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81: The Power of Storytelling in Email Marketing featuring Allea Grummert

81: The Power of Storytelling in Email Marketing featuring Allea Grummert

We’ve all heard that storytelling is a key component of email marketing, but how exactly do we make that happen? In this episode, Allea Grummert, an email marketing strategist and conversion copywriter is sharing her best tips for incorporating storytelling into email marketing without overthinking it or getting stuck along the way. 


The Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast is brought to you by Dolly DeLong Education. This podcast is for creative business owners who want to learn tangible steps to automate their business through workflows, systems, tools, and strategies to go from scattered to streamlined with purpose because even muggles can become automated wizards.

Meet Allea Grummert

Owner of Duett, Allea Grummert is an email marketing strategist & conversion copywriter. She helps online business owners make a killer first impression through automated welcome & nurture sequences that engage readers, build brand loyalty and optimize conversions for sales and site traffic.

Check out Allea’s free guide to writing your first welcome sequence.

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81: The Power of Storytelling in Email Marketing featuring Allea Grummert


Review the transcript

Dolly DeLong: Hello and welcome back to the Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast. I am your Systems and Workflow BFF and guide, Dolly DeLong. In this week’s episode 81, we are going to be chatting with the one and only Allea Grummert, who is an email marketing strategist for bloggers, and very specifically, we’re gonna be speaking on the importance of storytelling in email marketing.

Now, as you remember, we have been covering many different facets of email marketing since episode 76. So if you are brand new to the Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast, first off, welcome. But most importantly, I know that it may be a bit confusing, and if you were visiting for the first time, just diving head first into email marketing, scroll back to 76 because each episode builds on, again, a different facet of email marketing. And I just want to help you, the listener, see how important it is for your creative business. So let’s meet Allea. Allea, do you mind introducing yourself to the audience?

Allea Grummert: Yeah. Hi everyone. I’m Allea. Yeah, and as Dolly said, so I am an email marketing strategist. I’m also a conversion copywriter, and I work specifically with bloggers and content creators to create automated email sequences, so, ways that you can introduce yourself to new subscribers. So they know who you are, and what they’re going to get from being on your email list.

We do all that so that we can keep subscribers coming back and opening and clicking your emails, building brand loyalty, and then, driving traffic to your site, into your sales pages, and all of that. So, yes, happy to be here. Thanks for having me. Big on systems, and a big fan.

Dolly DeLong: Oh wow. Good. 

Yeah, I’m a big fan too, so, but I am just so excited that you agreed to come on the podcast and I am really excited to share you with my audience because I know that you are a wealth of information and knowledge when it comes to email marketing. And very specifically, you have built out your own community because of email marketing.

And I know a factor in that is because of the power of storytelling. So let’s just dive into the heart of this episode, which is specifically the importance of storytelling in email marketing. And I know that you have, before we hit record, you said you have your own personal preferences when it comes to storytelling and email marketing, so I am excited for you to share these points with the listeners.

Allea Grummert: Yeah, me too.

So when it comes to storytelling, I think that there are a lot of ideas that feel like every email, if it’s gonna include a story, it has to be like this huge story arc, like you’re some screenwriter from LA or something.

And I don’t really think of it that much like a hefty weight, and I think part of that is because I know that I introduced myself to my readers through my automated welcome sequence. So in a way, by the time they’re hearing from me on a regular basis with new content, they already know who I am.

And so we can talk more about what that actually looks like and what’s a welcome sequence even. But yeah, I feel like for me, part of your story is your personality. That’s a huge part of it. So I know people get really nervous about writing out an email and just being like, it’s a blank page. What do I do?

It has to be incredible and amazing, or it has to be so professional and there are no contractions. It’s just this is who, this is a very square version of me because this is what emails should feel like right? Very professional. But I feel like there’s a lot more wiggle room there to just be yourself when you’re writing emails and so part of your story is who are you serving, how are you helping them?

And then making sure that feels woven into everything you send out. Not only will this make it easier for you to go and send more emails, but it’ll help your subscribers be able to know consistently what they’re getting from you. Otherwise, if you just hit them with stuff out of the left field and you don’t really tie it back to the core of your brand, or your business, or your services, you’re really gonna throw people for a loop.

Dolly DeLong: Allea, I’m so glad you started off the conversation with you do know that storytelling is important, but you don’t give it all that. You use this term heavy lifting or you don’t pressure yourself into thinking, okay, every single word on the screen has to be some epic story. You just let it happen naturally, and that’s something that I really want the listeners to hone in on because I know that a lot of people can stop from truly diving into email marketing because they hear everything has to have an impactful story, market your message, and market your brand.

Yes, those are essential key pieces, but some people just don’t know how to even begin because they don’t feel epic enough to tell their story. 

Allea Grummert: I mean, let me flashback to when I started out as a personal finance blogger. Super fun at parties. I’m like, let’s talk about budgeting and investments. You too should have a 401k. 

So, when I first started doing that, I had a three-email welcome sequence that just shared a little bit of my story, which was nothing sexy. It was like, hi, I’m recently out of college and have a lot of student loan debt. Do you want to follow along with my story, with my journey of paying it off, right?

And I had people from all over the world, like literally in England, they’re like replying to my message and telling me their stories because they felt like they knew me. And it was an automated email that I’d written six months before, yet they had this really clear picture of who I was because of that.

And I think that’s why I love writing welcome sequences. I’ve been doing that for almost four years of my, almost five years in business. It’s just been welcome and nurture sequences and, we talk a lot about the know and trust factor. And there are a lot of ways you can grow that with your audience, right?

There’s social media, there’s your website, there’s doing videos, maybe it’s webinars, it’s podcasts, and that’s how people can know, like, and trust you. But email, we know, is like this really fundamental way to grow and grow your business, but also connect with people. In a way that if TikTok disappears tomorrow, you have email marketing.

It’s this really robust way to stay in touch with people, but also creators get really intimidated by it. Because it’s pretty technical and you’re like, do people even wanna hear from me? We can have a whole podcast just on the mindset around not why people don’t send emails, but if you think about what to share in a welcome sequence, even if it’s just one email, it’s what?

I don’t know if you’re familiar with Aristotle’s rhetorical triangle at all?

Dolly DeLong: I don’t know if you know this, but both of our sons are named after philosophers. 

Allea Grummert: No?

Dolly DeLong: And so I feel like I should know about that. It’s like my husband. It’s all due to my husband. Yeah. But Blaise was named after Blaise Pascal and then Isaac after Isaac Newton. Well, Jack. Jack, Isaac. Sorry. So Jack, Isaac. Yeah. Yeah. 

Allea Grummert: Okay, so Aristotle’s rhetorical triangle involves ethos, pathos, and logos. Okay. So this is why I like to have multiple emails in a welcome sequence. Even your story can’t, yes, you could draft this up in one, one fell swoop, but if you think about these three different elements, the ethos is like speaking to your authority.

I often think of your backstory, why can people trust you? With my money blogging story, they could trust me because I was trying to figure out budgeting and paying off student loans as well.

So in a way, it’s like I say “authority”, but it’s like authority as in I have a front-row seat on what’s what I’m doing, and do you want to follow along? Pathos is more like the emotional side of it. So I like to use gifs. I like to get people excited. So what can you do to build an emotional connection?

And that doesn’t have to look like rah-rah, cheerleader stuff. That’s just who I am if you haven’t caught that yet. But what does it look like to build trust with people even in that way? That they feel like you’re a safe person or they can reply back to an email and then logos is appealing to people’s reason and logical arguments is what the internet said.

Building up logical arguments. So that’s part of also this hey, this person knows what they’re doing. So, that Aristotle’s rhetorical triangle, if you think about those elements, why can people, what is your backstory? What gives you credibility? Who are you as a person? That’s tied into emotions, but then also like, how do you express the knowledge that you have, that you are a capable person? So, yeah, tying that into your story and I know that makes it sound so complicated, but it’s just hey, I’ve been on this podcast. If that’s what you’re sending out an email, it’s also telling people, oh, she knows what she’s talking about.

Or if you tell your backstory, here’s how I got started. People are like, oh, she was just like us. Yeah. At this stage. So is that encouraging or is that confusing? 

Dolly DeLong: Yeah, no, that’s actually really helpful. And I’m sure like, again, I always mention this to my listeners, we will have this all in the show notes definitely because these are really good points and I encourage you all to re-listen to this. I have a feeling I’ll be re-listening to this as well because you just shared three solid points with a great analogy and you just shared, that was an example of a story, of how you infuse those three points into your email marketing.

Allea Grummert: Yeah. And what that does is it right, if people are joining your email list? Yeah. Even if they followed you on Instagram, they might not know everything, you know about you that you want them to know. So think of it as like you’re painting a picture for them, not just of who you are, but what they’re going to get by following along with you.

So I always like to ask my clients when I’m writing copy for them, but if somebody didn’t open your emails, what are they missing out on? And I’m like, I know this sounds intense. What are they losing as a result? And, but I’m like, roll with it because it could be as simple as they’re not getting every new blog post that I put out.

Great. We tell them that because that’s not something that Instagram can promise or a Facebook algorithm or something like that, you should open my emails because of this.

But some really fun stories too. I have, I work with a lot of food bloggers and it’s so fun when we dig into telling their origin story for their welcome sequence.

And I want to show these examples because like we think that they’re just like, oh, that’s just part of who I am. But part of who you are is the color that you get to give people when they join your email list, that you’re not just oh, you’re just some person who creates recipes. You’re like, no, I am Melissa, and I love baking. And I love baking since I was a child.

And in Melissa’s case, I was like, Melissa, do you have any pictures of you baking as a kid? She’s absolutely. So Smart. So, there she is. It’s like a Wes Anderson film, almost like she’s right in the middle with her curly pigtails rolling dough, and that’s in one of her welcome emails. Yeah. So it’s yeah, here’s me now. But also this is part of how I got into this, and I love this, and I hope you love this too. 

Dolly DeLong: I love that. Can, do you mind me asking you again, Allea, what the three parts of the triangle are so I can write that down?

Allea Grummert: Yeah, so it’s ethos, pathos, and logos.

Dolly DeLong: Ethos, pathos, logos. And then can you do a quick recap of what each one is so that the listeners can start solidifying okay, this is attached to ethos, and this is attached to Pathos. 

Allea Grummert: Yeah, it’s known as the rhetorical triangle, Aristotle’s rhetorical triangle, right? So logos is, knowledge, and is all of this clear and easy to understand? The thing is people respond to different things. So when I used to work in video production, some people really respond to crying. If they cry in a video, they’re like, of course, I’ll donate. And other people want to know if the work is being done in a way that’s sustainable.

So you have to hit on all those different points in one fundraising video. So that’s where logos would come in. Ethos would be like, what’s the credibility? What’s the backstory? And then pathos is can you appeal to their emotions in a way that will get them to feel connected to you.

Dolly DeLong: Wow. And so you’re saying it’s good to tie in these three different elements into your email marketing?

Allea Grummert: Absolutely. Yeah, anything that you can create. And so, even on my new website, there’s gonna be, these are the people I’ve worked with that gives me credibility, but also I use a lot of puns, which is part of my emotional tie-in.

I’m like, don’t you think I’m funny? You should hang out with me. I’m fun. But then yeah but also there are blog posts that show I know what I’m talking about. It’s not all just hot air, which is like the logos appeal. 

Dolly DeLong: I love this example so much. This is gold. 

Allea Grummert: You’re welcome. Sorry, I really had to look it up and remember what this was from back when I worked in video, but we made sure that this was in everything because every person receives information in a completely different way.

Especially like with what tips them over. It’s interesting, I asked a bunch of clients earlier this year doing research for my new website and a lot of them felt safe with me. They don’t feel foolish. They’re like, this is a complex thing and you don’t make us feel dumb.

And I’m like, Oh wow. Email is complicated and you’re not dumb. You just don’t work in email every day, like people like me. But then also they’re like, Allea, your knowledge is super helpful and also your process is super helpful. So all of these different things play together even in how you deliver your services.

But I know that’s not email. We can get back to talk specifically about email.

Dolly DeLong: But it is partly about but you are sharing there is that emotional component in kinda like the backstory of how you can weave things into email marketing. So yeah, that is a part of email marketing in a way.

So just like how you show up and so you shared a great example about how your past client, who is a food blogger, you had her incorporate just some pictures of herself in her welcome sequence and that was a good little emotional tie and little bridge of connection. That’s a great idea. 

Allea Grummert: Yeah, and it’s just, again, it’s heartwarming and you’re like, oh, I know you want to know Melissa. Not just the name of her blog. We want people to know you because you are not a commodity. A lot of people could go write a blog post about this or create a course on this, but if they know you, they’re more likely to buy from you, than just some other person on the internet. I know that we tend to think, and I hear this all the time in my discovery calls when I’m meeting with potential clients and they’re like, yeah, but so and so is already doing this course. I’m like, how many people on your email list also follow them?

Probably very few. There are hundreds, thousands of food bloggers or bloggers in general. So there’s a space for you to build a connection with your scope, your little environment, your community of people and pitch them on something and feel good about it because you’re still providing good work but they’re more likely to buy from you because you’re offering it.

Even if an absolute stranger offered it. But also if you’re not offering it to them because you think they’re getting it somewhere else and they’re not. It’s actually really unhelpful because they’re not getting pitched it elsewhere and they just still have this problem that’s not being solved.

Dolly DeLong: Okay, so I have a very specific question for you about storytelling and email marketing. And I know again before we hit. Record you were sharing with me about this new service that you have to offer for your clients, your future clients, about how you’re gonna be measuring land and tracking landing page campaigns.

Did I remember that correctly? Yes. So opt-ins. Opt-ins. All sorts. Yeah. Okay. So that just made me think, how can you measure the impact of your story because you’re going to be measuring the impact of those opt-ins? So how can you measure the impact of storytelling in email campaigns? How can people do that?

Allea Grummert: I think one of the big ones, and it’s often overlooked because there’s no number that tracks this in your email service platform, but having, when people reply to your emails. It is scary to send an email because you’re like, what if nobody replies? And a lot of times people don’t. But what does it look like for you to share your story and say, okay, what’s your favorite memory of baking as a kid? Or when did you discover your love of baking? What age were you? And to just get people to reply back to you, that’s a way you can measure engagement. It’s tough, I mean there’s no dollar amount or specific number you can put on your list if it’s engaged, which means they’re going to buy this much stuff. We don’t know that, but I feel like there’s so much untapped what do I say? Encouragement for creators to engage with their actual list.

Because when they reply back to you, you’re like, oh, I did go to someone. Yeah. And they do care. And they do care that I’m creating a new recipe or a new blog post every month or every week or whatever it is. So, that’s where I like to do audience research for our clients as well. I cannot overstate how excited I get about sending it out because some of the questions are, what about Dolly makes you wanna open all of her emails?

And then you get the replies and you’re like, you Dolly are like, Oh my gosh. People love the content. All this stuff that you feel like you’re producing in a vacuum Yes. Is actually doing the thing that you’re hoping it’s doing, but they’re not always telling you. Oh no. Yeah, I’ve run into people who’ve been, who are on my email list at conferences before.

Yeah. During a pandemic with a mask on, I don’t know how, and they said my name I was like, who are you and how know who I am and my name? She’s I’m on your email list. I was like, first of all, that should be a metric of its own Dolly that people know how to say my name correctly. Yes.

Cause I explained it in my welcome sequence. Yes. And all the time.

Dolly DeLong: But Allea had to explain it to me. Yes, because I was having a lot of trouble. I will throw myself under the bus. 

Allea Grummert: It’s you and everyone, it’s fine. So it’s spelled A-L-L-E-A, but it’s short for Allison Lea. So this girl goes, Allea, and I was like, excuse me, who are you?

Excuse me. You know my name and I’ve got a mask on. And she goes, I just have to tell you I save every one of your emails. Oh, that is a high compliment. Isn’t that so sweet? Yeah. And I’m like, but nobody’s replying back to tell me that. It’s when I meet with them on a one-on-one call or they, because every now and again, I’ll do this survey to my own list every year and offer a free strategy call or a gift card or whatever.

But on those strategy calls, people are like, I love your emails. I’m like, golly, I really wish I could capture that more often. Yeah. But when your goal is sharing value and connecting with people, I would say that’s a great way to measure that performance. 

Dolly DeLong: I love that so much, Allea. That, that’s a fun story too.

Okay, so I know we have a lot to talk about, you’re gonna be sharing what you’re gonna be talking about on the Systems and Workflow Magic Summit. But in short to recap, just like to bring it back to the topic, Allea has been sharing a lot of good points about how to infuse your own story with email marketing, using the triangle method.

I’m calling it the triangle method. It’s probably something very specific, but I’m just remembering it as three-sided. So making sure you share your ethos. Backstory, and credibility so that your readers can learn more about you. Really tying more of the emotional side to appeal to your reader’s emotions in the emails. And then, of course, Logos appeals to their reasons, being able to show them that you are the expert, and you are knowledgeable about your field of X, Y, Z. So, and you highly recommend that you, we infuse this within pretty much every aspect of our business, but especially within email marketing, since people are opening up emails to read it. 

Allea Grummert: Yeah, absolutely. And if I had to give some more practical things that you could, if you’re listening to this on a treadmill, you can type it out in your notes app.

That’s what I always used to do when I listen to podcasts. But just basically if you try and succinctly explain who are you, who are they, your audience, and how, what are you trying to help them do, feel, and know. Then once you have that it makes it so much easier to write all of your emails because then you’re able to like really maintain that clarity of how you’re going to serve them.

But yeah, that storytelling, that Aristotle’s rhetorical triangle, I basically said it. I basically said it in italics. That’s a deep voice. So, Yeah. What does it look like for you to share those things? And I guess I kinda wanna go back to what we talked about at the beginning because that sounds really intimidating.

And people are gonna be like, what the heck? How do I ever, I don’t have a backstory? And it’s yes you do. You really do. Even if it’s I realize that cooking for a family of four after work was super stressful and I left my kitchen a mess. So I started looking into crockpot recipes and then I started making my own.

If you were somebody who’s like, I’m also a busy mom who doesn’t want a disaster of a kitchen by 8:00 PM every night. You’d be like, thank you. I’m glad that you’re here and you’re going to help me. That’s what I mean by backstory too. It doesn’t have to be this like, I could tell you everything about growing up in my town of 112 people in rural Nebraska.

But that’s not really the part that applies to most people. But my backstory is that I started out as a personal finance blogger and immediately that gives people, like my clients who are bloggers, gives me so much credibility. They’re like, oh, you get it. It’s yeah, I get it. Or I went to school for advertising.

They’re like, oh, that’s like a whole credibility marker. You know how to think about audiences and write stuff. And I say, yep. And, I’m also a Midwesterner, so the idea of tuning your own horn is so far-fetched. My father would have my neck and that’s not what I’m trained to do, but If you want people to trust you, you have to give them a reason to.

It can just be like a sentence. It doesn’t have to be like, and then I got this many degrees and anything like that. Unless it’s really helpful if you’re a nutritionist, tell people the kind of programs you went through that you’ve done your work, and that they can trust you.

Dolly DeLong: Yeah. I love that. I love that you also brought up the fact that sometimes it can be hard for business owners to toot their own horns. I know, I just said that really weirdly, but it feels very braggy, but it’s important to show credibility even in email marketing. 

Allea Grummert: Yeah. And sometimes that looks like a testimonial.

Yeah. So even with my clients, we’ll have in their welcome sequence like, This is what people have thought about being on my list. I hope you have the same kind of excitement in response to if the things are like, oh, she makes things so easy to understand, or I actually feel like this stuff is, I’m capable of doing this, or I’m capable of seeing this kind of change and it’s these aspirational testimonials that are not coming from her being like, I can give you all of the change.

There’s a different way to say it, that’s storytelling, but it’s somebody else narrating 

Dolly DeLong: Yeah, narrating. I love that so much. This is a good reminder. So, Allea, you have oh you all, I hope you all tune in again and re-listen and take notes and learn how to incorporate all.

These different facets of storytelling into your email marketing and Allea was sharing into other parts of your business. But I know specifically we’re talking about email marketing, but I do want to say as we’re wrapping up storytelling if you all want to learn more about storytelling, obviously, I am not this is not my area of expertise.

But I do have a good recommendation. I feel like everybody knows Donald Miller’s story, brand book, that’s something that I have been reading. More recently, I fought the urge to read it. Or I don’t wanna say fought the urge. I fought it for the longest time because other people were telling me, oh, you should read it.

It’s really good. And my personality’s no, don’t tell me what to do. I’m not gonna do it. And then finally this past year, I started reading and it’s actually really good. I wish I had read it earlier, but anyways, so if you are looking for a definite resource that will dive deeper into story brand marketing, I will link it in the show notes as well.

Because I know Allea and I just covered the surface of how you can incorporate storytelling within email marketing.

Allea Grummert: Absolutely. And Donald’s book just does such a good job of it’ll get your wheels turning. I am a big note-taker. I’m like, I’ve got a notepad. I’ve got multiple notes on my phone.

I’ve got like a notion that’s basically all of my thoughts, but just take it as an opportunity to, I don’t know. I can’t remember. It’s been a long time since I’ve read it. But, what is your origin story? Brainstorm those things and know that there is value to them.

Without it, you don’t have to be an egotistical person. Look at all the stuff I’ve got, look at my credibility. But just give your own story the dignity it deserves and let that kind of speak for itself. And if people aren’t the right people to be on your email list, they’ll leave.

Dolly DeLong: Yeah, I always say that. Yeah. I always say that if they don’t not everyone is gonna be for you and that’s okay. That’s okay. 

Allea Grummert: That’s okay. And what we’ve got here is an opportunity for you to share your unique story. How many people do you know that grew up in a town of 112 people in rural Nebraska who work in email marketing?

Pretty darn rare. It’s me. And that’s part of like my personality and where things come from. Every now and then I drop a deep Nebraska-ism, like gosh darn it, like on a podcast. I’m like, oh my gosh, there I go again. Being my entire self, but right. That’s my personality. And part of my story.

And so, yeah. And I feel like those things make each of us unique and so I wanna encourage you all to listen to your own heart. What are the things that like stand out to you about yourself that you’re like, I am proud of that and I do know what I’m talking about. And find a way that feels good to be able to share that with people so that they actually know the whole you and you’re not just behind the mask of the name of your website or something.

Dolly DeLong: Yeah, they know you. I love this so much, Allea, thank you so much. And before you completely leave do you mind sharing how or what you will be talking at speaking on, at the Systems and Workflow Magic Summit?  

Allea Grummert: Yes. So I’m gonna be talking about how to find the right email service platform for you.

I am a big tech nerd. And so any and all differences in maybe not all differences, I’ll hit on the major differences between major email service platforms the ones that are really specific to creators when we talk about automations and selling stuff and tracking your subscribers and their engagement and all that.

So, yeah, since I work in email all the time, I figured that would be a really helpful thing because I know a lot of people are like do I use MailChimp? Do I use Convert Kit? Do I use Active Campaign? And so I’m hoping to at least provide you with more context and the pros and cons of each in order to make that decision easier.

Dolly DeLong: And if listeners, if you’re tuning in for the first time again, the Systems and Workflow Magic Summit, the email marketing edition, is just dedicated to the topic of email marketing and it’s all about the foundations of email marketing and especially. It is created for creative business owners who are too afraid, either, too afraid to really take advantage of email marketing because of confusion, not knowing where to begin with the technical side, not knowing what to write, or not knowing how to tell a story or not knowing, what a nurture sequence is, what a welcome sequence is.

So it’s all foundational puzzle pieces that we’ll build on top of each other. And so Allea’s talk is actually on the first day of the summit, and I’m so, so excited as every speaker is sending me their information and I’m reading about what they’re gonna talk about, these foundational puzzle pieces, I’m like, oh my goodness.

And this is all for free. This is all for free. So it’s gonna be a great summit. 

Allea Grummert: Oh, I’m excited. 

Dolly DeLong: I’m really excited too. Okay, so in recap, if everyone wants to head on over to the show notes and be sure to snag your free ticket to the Systems and Workflow Magic Summit, the email marketing edition.

Be sure to follow Allea and oh Allea before I forget. How can a person find you, follow you, work with you, all those magical things? 

Allea Grummert: Yeah. So on Instagram, I’m @alleagrummert. Yeah. Which I’m sure you’ll link to because like I said, that’s spelled funny. So I’m over on Instagram. I’m not super active there, but I’m always with my DMs, I’m mostly just there to watch reels.

I don’t do a ton of marketing. You can just come to chat with me. But yeah, the best way to get connected would be to join me on the email list through any of my resources. And I will link to one here with within-the-show notes about how to write your first welcome sequence. So it’s a five-part framework to think through what are all the things that are important to me or important to share with a new subscriber and share that credibility factor. All of that. It’s a worksheet for you to fill in and make it easy to write those first emails. So yeah, we’ll make sure that you get on my email list after that.

And I send lots of goodies, both technical and what to include. An email like it’s a smorgasbord over here. 

Dolly DeLong: I love it. I, Allea, I forgot to share with you, I don’t mean to embarrass you, but one of the biggest reasons why I reached out to you to be on the summit is because somebody had reached out to me and told me all about your email list and how much they loved getting emails from you and how you needed to be a speaker at the summit.

And now I’m like, of course, drawing a blank. Of their name. I will remember it after we’re done recording, I’m sure. But I, again, like you need to know, like you are so good at what you do. 

Allea Grummert: Oh my goodness. Thank you so much for that. That’s so sweet. Yes. Yeah, and so like I said too, I work with clients one-on-one.

I forgot to mention that, but yeah, over at duett.co my company is D U E T T. CO is the website and that’s how you can connect with me if you’re curious about our services. 

Dolly DeLong: Awesome. We will have everything in the show notes and thank you all for tuning in. And again, don’t forget to take those next steps and join us at the Systems and Workflow Magic Summit, the email marketing edition coming very soon.

And until next time, have a streamlined and magical week. You amazing muggle you. I’ll talk to you all later. Bye. 

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