148: How to Authentically Use AI tools in your Business

how-to-harness-the-power-of-AI-in-your-business-blog-banner-for-podcast-episode-148-featuring-Kinsey-SoderbergIn this Systems & Workflow Magic Podcast episode, I’m thrilled to introduce you to a guest I’m excited to learn from, Kinsey Soderberg. Kinsey is here to chat about something I know we’re all curious about how to use AI tools authentically in your business. She’s sharing how she integrates AI into her systems and workflows, how you can use AI tools authentically in your company without feeling completely overwhelmed, and how AI has sped up her video editing process four and a half times faster than before.

Meet Kinsey Soderberg

Kinsey Soderberg has been an entrepreneur for over five years and has built her brand, Feel Good Social, to help down-to-earth entrepreneurs show up online authentically. She started hearing about AI tools about a year and a half ago. Although, at first, she was concerned about what AI might do to our creativity and critical thinking skills, she’s come to embrace AI and has seen a massive increase in her productivity from using it.

How to Authentically Integrate AI into Your Business

For many business owners, the big fear about AI is that it won’t sound like their brand. They fear it’ll sound robotic and copy-pasted. Kinsey has found a way to train AI to sound like her brand voice. How? By training it. Kinsey recommends that you think of AI as an intern. If you hired an intern and didn’t train them on your brand’s voice, mission, or audience, they’ll probably do bad work for you. The same goes for AI. You must train it on your brand by providing detailed information about your brand identity, ideal clients, and brand voice.

Three Things to Train Your AI On:

  1. Brand identity: Explain your brand’s mission, vision, values, and opinions with AI so it can understand the foundation of who you are and what you do.
  2. Ideal clients: Provide demographics, pain points, and desires for your ideal clients so the AI can write specifically to them.
  3. Brand voice: Don’t just say “sound friendly” or “sound casual.” Share your formatting style, your humor style, and your emoji usage preferences.

Include all this information in the “custom instructions” section under your settings in ChatGPT. That way, you won’t constantly have to tell each new conversation about your brand. If you’re interested in a cheat sheet for this, check out Kinsey’s course, Brand Blueprint for ChatGPT. Finally, train your AI on your offer suite and messaging to get the best possible results. This gives your AI the complete picture of your brand and allows it to do the best work for you.

Kinsey Soderberg’s Authentic AI Video Editing Workflow

Kinsey also touches on how AI can save you time when editing video. She struggled to keep up with the editing demands as a podcaster with two shows. That’s when she discovered Descript, a text-based video editing software that has revolutionized her workflow. Descript automatically transcribes your audio or video, and you can edit the content simply by deleting text from the Transcript. This makes video editing as easy as editing a document. Descript’s AI tool, Underlord, can automatically remove filler words, tangents, and retakes, enhance audio quality, and even generate show notes and blog posts based on your podcast transcript. This tool cut Kinsey’s editing time from six to two hours for a 30-minute podcast episode.

Getting Started with Authentic AI Without Feeling Overwhelmed

When you first start using AI tools, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Instead, Kinsey offers a few suggestions for AI to make the process easier.

Keep Systems That Work

Instead of creating new systems and workflows, Kinsey suggests looking at the systems you already have that work well for you. Then, explore how AI can help streamline those existing processes. For instance, if you struggle to respond to emails, throw the information into ChatGPT and ask it to draft a response. Then, you can spend five minutes editing and move on to higher-impact tasks.

Use a Sticky Note

Kinsey also recommends writing on a sticky note: Can ChatGPT help me with this? And put it close to your desk as a reminder throughout your work day. When you hit writer’s block or are in a creative slump, the sticky note can remind you that ChatGPT can often get you out. Then, slowly, you can start training yourself on how to use AI when you need it.

Use It for Mundane Tasks

Instead of spending your time on low-impact, mundane tasks, have Chat GPT help you. For example, if you just finished a meeting and must draft an action list afterward, you can put the meeting transcript into ChatGPT and ask it to create it.

Encouragement for Women Entrepreneurs to Embrace AI

Regarding AI tools, men are twice as likely to use the most popular AI tools than women. This could be for a couple of reasons – such as women weren’t brought up in a culture that necessarily encouraged their participation in STEM or the guilt of feeling like using AI is “cutting corners.” But Kinsey wants to encourage women to shift their mindset and view AI as a tool rather than a way to cut corners. She also emphasizes that when you use AI tools, they are learning from you. And if women don’t use AI tools, we won’t be represented in the technology moving forward. Using AI can move women’s business forward and decrease the gender income gap – a great reason to discuss it and use it more.

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Read The Show Transcript Here.

Dolly Delong: Hey friends, welcome back to the SystemTranscriptflow Magic podcast. I’m your systems and workflow and launching BFF and guide Dolly DeLong. I’m so excited to have you join me for another episode today. And because I have an exceptional guest that I’m personally happy to learn from. So, this is kind of a selfish episode for me. All right. We have Kinsey Soderbergh. I want to chat with you about something. I know a lot of us. I am curious about it because it’s pretty brand new. It’s like you are still in the baby stages of using AI tools authentically in your business. So Kinsey is the brilliant mind behind Feel Good Skills. Social, and she’s here to share how she has been integrating AI, like chat and GBT, because we all hear about chat and GBT, into her systems and workflows. We will dive into how to train AI to think and sound like your brand and how to start using AI in your business without feeling completely overwhelmed or like it. Oh, this does not even sound like me. Pluse will give us a peek into her AI video editing workflow. That’s allowed her to edit four and a half times faster than she used to. So, I can’t wait to dive into it. And I can’t wait for you all to dive into this. So, Kinsey, thank you so much for being here to kick things off. Can you share more about yourself before we dive into the conversation?

Kinsey Soderberg: Yes. Oh, my goodness. Thanks for having me, Dolly. And yeah, guys, I’m about to get pretty nerdy with this conversation, probably because I tend to geek out about this stuff. But, like you said, my name is Kinsey. I’ve been an entrepreneur for five-plus years now. It’s wild. Building my brand for Feel Good Social, which helps down-to-earth entrepreneurs show up online without wasting their time or selling their souls, is my little tagline there. About a year and a half ago, I heard about AI tools entering the mainstream digital entrepreneur space. And I’ll be honest with you.

When I first started hearing about using AI tools, I was like, I like to say I was a total curmudgeon about it because I was like, isn’t the Internet fake enough as it is? You know, what is this going to do to our critical thinking skills or creativity? And I was not really into them. I was kind of like. No, we don’t need to use AI tools, guys. Then I was going on a long drive, and I had one of those long drive epiphanies where I realized that I was so grumpy about AI tools because I was afraid. Afraid of the change they’re bringing and what it’ll do to our culture and online world landscape. And so I realized that the best thing I could do, instead of just saying no to AI tools, was to turn toward them and get curious about how we can make them work for us and use them authentically, right? Then, I created a sister brand called Authentic AI. We just got the trademark for it. It was, I’m just so excited. Yeah. And I’ve just been curious about how we can use these tools in a way that feels authentic and aligned, right? Because literally in my year and a half now of embracing these tools and dipping my toes into that world, like I’m. I was just blown away by how much I’m able to do in my day-to-day, how much time I’m able to save, how much more I’m able to, like, follow my entrepreneurial ambitions without completely diving straight into burnout and letting my business take over my life, which I have done multiple times over the past, like five years, So, I love the opportunity that’s.

The AI tools bring all the resources to invest in our business, especially for solopreneurs who are wearing all the hats and doing everything and don’t necessarily have money, time, or energy. And so it gives us a leg up. I am particularly interested in those solopreneurs or people with small teams building their online businesses but still want to enjoy their lives. RiglivesDolly Delong: I love that. Okay. So, I will have to share a story with you. So, about two years ago, when we were being introduced to AI, I had an immediate sarcastic thought. So, I grew up in the preparation of Disney movies, like the straight-to-TV Disney movies. There was this one movie called Smart House.

Kinsey Soderberg: Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

Dolly Delong: I was like, we’ve all been warned about these people. I’m not going to; I won’t step into the bright house. Like I was like, I’ve seen the movie. I’m not going to do it. And now, two years later, guess who has a chat GPT-like account and everything me. S,o who knows? Who knows? Like Bright House, it may still happen, but. All joking aside, Kinsey, I’m happy you’re here to discuss how to enter AI into our workflows. And so thank you for sharing, just like you’re being honest and authentic with us, like about your hesitation at first about starting and then like diving into it. And I. I know you’re going to share so many good nuggets with us. So, can we like highlight, can you highlight the point again? What was a moment when you realized just how powerful AI could be for your business? What was that switch again? Let’s like highlight that again.

Kinsey Soderberg: Yeah, man, there have been just so many moments; I think getting over the AI hesitations and the AI series is something I had to grapple with at first, right? And there are lots of different things that you need to shift your mindset around. When it comes to using AI tools, thinking it might take your job is kind of scary. Well, no, if you start making AI work for you and helping, getting it to help you do the work that you’re doing faster or of even better quality, sometimes, it can be super helpful. And embracing these tools can give you a leg up in your industry. It won’t take your job, but it might evolve how you do your job. And that’s something to think about and start dipping your toes into. Also, just thinking that AI is going to turn us into mindless sheep, you know, or turn our brands into robots and all the different stuff. When I started using AI tools, I was impressed by how much more creativity there was. I feel how much more space my brain has and how much faster I can blast through the everyday things that get me stuck in my business, right? That’s actually why there are so many things we can use AI tools for. And people will tell you to have it write your social media caption. Have you have it do this, have it do that for you, whatever, but the Things that I think build up and add up the most when it comes to saving time with these tools and making you more productive is when you can train yourself to use them in every day, when you are writing an email and all of a sudden you’re like, Oh, I don’t know how to finish this. And you can go to chat GPT and have it help you blast through that writer’s block. I created a sales page for my website a few weeks ago when I was trying to. And I was like, Oh, I want to add a countdown timer to my Squarespace website. But I don’t know how to do it. Now I will have to either pay for some countdown motion mail or go down a tech forum rabbit hole trying to find the answer I want. I went to chat with GPT about it. Spit out a code for me that I could use quickly, you know, like there are just things that, like in your everyday, you get stuck on or okay, so I’m a Shiny object person for sure, and like I’m always like working away. Suddenly, something distracts me, like an idea distracts me, and I’m nagging at my brain; I’m trying to get work done, but this thing is over here. Like, I need to explore it real quick, and chat GPT can help me explore that and help me get it down on paper so that I can refocus on the task I need to be doing. Things like that are super helpful, you know.

Dolly Delong: That’s good. Oh, I’m so well; thank you for sharing that it wasn’t just one point; It was like tiny little points added together. If I’m going to share my moment, it Was when I realized how AI could help me with my cause. I just started a YouTube channel, and it’s just me. I have my bookkeeper, of course, and somebody helping me with the podcast. But then it’s just me doing everything else. And I don’t wear that as a badge of honor, listeners. I’m not wearing this as a badge of honor. It’s just where I am in life. It helped me tremendously with creating. Like chapters, sound bites, and all this stuff that I could put into my YouTube show notes because I want it optimized for SEO, but it doesn’t. It did that for me. And it saved me so much time versus just staring at a screen. I know what I just spoke about in this video, but how do I formulate it into bullet points, chapters, and soundbites? Then AI did it for me in a minute?

Kinsey Soderberg: Yes. Oh my god. I know. I know that feeling where you’re like, I just got done recording this. I don’t want to go back in and revisit that, and A, I can help you so much.

Dolly Delong: Man. So yeah, AI has been great and awesome. Okay. So, going from starting with your journey with AI and what inspired you to start integrating AI into your own business, let’s talk about authentic integrating AI into your brand or your company. So one thing or I’ve not heard it once. I’ve heard it so many times from many different business owners, including myself; this is something that I’ve thought is like the fear that like, you mentioned, this AI might take over our brand’s voice. It may not sound like us. It may sound like a robot or something like that. That is copy pasted. So, how do you train, genuinely train, and chat with GPT to think and sound like your brand?

Kinsey Soderberg: Ugh. I geek out so much about this topic because My kind of traditional background is more in, like, I call myself a word nerd; you guys, I, like, am that type of person who loves writing, and it takes me so frickin long to write anything because I labor over every word. So, this has been important to me, not just like boosting productivity, but not sacrificing the quality of our work or authenticity, because that truly is essential, Especially with the onslaught of AI tools that are now being used to, paste captions or emails or whatever on the internet, like your authenticity, that like unique spark about you is really what is going to set you apart online now more than ever. Right. So we must do that. And you know, it’s so funny. To me, it felt pronounced. Whenever we started using AI tools, of course, I needed to train and try GPT on my brand because that’s, you know, my background. It felt very obvious to me, but it’s not apparent to everyone, and that’s okay. So many people come to me, and when they start using AI tools, they’re like, oh, well, it’s just not sounding like me. You know, I’m going back and forth with it. I’m trying to tell it to be more friendly or more professional. It goes away on each extreme side of the spectrum. And it’s like pulling teeth and trying to get what I want from chat GPT. Right. And so the thing about training chat is that GPT on your brand is just. It has everything that it needs to know about your brand to be able to do the best work for you. I always like to think of it as an internship. Suppose you hired some poor intern. On their first day on the job, they walk into your office. They know nothing about your brand, business, strategy, or anything like that. And you say, write me a social media caption. They’ll be like, what? They’ll, they’ll do evil work for you. Right. But if you can change at GPT like you would train a new intern on your brand, that can be helpful. So, There’s a light way to train chat GPT on your brand. And there’s a deep dive, super nerdy way to train chat GPT on your brand. But thinking about what task I am having chat GPT do for me. And how can I give it the information it needs to be able to think and sound like me in the best way? I always like to say, try to feed chat GPT your thoughts. Three core strategies first.? This means your brand identity, mission, vision, values, opinions, beliefs, etc. So it can give a feel for the foundation of who your brand is and what you do. Right. Then, you want to tell it about your ideal customers because it needs to know who it’s speaking to.

Not just when you have a correct copy for you but also when you have it strategized for you and different things like that. So deep diving into your ideal customers, the. Demographic psychographics. Sure. But then also, like their pain points and desires, all that stuff can be super helpful for chat GPT to understand. Training on your brand voice is also beneficial for better content and copy. That doesn’t sound generic or flowery or whatever. And that’s diving more profound than just Sounding friendly, sounding casual, and all that different stuff. Like your brand voice, many other nuances to your voice can help chat GPT pinpoint precisely what it is, right? Your formatting style, humor style, and emoji usage preferences are all helpful for chat GPT. And then, if you want to dive even more profoundly and you’re using chat GP as a strategist, training on your offer suite and also training it on your messaging is a great idea as well. This gives your AI assistant a complete picture of your brand and allows it to do the best work for you.

Dolly Delong: How long has it taken you to nail in? I’m going to say this in quotations. People can’t see me, but I’m doing quotations. How long did it take you to do this? Or was it like a day’s worth of work? Or was it over several months? Give us a realistic timeline of if we were to sit down and decide, okay, I’m going to start training chat GBT to, like, I know my brand’s mission, I know who I want to serve and what my personality is like, how long does that take?

Kinsey Soderberg: Oh, it can take. You can start getting better results immediately, right? If you just braindump about your brand, it doesn’t have to be pretty, right? Chachouine can understand ugly, non-formatted stuff, so doing a five-minute brain dump about your brand is fantastic. And just like that, GPT says, “Here’s some information you need to know about my brand.” Putting that into chat will immediately get you better results. Right. Also, there’s something called custom instructions in your setting panel within chat, GPT. So, I recommend putting information about your brand in your custom instructions. Your custom instructions allow strategy PT to understand anything you want it to know about. Anything you want to learn with every new chat window you start, so you don’t have to tell new chat windows about your brand constantly.

Dolly Delong: You said, um,

Kinsey Soderberg: Custom instructions. Yeah. It’s in the settings, and they keep changing the look but go to your settings, and then there’s customized chat GPT. I think there might be custom instructions within the settings panel, but yeah.

Dolly Delong: I’m just like, where is this? I’ll have to like it

Kinsey Soderberg: so you click on your at the time of this recording because things change with the interfaces and stuff. But you click on your profile photo, and then I’m pretty sure there’s, yeah, I’ll look it up real quick. Let me pull up chat GPT.

Dolly Delong: I’m pulling it up right now. And I want to see where this is. Oh, my plan. Customized chat, GPT.

Kinsey Soderberg: So, click on your profile photo within chat GPT, and click customize chat GPT, which will bring up your custom instructions panel. There are two different boxes. And the one thing about the custom instructions is there’s a character limit, which, if you are a talker and a deep diver, like me, you’re not going to be able to tell it everything it needs to know about your brand. Right. Um, there are a few other options for training chat GPT about your brand on your brand. I have created a document. I call it the ultimate AI training tool for chat TVT, and I’m about to release my course next week. It’s called the brand blueprint for a chat GPT, but essentially it’s one. It’s one Google Doc, right? I have outlined the five core strategies of my brand and deep-dived into my brand’s core identity, ideal customers, brand voice, writing style, and messaging. Guys, I don’t want to scare you, but it’s like an 80-page document, and chat GPT helped me create it. So, it literally can take you a few hours to make this ultimate training doc for chat, GPT, and stuff, depending on how nerdy you want to get with it and how much you want to dive deep. Right. But once you have a Google Doc where you can host your brand, like all this information about your brand that you want to chat with PT, you can use the file upload feature to upload that document. ChatGPT will read it within 10 seconds and then know everything it needs to know about your brand. That hugely improves the results that Chat GPT gives you.

Dolly Delong: Okay. At the end of the show, Kinsey will send me the link to this new product so I can include it in the show.

Kinsey Soderberg: Totally. Yeah. I use mine every day, and I, and, you know, I hesitate, you know, you don’t have to use an 80-page document to change H E P T. Does it get you the best results possible? Oh, heck yeah. But also, even if you only do a one-page brain dump and put it in a Google Doc, keep it handy and repeatedly use it to change H E P T. That can be so helpful, too, right? But I’ll send you the link to that. Totally.

Dolly Delong: I’m like, wow, that sounds amazing. And I know, like my listeners, would love it. Cause I have listeners from all different stages of creative business. And so. Like hopefully, it’ll help somebody who’s listening. Awesome. Okay. So then let’s talk about your AI video editing workflow because I know. Okay, so we use AI to not only help us with copy and coming up with ideas for what to write, but there are lovely video editing capabilities, which I haven’t even considered. I dove into it yet and am excited to learn from you.

Kinsey Soderberg: Oh, yes. I get so excited about this because I’ve been a podcast host for four and a half years, my feel-good social podcast. Then, I started a second authentic AI podcast, too. So now I have two shows. I’m like, what are you doing to yourself, kids? Because, I mean, if you’re a podcaster, you know, how long it takes. 

Dolly Delong: This is my working week. So, I’m doing a batch week this week. And so I can take four weeks off and start, but it’s a lot of work.

Kinsey Soderberg: a lot of work. And it would kill me if you don’t have an editor to do that. When I first started podcasting, I sometimes stayed up until 2 am editing my podcast episode for the next day. And then I realized, oh, wait, Ken’s No one’s getting up at a.m. I am excited to say that no one will be that disappointed if you don’t put your podcast episode out until later in the day. It was a come-to-Jesus moment I had with myself. But,t like, um, it used to take me so long to edit the audio for only one of my shows. And then I started a new podcast,t and I was like, okay. We’re alternating weeks, or we’re prioritizing episodes. Like, we’re sharing one episode for both shows. I was struggling to manage both shows, and I didn’t ever share the video of my podcast before this because I found it so hard to edit. It’s just like an extra level, an extra layer. Recently, I started using software called Descript. Have you heard of Descript yet?

Dolly Delong: I’ve heard of it. Yes.

Kinsey Soderberg: Yeah, it’s a text-based video editing software. So, you upload your audio or video to Descript, and it automatically writes the transcript within a minute. Then, when you edit it, you delete text from the trTranscriptand it’s editing the video alongside it, which is fantastic. AwesomTranscriptith Descript, it’s cool because they just updated their AI tool. They’re in an app AI tool; they named it the Underlord because they are dorks, and I love it. TheUnderlord is an AI that can do a lot of things automatically. It will automatically edit for clarity, it’s called, so it will edit your podcast and remove tangents or remove. It’ll automatically remove filler words, remove retakes if you restart your sentences, and stuff like that. It also automatically enhances the audio for you with studio sound, so you can do many different things. And then it can also do things like write your show notes automatically, turn your podcasts on, and transcript them into a blog, you know, different things like that. So it makes Transcript edit your videos Transcriptcript. I love it, too, because I love it not just for my podcast but also for Transcriptvideos and whatnot. And the cool thing is that it makes publishing easy. You can automatically publish to YouTube from Descript. There’s no uploading or downloading; it’ll find social media clips automatically, too. Um, yeah. And it’s so awesome. It automatically reformats into the vertical format and different things like that. You can give it different parameters. For example, you can say, “Please find these many clips and focus on these topics or whatever it is.” Um, and I love it for course hosting as well because you can host your video in Descript. So it’ll create a live link that you could embed, but then you can go back in and edit the video. Without the link changing, you don’t have to upload or download anythingTranscript. It makes it so easy, especially for my AI courses, where little things change weekly, you know? And I’m like, okay, cool. I can go back in. I can rerecord this section quickly, talking about the new updated version of chat GP, and it just makes it so easy.

Dolly Delong: I had no idea about all of those capabilities. Like I started using, I need to give Descript another chance because I started using it last year and was super frustrated because I didn’t understand how to use it. And I tried using the, I like enhancer like, Where you’re not looking at the screen, but it helps you look at it. And then my, it made my eyes like, you know, like those fish that have one I hear, and when I hear, it made me look like that was like, Descript, that does not look what I look like, I got this wrong, but maybe I should like, Come around and give it another can’t even talk, But give it another chance, there.e

Kinsey Soderberg: Yeah, yeah, I mean, they did, they recently updated, had a massive update with their AI stuff, so it made it way easier because before I was even using like a different software called Opus Clip, um, along with Descript, which is like another find social media clips type of site. Type of software. I can’t talk either. But, yeah, since the update, it’s been way better. But, yeah, the eye feature is still, I don’t know. Maybe I think it’s better with darker eyes. I have blue eyes. And I was looking at the camera, and then it made them black. I was like, oh my god. I look like a demon. Oh, yeah.

Dolly Delong: oh man, that’s so funny. As we said, AI is supposed to be our intern, not the boss. So that’s another good reminder to listeners. Like it’s, it’s going to make mistakes.

Kinsey Soderberg: Yeah. Always remember that, guys. Always run it through the filter of a human of some sort for the output. That’s a good golden rule.

Dolly Delong: Exactly. Exactly. Well, it’s exciting to learn about your AI. So, how has this new workflow helped save you time?

Kinsey Soderberg: Oh my goodness. I know. I’m going to break down the numbers for you because, okay, I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t say I like statistics. I have this issue with statistics because I have a super creepy college professor for statistics, and I just don’t get it, you know?

Dolly Delong: like triggers you every

Kinsey Soderberg: Yeah! But, with ChatGPT, I’ve been having ChatGPT help me with my statistics, which has been so lovely.

But okay, so I will be honest with you. I call a lot of AI bros in the AI space, I call them, who are creating an entire month of content in 30 seconds. They’re saying all these things about, you know, making your course in two hours. I don’t know. They’re saying all these unrealistic time-saving things. I’m like, Uh, at that sort of language and stuff. So I try to break down the realistic numbers for the time that I save every day, week, and month with AI tools, thinking about the amount of time it would take me to do specific tasks before and the amount of time it takes me to do AI tools. This is considering me going back through reading the captions and editing the captions that ChatGPT writes for me and all the different stuff. So, realistically, it used to take me an hour toite a social media caption because, like I said, I’m a slow writer of an emailsven I labor over every word now with ChatGPT. It usually takes me about 15 minutes to have it write a caption or an email for me. And then I edit it and allure it up, like the podcast episodes. Oh, my goodness. It used to take me—I got used to it taking me about six hours to edit a show and do everything. And that was audio only. Right. And now, with Descript, I can, from start to finish, edit and. publish and find social media clips and share with my guests and all the different stuff in two hours for a 30-minute episode. And it’s fascinating. Right. And so, adding everything up and considering everything, I discovered I’ve been saving. I save three hours a day, 15 hours a week, and 70 hours monthly with AI tools. And guys, I say saving, but let’s be honest, I’m still doing, doing, doing, doing. I need to find more boundaries and enjoy my life and my freedom. So I’m still working on that, but it’s not just the amount of time I’ve saved. It’s how much more I’ve been able to do with both of my brands, building both of my businesses. And it’s been insane. It just all adds up. So it’s worth it to start using these tools, even if it can save you an hour a day or five minutes here or there. It’s so, so helpful. And it makes a huge difference.

Dolly Delong: Yeah, I love that so much. I’m excited for you. Congratulations.

Kinsey Soderberg: Oh, thanks. I know. I was like, what? How? What? It’s wild.

Dolly Delong: That’s so amazing. Okay. So my next question for you was, “Like, this is off the cuff because I did not include this.” I thought, “Okay, how long did it take you to nail down that workflow that you felt was doable?” Let’s talk about your podcasting workflow. It took me a solid year to nail out a workflow that felt good for me, and now I have it down to an hour and a half at the top of every week. This is not the editing portion. This is the marketing and SEO portion for every podcast episode. And it takes me an hour And a half, and I’m manual and using. AI. So that’s like those two fuse together. Butt it used to take me four hours at the top of every week.Butt it did take me a long time to get to that point. So I’m just curious: how long did it take you to reach that point?

Kinsey Soderberg: Yeah, okay. So, I’m so glad we’re talking about this, especially with you being such a systems girlie, you know? A lot of times when you start dipping your toes into the AI world, you’ll have a lot of people be like, Hey, I have fire life, and it can turn you into like deer and headlights syndrome or be super frustrating because you’re like, Oh my gosh, I have to learn all these new tools. I have to revamp my entire system and all the different stuff completely. It can either stop you from even using them at all or just be way too overwhelming. And suddenly, you feel like your entire life has been consumed, and you’re not being productive in your business. Right? So, I tell people to do two things when they are just starting to use AI tools. Firstly, look at the systems you already have working for you and start curious, “Oh, how can I start using these tools within my system to get the stuff done just a little bit faster?” Right? So, like I said, instead of sitting there twiddling your thumbs trying to develop SEO stuff, you’re using TatchyBT, and it’s helping you along in the system. I’m sure you already had a system. So that is what I recommend for every system in your business, right?

Even when answering emails, there are just different things. If you have emails like, “Oh, I just don’t want to answer these,” throw them into chat, GBT, have a chat, GBT, and help you draft a response. You can edit it quickly within five minutes, and you’re ready. Just think about how AI tools can help you in your systems. Once you start using them, you’ll probably open yourself up to the possibility of more, right? But that’s a great way to get started. And then also the second thing I need you to do is write on a sticky note. Can chat GPT help me with this? Then, stick it next to your computer screen. Cause that’s

Dolly Delong: I realize that point is right there. That’s a good point.

Kinsey Soderberg: I did that because I would instead start working alone in your day. And then when you hit that pressure point or that block in your business, you’re like, ugh, and then you like to look over, and you see that sticky note. Can chat GPT help me with this? Then, you can start asking us how chat GPT can help you. You can also train yourself to start using these tools when needed. Right?

Dolly Delong: I love that. That’s such a good, this is going to be like a little sound bite for the For this episode, it should be, I think that was great. That’s a golden nugget right there. So, okay. As we wrap up Kenzie, can you give the listeners practical tips for integrating AI into their business life? You’ve given us some excellent reasons for using AI tools in our business, but how can we get started?

Kinsey Soderberg: Yeah, I mean, I think that doing those two things I just mentioned is a great way to get started. First, take an hour to sit down and brainstorm. What systems do I have in my business every week, the podcasting, the emails, the social media content, the whatever, and then get curious about, Oh, could I have chat GPT help me draft my show notes? Could I have it help me do whatever? So, just starting there is a great way. Then, make it a part of your workflow every week. You’ll begin to get comfortable using them, and more possibilities will open up. The sticky note thing is an excellent thing for really finding those pressure point moments in your day-to-day. When it comes to thinking about the tasks that it can help you with, there are a few different things you can think about. Firstly, there’s a mundane question: “Oh, I don’t want to do this task that dodgy, but he can help you as show notes are something like that for me, for sure.” Responding to emails, responding to client emails, or okay. Say you have a discovery call, you have coaching clients, and then you have to draft a proposal after the discovery call, or you have to draft the—action list after your client calls. Throwing the transcript from those calls into chat GPT, having it help you with that is someTranscript I love doing too, because again, it’s one of those things where it’s we just went through this conversation, but just like getting the information out on the paper is looking for me.

I will use chat GPT for that a lot. So, there’s the UGG task that chats GPT can help you with. But then, I love using chat GPT to help me expand my creativity and amplify my ideas. So, it’s not just the mundane tasks that chat GPT can help you with. It’s also the stuff that you can bring your expertise to chat GPT. And have it help you, like, do work more quickly than you’d already be doing. So, for example, bringing my expertise to chat to BD about the branding stuff, all the different things where it’s like brain dumping my ideas, and having it just helped me along in my creative process. Processing a little bit more quickly is also really helpful. And it’s enjoyable, too, because chat GPT becomes like an innovative partner for you. As solopreneurs, we know it can be lonely when you do all the work yourself. Sometimes, I’ll have chat GPT tell me a joke, or I’ll be sarcastic with chatTranscripttuff like that; it’s also fun to think about it as a creative partner. Yeah,

Dolly Delong: Chat GPT. Roast me; it was hilarious. It was nice about how it roasted me. I said, “Oh, this is pretty funny and nice.”

Kinsey Soderberg: Oh, yeah, I know you have to like it. I know there’s that trend about it. Was it the Instagram feed one? Oh my god. I know it’s hilarious. Also,chatgpt will be lovely the first time, and then you’ll be more mean chatgpt. And then it’ll lay it on, and you’re returning to be excellent.

Dolly Delong: Please. I need some support.t

Kinsey Soderberg: Yeah, yeah. I love it, though. Okay, so I’ve been a trained chat GP on my brand voice and stuff; I will say, please respond to every response with my brand voice, and then it’s like talking to a girlfriend instead of talking to a Professor or something,

Dolly Delong: That’s awesome. Okay, then, can I ask some final thoughts? Or I want to know your favorite AI tools besides chat, GPT, and descript. I know that there are so many more out there. Like what would you recommend getting started with?

Kinsey Soderberg: Yeah. I mean, oh man, girl. Okay. So, this might not be the answer you’re looking for. And I do have an a. I’m calling it our authentic AI tech toolkit. And it’s basically because I have the podcast. So, I’ll throw any tool recommendations from guests. Into our toolkit so that I can remember them because there are so many fricking ones out there. So, I give that access to people for free. It’s one of our freebies,

Dolly Delong: Well, you need the link. So

Kinsey Soderberg: Yeah. Yeah. I have had to set boundaries with AI tools because there are so many friggin ones out there. And firstly, my brain can’t handle trying all of them. My schedule can’t handle trying all of them. And also, I don’t want to get wrapped up in many more subscriptions.

Dolly Delong: yeah.

Kinsey Soderberg: I mostly use ChachiBT and Descript for my AI tools. I have used plugins in the past, and there are just so many. It’s just everyday AI tools that I use all the time. But I recommend that if you’re looking just to get started with AI tools, you find a tool similar to chat GPT. So, it’s called a large language model. It’s like a chat. But basically, I love chat GPT. The free version is excellent for getting started. Gemini and  GooGoogler Claude are similar tools, which are other great things I’ve heard lately. And then, yeah, Descript, I love it. I used to use another Opus Clip tool, but I don’t use that anymore. Cause Descript. It takes care of what I used it for. So it’s great. Before we end, is it okay to share just a little about encouraging women to use AI tools? Because this is a message that I, so I interviewed a woman on my podcast. Her name was Dr. Nikki Sweeney. She taught, and she brought this to my attention. But especially for your audience, I know that you have so many incredible women entrepreneurs in your audience. Something that’s been popping up for us a lot lately is that when it comes to AI tools, men are two times more likely to use the most popular AI tools than women are. It isn’t perfect, and there are a few different reasons. First, we were brought up in a culture that was like STEM, science, and tech subjects aren’t necessarily for women. So we tend to feel less techie in general. Um, but also something that pops up with women, especially, is this feeling of guilt when using AI tools, feeling like we’re cutting corners, right? And so that’s one of those things I always like to bring up and adjust to because it’s not our fault, right? We were raised in a society where when men do specific things, it’s innovative, time-saving, and productive. And when women don’t necessarily do the work or whatever they say, it’s not doing the work, it’s cutting corners, and all those AI tools, we need to shift our mindset around that. And start using them. There are ways that we can use them authentically. AI tools could significantly boost your productivity by up to 40%. When it comes to entrepreneurs and people using AI tools in the workplace, the people using AI tools are more likely to get a promotion or raise. If women don’t start embracing AI tools, the gender income gap will increase, right? So, we embrace AI tools, spread the word, and discuss them. The other side of that coin is that many AI tools are user-trained. When you use AI tools, they learn from you. And if women don’t use AI tools, we won’t be represented in the technology moving forward. It’s just one of those things that I love to share. I love to bring it up because it’s an actual thing. I understand that it can feel like you’re cutting corners using these tools and must do the work to be respected. But it’s one of those cultural mindset things that We need to overcome and talk about more so that we can move forward and decrease the gender income gap instead of increasing it and falling behind.

Dolly Delong: Yeah, thank Kinsey, thank you for that reminder. That’s such a good reminder right there. It’s an excellent point to end on right there. So, I hope that was encouraging for all my listeners. I know a lot of my listeners are females, female entrepreneurs. And so, don’t feel guilty for quote-unquote, cutting quarters. Cause if you’re saving time, it’s not cutting quarters. It’s only cutting quarters. If it’s like a bat, like in my mind, if it’s like shoddy and put, I don’t know. It’s terrible, but. It’s not wrong to save time. So that’s a very, very good reminder right there. Okay. So, Kinsey, I wanted to say thank you so much for showing up and sharing so much insight about AI tools and how to get started. Listeners, I want to encourage you to re-listen to this podcast episode, especially in the beginning, because I remember I’m, I’m going to re-listen to this because Kinsey gave us some excellent advice on how to share our brand voice into chat GPT. so please, I recommend you start there so you can get started and get comfortable and then learn how to save more time using AI tools. You’re not cutting corners in the wrong way. All right. And then, of course, give Kenzie a follow. So Kenzie, how can people connect with you, work with you, get to know you, like what should their next steps be with

Kinsey Soderberg: Oh my goodness. Thank you so much, Dolly. This has been so much fun. Thank you so much for having me. So, Instagram is probably the best place to connect with me. It’s at authentic AI for entrepreneurs or feelgood social. Either one, you’ll find me. Our website is DIY with.ai, where you can find all our freebies. The toolkit is DIY with an AI slash toolkit. Then, we have the blueprint, which is DIY. And yeah, the AuthenticAI podcast is another great way to connect.

Dolly Delong: Awesome. So, listeners, I will surely get all of these links from Kinsey and put them in the show note so that it’s easily accessible to you. But if you had any aha moments in this, DM Kinsey and let her know and connect with her. This is partly why I am doing this podcast: to connect you with excellent business owners who can help you with some systems or workflow. Kinsey will be that person for you with AI tools. So Kinsey, thank you so much for coming on. I sincerely mean it. I had so much fun talking with you. Your business name is appropriately named, fee; fee and the l. His felt good. And so I hope you have a wonderful week, and listeners, you guys have a streamlined and magical week. You amazing muggle, you and I will talk to you next week with a brand new podcast episode. Bye.

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