Yet, you’ve tried to figure out Black Friday strategies on your own—or maybe you're feeling paralyzed by all the options and not sure where to even start!

• You may feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of strategies out there, unsure of where to begin when it comes to planning a successful Black Friday sale. 

• You might struggle with setting clear timelines, deadlines, and goals to ensure your Black Friday sale runs smoothly and effectively, leading to uncertainty in your overall sales strategy.

• You may even question whether the time and effort required to plan and execute a Black Friday campaign will pay off in the end. It’s easy to wonder, "Is this really worth it?" and find yourself stuck in the same spot year after year—frustrated, overwhelmed, and missing out on key sales opportunities.

Implementing the right strategies and tactics is the first step toward maximizing your sales this Black Friday

Imagine having 3 industry experts guide you on exactly where to start and which trends to follow for Black Friday 2024.

Learning how to apply the latest Black Friday trends and strategies to your business can be an incredibly empowering and profitable experience. It’s like unlocking a treasure chest of sales potential and strategic execution.

You’ll feel like you’ve reached a new level of mastery in planning and executing your Black Friday sale.

I mean, logically, you might feel like a mere beginner when it comes to running big sales, but when you actually take those steps to implement these proven strategies...YOU’LL FEEL LIKE A MARKETING GENIUS!

Think we're exaggerating? Keep on scrolling...

Picture how it will feel to finally learn how to apply proven Black Friday strategies, trends, and tactics to your business, setting you up for a smooth, profitable sale this holiday season.

That’s exactly why we created this free masterclass—to help you get started and feel confident in knowing what trends to be aware of, even with Black Friday just around the corner!

We hear you.

There can be a lot of questions and confusion, especially when you're planning a Black Friday sale in October—just weeks before the big event!

You may fear change. You assume that planning a Black Friday sale means you have to reinvent the wheel.

You might worry that executing a successful sale will cost you an arm and a leg—or take more time than you can spare.

Not knowing where to start or how to design an effective strategy can lead to hesitation (or you might feel like everything has to be perfect right from the start!)

I mean, you may have fears such as...

It may seem ambitious, but aren't you curious to see if planning out a Black Friday sale with 2024’s top strategies could work for you?

say no more, i'm in!

Join our free masterclass to discover the must-know strategies for a successful Black Friday 2024, and learn how to boost your sales with confidence!

The 2024 Black Friday Trend Masterclass: 
5 Essential Trends to Plan and Execute Your Best Black Friday Sale Yet


🎉You’ll finally have a clear strategy for how to manage your time leading up to Black Friday 2024. While you can’t add more hours to your day, you’ll be using your time efficiently to prep your sale, ensuring you're both productive and ready for the big day—resulting in more sales and less stress (because you'll know what trends to focus in on)! 

🎉You’ll have clarity on which specific Black Friday trend to focus on, tailored to your business, so you can confidently execute a sale that maximizes profits and sets you up for success in 2025.

🎉You’ll have a clear 2024 Trend strategy in place to create a seamless, consistent customer experience throughout your Black Friday sale!

🎉You’ll know exactly how to position your Black Friday offer in a way that stands out, cuts through the noise, and establishes your authority, helping you attract the right customers without feeling lost in a crowded market.

Your business after this Masterclass...

🤔You feel lost, unsure where your time and energy is going as you try to prepare for Black Friday. As a solopreneur already stretched thin, it feels like you're pushing a boulder uphill just to get things moving, and you're craving a simple, effective solution.

🤔You know you're capable of making sales (clients are buying from you!), but month after month, you feel like you're falling short, lacking a clear system to ensure profitability. You want to be fully prepared for Black Friday 2024, even in the midst of uncertainty, so you can confidently boost your sales and stay ahead.

🤔You're confident in delivering a great customer experience (that’s why people love working with you), but there’s an inconsistency in your approach—something is missing, and you can't quite figure out what it is.

🤔You've heard how important it is to establish your authority with strategic Black Friday offers, but you're overwhelmed by where to even start. It feels like the market is already saturated, and you're afraid you’ll just be "adding to the noise."

Your business now...

watch it now!

we know it sounds too good to be true, but we’re peeling back the curtain to show you how three industry experts—each with unique expertise—are coming together to share the key Black Friday trends that can transform your 2024 Black Friday sale plan!

The only action step you need to take now is to sign up for this free masterclass, watch, take notes, and implement what you’ve learned!

It’s that simple.

Sign up now, and finally understand exactly where to begin with Black Friday 2024 trends to create a profitable, stress-free launch!

You can expect to walk away from this class with a notebook full of actionable insights and a clear plan for Black Friday 2024! 

We don’t want you to leave empty-handed, so you’ll also receive a bonus resource from this free Webinar/Masterclass!

With everything you’ll have during and after the class, there’s no excuse—you’ll be fully equipped to take action!

We are no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point teachers. Our goal is for you to leave this class with actionable knowledge you can immediately apply.

This fast-action class is packed with real examples as we walk you through the key strategies you should be implementing to get your business ready for Black Friday ASAP!

The reason your Black Friday plans feel scattered and overwhelming is likely because you don’t know where to start or how to take action!

Our challenge to you is simple: watch this masterclass, take notes, and get ready to take intentional action for this BLACK FRIDAY!

watch the class

Stop making excuses, it's time to take action

• The time to take action for your Black Friday sale is NOW.
So put on those big girl (or big boy) pants, and let's get this done! Don’t wait until it’s too late—start preparing and set yourself up for success this holiday season!

• The time to understand the trends that will make or break your Black Friday sale is NOW (not tomorrow, not next week, or next year). To make this your most successful sale yet, you need the foundational knowledge to take action and stand out this holiday season.

•We are no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point teachers. Our goal is for you to leave this class with actionable knowledge you can immediately apply.

• Please watch this if you're tired of just thinking about your Black Friday sale and ready to actually take intentional steps, this class is for you. We're here to help you stop procrastinating and start executing on the trending strategies that will impact your business in 2025! 

Because you’ve likely put off planning for Black Friday, and time is running out! It’s time to dive into the “non-sexy” but essential work that will help you create a strategic, profitable Black Friday sale for 2024.
Don’t wait—start preparing now to ensure your success!

Why watch this class now? 🤔

• You already have a dedicated team managing your Black Friday strategy, and everything is running smoothly.

• You’re not interested in taking action steps and prefer to let things happen without a plan.

• You have a habit of chasing shiny objects and rarely follow through with any strategy.

• You’d rather figure it all out on your own by watching random YouTube videos in your spare time.

• Honestly? You sign up and then don't even watch it. This is DEF not for you. 

This is not the best fit if:

• You’re a team of one and want to be more efficient with your time by learning how to focus on the right Black Friday strategies for your business.

• You have a digital product that DOES sell AND you’re ready to take your next steps seriously by implementing foundational strategies for a successful Black Friday sale (that is simple yet Trend Focused) 

• You’re tired of being led down endless rabbit trails and falling victim to shiny object syndrome. You’re ready to focus on one clear goal and make it happen.

• You’re an action taker, ready to commit to a single, targeted strategy to make Black Friday 2024 your best one yet.

This class may be for you if:

"Why are you REALLY here?" Is it because you’re ready to finally take action and make Black Friday 2024 the game-changing sale for your business to impact 2025? 

Like, this truly is a free 60-minute class. The three of us do tend to overshare and over-educate, and we are not ashamed to admit it. You'll get plenty of examples, resources, and practical tips because we are passionate about making sure you leave with real value.

Here’s the catch: We just want you to stop making excuses when it comes to preparing for Black Friday. The goal is for you to take action, stop feeling scattered, and finally get clear on how to make this year’s sale your best yet (even if it's your first time leading a sale!)

Now let us ask you a really direct question:

I mean, are you truly ready? Let's do this!

Seriously, the choice is yours. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of small decisions you make each week that affect your business. Why not make some needle-moving choices now to prepare for Black Friday and strengthen the backend of your business? This masterclass will help you identify those key strategies that can drive real results!

You could invest just 60 minutes of your time in this free masterclass with three educators to discover the key strategies that will impact your Black Friday success. You'll learn the essential Black Friday Trends to get your business ready for the holiday season!


You can keep doing what you’re already doing—chasing the next shiny object—or you can finally tackle those crucial pieces that you know would make a real difference for your Black Friday success. Instead of moving on to another marketing tactic that “feels good” but ultimately doesn’t deliver, why not commit to the strategies that will truly impact your business?

You have a choice...

We provide resources and notes for you to utilize after the free class. During the session, we’ll share plenty of examples, actionable steps, and encouragement to help you take those important baby steps! We are going to share 5 trends, all you have to do is stick to 1 trend to implement!

what if I don't understand how to take action after this class?
First off, stop using that excuse right now. The fact that you’ve built your business to where it is today is an incredible achievement! You’re the visionary with big dreams, so let’s combine your creativity with the 2024 trending strategies needed to execute a successful Black Friday launch plan!

I am too "creative-minded" to really implement a launch plan! 
The fact is, you have time. You find time to scroll this landing page and engage on social media. Your time reflects your priorities, right? So why not prioritize the backend of your business now? Investing just 60 minutes in this masterclass can lead to significant improvements for your Black Friday success!

I seriously do not have any time to commit to this class

You can do this (We Promise!) ...even if you’re thinking…

Great question! This is a 60-minute masterclass, and while it's packed with information, you’ll walk away with at least 5 trends to implement for your Black Friday success. So be sure to carve out time for this essential class!

Yes! This class IS really free! I do not spend the entire 60 minutes pitching something to you. This is a no-fluff training. I also provide free resources and bonuses for you to use. Full disclosure: we do have a Black Friday Launching Kit that we will talk about, but you will still walk away with knowledge about 5 trends in 2024 to implement in your Black Friday Launch!

You can sign up right here!

Yes, there will be a replay. I am going to take the live recording and convert it into a replay for you to watch. I do not like to ACT like it's "live" all the time. So I will talk to you like it's a replay (I don't like that marketing tactic)! I am super honest and upfront about everything!
I am doing one live recording and again, sharing it as a replay for the free training.

Yes, I make it a point to make sure that there will be an option for CC (just in case you have a different learning style!) 

Yes, I provide a whole list of resources for you to use once you go through the free class and if you want to take action steps you have a great starting off point for yourself!

Short answer: heck to the NO! You should be utilizing whatever you have in your shop to sell (that already sells). We are going to be teaching from the perspective of what you already have because we want to showcase to you that YOU can make an excellent launch plan based on trends for 2024!

Well, isn't that cute that you think we hold all that power? 😆
However, we will be sharing a lot of information with you (I mean, it is 60 minutes). Our expectation is that you are watching this to take action steps. Although we would love to hold your hand and encourage you in person, the ball is in YOUR court to take action. 
(The life-changing happens because of YOU, not us)!


We’re excited to introduce the incredible educators leading this masterclass:

Bekah is a small business web designer and Squarespace educator, as well as a mom of two under three. With a passion for helping entrepreneurs, she thrives on being their biggest cheerleader, guiding them in getting their websites live and ranking on Google. Bekah is dedicated to teaching you the essential tricks for building your brand online while avoiding the marketing rat race on Instagram.

Mara Kucirek is an online course designer and launch strategist, known for her work as the host of the Create a Better Course Podcast. Having successfully assisted over 250 entrepreneurs in launching online courses and digital products, Mara brings a wealth of experience to the table. She resides in Tampa, Florida, with her husband, two dogs, and daughter.

Dolly DeLong is a photographer turned systems, workflow, and launch integrator, and the host of the Systems & Workflow Magic Podcast. With her Systems & Workflow Magic Bundle, she has helped thousands of small business owners get started with systems & workflows. As a launch planner and hype girl, Dolly has helped small business owners achieve their most strategic (and profitable) launches yet! She lives in Middle Tennessee with her husband, two boys, and dog.

Together, these three experts are here to equip you with the knowledge and strategies you need for a successful Black Friday!

meet your teachers

get the free class

You deserve to experience clarity in knowing where to begin with the strategies and trends for a successful Black Friday sale!

watch the class now