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I’m Dolly, a systems and workflow educator, integrator, and podcast host dedicated to helping small business owners streamline and organize their launches with effective systems, workflows, and SOPs. My goal is to empower you to feel confident and excited about launching & systems!

Each of my blog posts is designed to inspire, provide clarity, and offer actionable insights on systems and workflow education, launching strategies, and more. You'll also find glimpses of my personal life sprinkled throughout, so you can get to know me better.

Most importantly, I want you to leave with tangible next steps and resources to enhance your launch journey. Thanks for being here!

Welcome to the Systems & workflow education blog

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  Are you a busy entrepreneur wanting to create an effective digital funnel this year? Maybe you have been listening to recent episodes of this podcast, and you are inspired and intrigued to figure your funnel out! In this episode, I am peeling it back and sharing the entire who, what, why, and hows of […]

Want-A-SYSTEM-in-getting-your-digital funnels-up-and-running-in-2023?-Well-The Systems-and-Workflow-Magic-Bundle-2.0-Funnel Edition-is-HERE!
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Wondering when is the best time to truly invest in a branding photography session for your business? Here are five tips that can help serve as a roadmap to guide you to see if you are REALLY ready for a session for your business (or these tips can serve as a guide to help you patiently plan out your future branding session)

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  Are you planning to launch a product or program this year? Maybe the thought of sales and having a launch isn’t something that makes you feel connected to your audience and actually deters you from what you want to put out there. In this episode, Brenna McGowan shares how she gets down in the […]

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In this blog post, we are going to answer the question of what the bottom of the funnel means, and we are going to cover 4 ways in which you, as a small business owner, can work on optimizing the bottom of your own funnels (yes, even as a solo business owner)! what does the […]

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In this blog post, I will share 4 different seasonal viewpoints on how to plan out your branding session based on the season and time of year!

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Are you the go big, or go home person in your life or business? Maybe you don’t enjoy taking things slow in your business, and love the boost events bring to your bottom line. In this episode, Krista Miller of Summit in a Box®, shares how utilizing virtual summits not only increases your income during […]

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In this blog post, you are going to learn why every creative business owner  SHOULD be taking the necessary steps to help ensure that their middle-of-the-funnel marketing has some great engaging content for new prospects who are now in the consideration & interest phase. And I’ll share five strategies that can help any small business […]

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A simple seo strategy for Youtube on episode 61 Of the systems and workflow magic podcast featuring rebekah read Are you ready to take your online presence to the next level? Maybe you know SEO can be one of your most effective tools for driving website traffic and creating sales leads, but you need help […]

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  Are you still struggling to figure out the finances of your business? Maybe you set up a business bank account, but looking at it is intimidating, and you can’t get yourself to sit down and dive into those numbers. In this episode, Sarah Becker, CEO of Becker Talks Money, shares how to develop a […]

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In this blog post, you are going to learn why every creative business owner  SHOULD start developing a SYSTEM for themselves and their small business by picking 1-2 consistent top-of-funnel marketing strategies to drive cold traffic to their business.  You are going to walk away with some action steps AND most importantly you are going to have a clearer understanding of WHAT Top of Funnel Marketing MEANS. 

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It's time to start getting more intentional with the backend of your business (and launches) with systems, workflows & sops!

let's be strategic with your business & launches