Feeling Stuck with SEO for Your Business? Sign Up Now for the SEO Mastery Audio Summit and Unlock Expert Strategies to Drive More (Organic) Traffic 
The SEO Mastery Audio Summit, from August 13th to 16th, 2024, is a virtual event for busy business owners. Learn foundational SEO strategies, local SEO, technical SEO, and more from industry experts through convenient audio sessions. Boost your SEO knowledge and drive more traffic to your business without interrupting your schedule. Sign up now!
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seo magic here!

develop a system that works for your small business when it comes to SEO & learn how to become the googled answer to your ideal client's searches! 

The Dolly DeLong: Baby Moon Adventures with Ty (Part 7) (The Grand Canyon) (Arizona)

This was probably the hardest day for me because of my pregnancy + the heat + needing to pee every five minutes + being scared of going to the bathroom in the bushes because I was afraid of snakes biting me in the butt + I just wanted ice cream the entire day (and that never happens b/c I don’t like ice cream that much) + I hit my wall emotionally and just wanted to fall asleep somewhere. SO DRAMATIC! (Pregnancy was a real pain in the butt for me in the Grand Canyon…and I also hated everyone coming up to me and asking me about the baby for some reason…normally I am fine with it, but I did not want anyone to talk to me or look at me or inform me that I looked like I was going to pop-yeah I was just a delightful woman to be around that day).
Thankfully I married an angel of a man who promised to take care of me and always love me in sickness and in health (and in ridiculous behaviors like I was exhibiting) so by the end of the day (after I had thrown my holy temper tantrum) I actually had a wonderful day with Ty and I am thankful that we got to see and experience the glorious wonders of the Grand Canyon. It really is so gorgeous there, and like I have stated in previous posts, I really want to bring my son back here and maybe it would be better when I’m NOT pregnant so I can walk without needing to pee every other minute. Also, maybe go there when the weather is not 2,000,000 degrees outside.
Here are a few of my favorite photos from our day trip to the Grand Canyon. It was a 2-3 hour drive from our Airbnb so my husband deserves all the praise hand emojis for driving us to and from the Grand Canyon ESP after a long day with his moody and pregnant wife.
Anyway, if you have learned anything from reading my posts it is this: please love and appreciate your spouses (or your partners) who are walking with you through life (ESP through pregnancy or any new chapters which change/alter your hormones). Let them know you love them and appreciate them! 

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