want to work with her Like, that’s fine.
You’re not going to attract everyone. You’re not donuts. Like, nobody is donuts. So, I, but I have, like, made connections with the right people based off of that. And, a lot of them are repeat clients now. And, they’ve gotten accustomed to working with me. But, it was just that one Loom video. And, it made them, it was kind of like a human connection.
Because, I know. that they filled out a contact form to five other photographers. So they were just, I know that they were price shopping, or they were just seeing who would respond back, and when they got that human connection point, that added, that system added to the personality. And so they were like, we would rather work with her, even though she might be a little more pricier.
We know her. So hopefully that helps kind of like give people context of what it means to Add your personality your core values with a system and that touch point I did add as a system to dub sado at the back end of dub sado It was just like a step for me dolly reminder Send loom video as soon as they fill out your contact form and it sends me a reminder and I do it and it It’s like a checkbox, and then they see the personality of it.
Jillian Dolberry: Yeah, I love that. So, can I put you on the spot for a second?
Dolly DeLong: Yeah, definitely.
Jillian Dolberry: what value do you feel like that communicates to them?
Dolly DeLong: well, again, a lot of moms are reaching out. More moms than dads. and I do let them know. I say, hey, like, let’s say, use an example. Jillian, thank you so much for filling out my contact form. I’m Dolly. From Dolly DeLong photography. I just wanted you to get a face to the name and I am so excited about photographing your family session.
I see that you have this many kids, like that’s so much fun. I love those ages. I have two boys myself. So, I understand the chaos, it’s crazy, but then I understand the value of wanting to capture, you know, these milestones. So I’m honored that you’ve reached out. Here’s what I want you to do.
Your next job is to just scroll through this email. It’s automated. So you know where to click for pricing. And then I give them all the information. And so what I’m doing in that video is I am communicating the value of Hey, I know what it’s like to be a mom, like, I’m also a mom, but then I also value, capturing these milestones.
And so I really think, I am so appreciative you want to work with me, but then I’m also showcasing to them, like, this time period goes by so fast, and so I’m just encouraging them, like, take the photos, with your little ones, no matter how chaotic it is. So I’m trying to communicate.
let’s honor the family unit, all the different milestones of the family unit. And I even say this, and this might, like, people might be just, like, surprised with this. Sometimes I say, hey, you might, Find out you might not want to work with me and that’s okay But I do want to encourage you to find somebody that’s a good fit with for you And to still take the photos because these moments are so fleeting.
I did not understand that until I became a mom but it goes by so fast. So take the photos and like that surprises people They’re like, oh, you’re just not hard selling yourself. I sincerely believe That it’s so important to take those milestone photos.
Jillian Dolberry: Yeah, I, I feel like that is definitely a core value of yours.
And you communicate it by the way that you say that in there. And you’re like, I am so impressed with that. I love that so much because you’re able to say, Hey, like I may not be the one that you, I’m, you know, like there’s a photographer on every corner.
I may not be the right person for you, but I understand what it’s like to be a mom. I understand that the moments are fleeting and I understand that you always wish you had more photos or you always wish you had captured those sweet moments at that age. And I want to make sure that you do that.
So regardless of whether or not it’s about working with me, like you make it about them. You don’t just make it about them fitting into your roster, them fitting into your box, your Like meeting them where they are and that is so so kind and clear of like that’s what’s important to you So I think that that’s incredible.
Dolly DeLong: I hope that helped answer your question
Jillian Dolberry: Yeah. No, it did it did totally
Dolly DeLong: I I know listeners we’ve been Chatting over like how again how to marry Systemization with your core values as a service based business owner. So without giving too much away, can you give us a sneak peek of what attendees can expect from your session at the Family Photographer Advanced Blueprint Summit?
And it’s coming up in March at the end of March and again, tickets are free. It’s an online virtual summit and it’s, Yeah, it’s, it’s going to be great. It’s something I’ve never done before. I usually lead systems and workflow magic summits or bundles and it’s broad. And so this year it’s specifically for family photographers who want to take it to the next level with their systems.
Jillian Dolberry: Yeah, so i’m really excited to participate. So thank you for having me on the podcast but also in the summit We’re going to talk about sustainably scaling, and I feel like that is, that’s, that’s a little bit of a buzzword in this
world, right? Like, we want to scale, we want to do more, we want to grow, but we also don’t want to die doing it and kill ourselves.
So, I really feel like, Approaching this in a holistic way is what we need. And so in doing so we’re really going to break it down into a couple of core categories and make it really simple, provide some tangible like tips and quick wins so that people can take action pretty quickly, but making quick wins, not that put band aids on a problem, but more so that support the longterm vision of where your business is headed.
Dolly DeLong: Oh, I’m so, so excited. I’m selfishly excited about watching that too. So. Jillian, thank you so much for sharing so much information with my listeners today. do you mind sharing how listeners can find you and connect with you and even work with you?
Jillian Dolberry: Yeah, absolutely. So, a couple of different ways to connect with me would definitely be on Instagram. I’m an Instagram person. I was not affected by the TikTok situation.
but you can find me there. I am at Jillian Delberry. and I love chatting with people. So if you want to just send me a DM and be like, I listened to the podcast.
It was great. If you thought it was great. this is my favorite part. I have a question about this. Like, let’s just chat about it. I love connecting with people. And so that’s a good place to connect. Also on my website, uh, jilliandalbury. com slash quiz. It’s a full quiz that will ask you a couple questions about some different parts of your business, and it will basically give you a score of how you’re doing in business, and maybe where you might need to pay the most attention in terms of improving things to prevent burnout for yourself.
and it, inside of that quiz too, like the results are. Super clear of like, this is where you need to start. These are the things you need to take action on. Go and do it. and then obviously you take the quiz too. You get a free one hour strategy call with me. So let’s like, just do it. And I love having those calls with people because we really talk about your results.
We talk about where you can take action. And my goal on those calls is to, like, leave you with as much value as possible. So, if anyone is interested in talking further about their business, their values based systemization. the operations in their business. I am happy to help and the quiz is a great place to start.
Dolly DeLong: Awesome. Well, you all know, I will put everything in the show notes. And if you are a family photographer looking to just like up level the back end of your business, with better systems, workflow, marketing tips, SOP tips, launching tips, just all the things cause you’ve already nailed down your editing style.
You already nailed down who you are serving. Now it’s the time to bridge the gap of the show notes. having better operating business. Like this summit is for you. you all know, I love to offer a lot of value. And so this will be a free summit and I’m so excited for you all to check it out. So go and get your free ticket right now.
Jillian, thank you so much again for coming. And, I will talk to you all next week with a brand new episode until then stay streamlined and magical. You amazing muggle you and. I’ll talk to you all next week. Bye!