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111: How to Get Started with Tracking Metrics to Impact the Backend of Your Business & Your Launches with Carolyn O’Brien (The Systems & Workflow Magic Podcast)


In this episode of the Systems and Workflow Magic podcast, I am joined by Carolyn O’Brien, a marketing and metrics specialist. We discuss the importance of tracking data and metrics in running successful launches in online businesses.

The Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast is brought to you by Dolly DeLong Education. This podcast is for creative business owners who want to learn tangible steps to automate their business through workflows, systems, tools, and strategies to go from scattered to streamlined with purpose because even muggles can become automated wizards!

Meet Carolyn O’Brien

New mom, wife, outdoor enthusiast, big fan of The Real Housewives franchise, and the passionate creator behind Metrics Mastery. Over in her Metrics and Marketing corner, she’s the go-to gal for making complicated things simple She’s a Certified OBM, has worked with hundreds of digital course creators and coaches, and mentored groups of fellow service providers along the way. Although she doesn’t consider herself a “numbers person” by trade, she’s seen what a game-changer they are. Showing entrepreneurial clients the power of data has been her passion. Visualizing and tracking metrics allows them to focus on the facts, make better business decisions, and scale faster. Her goal is to make metrics fun—yes, it’s possible—and to help fellow online business owners understand metrics tracking to help them grow and scale.

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🔗Links mentioned:  ⭐️The Systems & Workflow Magic Bundle (this comes out at least once a year, and even if you miss it, you should still get on the waitlist to be notified of the next bundle!) (click here or click on the banner below) banner_for_the_systems_and_workflow_magic_bundle_the_launching_edition ⭐️A private podcast about the 4 different launching phases (here or click on the banner below) the_four_phases_of_launching_a_digital_product_a_private_podcast ⭐️A free workshop on how to get started with refining my top 5 recommended systems, workflows, and sops to impact the backend of your own creative business today! Sign up for this free 90-minute workshop and walk away with a game plan of action! getting_started_with_systems_and_workflows_as_a_small_business_owner_a_free_workshop

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Want to listen to the other episodes in this series? Check them out here! Start with Episode 105 ⬇️

Episode 105: https://systemsandworkflowmagic.com/2023/11/16/copywriting-tips-for-launching/

Episode 106: https://systemsandworkflowmagic.com/2023/11/25/how-to-use-tiktok-for-launching/

Episode 107: https://systemsandworkflowmagic.com/2023/12/03/easy-launches-during-busy-seasons/

Episode 108: https://systemsandworkflowmagic.com/2023/12/10/how-to-host-a-webinar/

Episode 109: https://systemsandworkflowmagic.com/2023/12/16/how-to-have-a-powerful-pre-launch/

Episode 110: https://systemsandworkflowmagic.com/2023/12/19/how-to-create-a-marketing-workflow/


Read The Shownotes + Transcript Here

Dolly DeLong: Welcome to the Systems and Workflow Magic podcast, where I help entrepreneurs go from scattered to streamlined in their creative businesses. I’m your host, Dolly DeLong, a wife, a mom, and a photographer turned systems educator. Join me every week as we have conversations centered around creating. tactical workflows and automation in your business. Now let’s make some strategic workflow magic. Hello and welcome back to another episode of the Systems and Workflow Magic podcast. I am your Systems and Workflow VFF and Guide, Dolly DeLung, and today I am so, so, so honored and excited to have a business owner on the podcast who I have come to admire from afar. And it is Carolyn O’Brien. Carolyn is a new mom, a wife, an outdoor enthusiast, and a big fan of the Real Housewives. Wives franchise. I love that. And the passionate creator behind metrics mastery. Now over here, Carolyn in her world of metrics and marketing corner, is the go-to gal for making complicated things simple. And she’s excited. You have found your way on this podcast, and I’m excited. She’s here to help educate us on all things metrics mastery. Now she is a certified OVM. She’s worked with hundreds of digital course creators and coaches and has mentored groups of fellow service providers along the way. Although she doesn’t consider herself a numbers person by trade, um, she has seen what a game changer they are showing her entrepreneurial clients. The power of data has always been her passion, visualizing and tracking metrics, allows them to focus on the facts, make better business decisions, and scale faster. Now her goal is to make metrics. Fun. Yes, that is possible. And to help fellow online business owners understand metrics, tracking them to help them grow and scale their business. So welcome to the podcast. That was a formal introduction. Did I miss anything? 

Carolyn O’Brien: No, thank you so much for having me. I’m so excited to be here. And yeah, I think you kind of got everything in a nutshell there.

Dolly DeLong: Awesome. Can you tell me, since I am also a mom, tell me more about this new mom life? 

Carolyn O’Brien: Yeah, so my son is now 14 months old. I still very much feel like a new mom though. And it’s great. He’s at the best age where he’s like exploring everything. Nonstop. The only time he stops moving is when he’s sleeping. So it’s, it’s always on the go, but it’s so fun watching him. And it’s been a journey to kind of like welcome him into the world and owning your own business. Um, and so it’s a lot of learning the last 14 months, but he’s awesome. 

Dolly DeLong: I think our sons are, I didn’t realize you had a son who is around my son’s age. Um, I have two, but. My youngest is 10 months old, so they’re so close. Yeah, it’s a sweet age for sure. Yes. I’m well, I’m excited to dig into this topic even more now because you are going to provide even more encouragement for the moms out there who are listening in and want to know. Okay. Why is data important? And how can I incorporate this with my littles? Because do I have to have a Ph.D. in data to have a successful business? And you are going to learn so much from this podcast episode. Um, I, I’m so, again, I’m so honored. You are a contributor to the systems and workflow magic bundle, the launch edition, and After this episode, I know that listeners are going to like run to get to know you because of your extensive knowledge and expertise in launching with all the numbers involved. Okay, so before we dig into the heart Of this podcast episode. I want to let you know, I’m, I’m kind of a creeper and I was on your Instagram page. And especially because we have a mutual friend named Mara. Hey, Mara, if you’re listening in, you mentioned, I’m going to pull up the quote, cause I wrote it down. The quote was, I’m going to let you in on a secret, successful launches aren’t just about luck. And I’m so glad that I found that quote that you wrote down because I want to use that quote kind of like as a springboard in today’s episode to encourage the listener and let you know like, if you’re planning a launch like you don’t have to like to depend on luck or hope like you don’t have to say, Well, I hope it goes well. Can you wish me luck? Or can you wish me good vibes? Like even though like I have said all those things and I mean it like I’m hoping things will go well. I like, that I want the best of luck for everything, but I love that you pointed out launches aren’t just about luck. So let’s transition from that into why we should be digging into tracking your metrics, having dashboards, and how it applies to your launches and online funnels and everything online business.

Carolyn O’Brien: Yeah, so really that quote, it’s like kind of from two sides, right? Is launches take a lot of prep work and the prep work helps kind of set up your success in the results, but also then to kind of redo a launch or to like You know, perform it again is it’s not about luck. It’s really about like looking at the numbers and figuring out what worked, and what didn’t work. And, you know, you said a few minutes ago, like for, you know, new moms and stuff, one of my biggest learnings has been since having a kid is your time is just finite. And it’s limited in the amount of time that you have to work. And so really tracking numbers is almost like a shortcut. And it allows you to get a lot of insight and to make decisions without the kind of just guessing or going with like solely your gut feeling or just kind of winging it. And so, you know, as, as As painful as numbers may be for some people, um, if you can kind of simplify it and do it in a way that makes sense to you, it really will help you in the short and long term when making business decisions, whether it’s related to your launches, to your funnels, to what opt-in is working better for your audience, right? There’s almost, there’s a ton of numbers you can track, but using the ones that are going to help your business decisions is kind of the way to go. 

Dolly DeLong: You are amping me up right now. I’m like, Oh, I have so many questions now, but I know that we’re going to start with tracking because like right before we hit record, I was like asking you a bunch of questions. I’m like, Oh, you have so much extensive knowledge about this. So where should we begin? And you had mentioned, let’s start with tracking because like, that is like a good starting point for even like newer business owners.

Carolyn O’Brien: Totally. And just do it in Google Sheets. It doesn’t have to be fancy. I track numbers in a pretty simple way in the sense that it’s in Google Sheets in the first column is the dates. And then, you know, in the column headers, it’s just the metrics you’re tracking. And so Google Sheets is great for a couple of reasons: it’s easy to share with other team members. So maybe you were doing it at first, or maybe you have a VA or someone on your team who can kind of like help pull numbers at some point. There could be a million numbers to track and I just want to make sure people don’t get overwhelmed and you just want to start somewhere. And so I always say if you’re tracking nothing, start tracking your money metrics first, right? Because it’s a business, we want to make sure you’re making money. And so, you know, simple things like your revenue numbers, your number of purchases, your refunds, any failed payments. So really simply just having kind of an overall sense of the money metrics in your business. And then from there, you can dig a little deeper. And so I always say, what is the customer journey that people go on to kind of come to find out about you, enter your ecosystem, and then potentially purchase? And that’s a funnel, right? The word funnel can be overwhelming for some people, but it is the journey that people go on from first finding out about you to then potentially buying from you. Think about those steps that someone takes, whether it’s they go to an initial opt-in page for a freebie, and then they get the freebie, and then maybe they get an email sequence, and then maybe they go to a sales page and a checkout page and purchase. And if you just kind of think about each step, those are the metrics you’re tracking really, and just kind of visually thinking about where are people going and what numbers are associated with that customer journey.

Dolly DeLong: I love that. So I’m going to peel it back even more for the listeners, like as a refresher, because you all know, like, I love talking about digital funnels and breaking that down as well. Just for a reference point, top of the funnel, I look at that as where people are finding you. So on Instagram, on Facebook, on TikTok, on LinkedIn, or just like wherever you are. marketing yourself and let’s do so without using ads. So let’s say you are not having any ad spend. You don’t have that ad budget yet. So you’re doing all organic marketing. So to simplify this process, let’s say you decide to show up on Instagram. All right. So that’s the top of the funnel. And then. You have a link in your bio for that opt-in. Let’s say you are an Instagram coach And you are trying to teach other people how to utilize Instagram to grow their business let’s say your lead magnet Is all about Your top 10 ways you have used Instagram to grow your business and people want to opt in So that brings them into the middle of the funnel and then The middle of the funnel again is that email nurture sequence, like there are different puzzle pieces of that. And then the bottom of the funnel would probably be like you’re reaching out to them. Hey, this is an opportunity to work with me one-on-one. Here’s a digital product. Here’s a small offer. And then it hopefully funnels them into like. An ongoing relationship. So if you’re watching this on YouTube, think of it as literally a funnel, like they are, a lot of leads are coming in and it’s getting narrower and narrower. So hopefully I explained that well, and hopefully, you can visualize that too. 

Carolyn O’Brien: Totally. And then, you know, the other thing I always say with tracking is just do it on a Monday, right? I track on a Monday for the previous Monday through Sunday, because the business week starts on a Monday. I find that the easiest thing to do, and you really just build it into your Monday process, and then it’s done. And then, you know, you don’t have to track more than weekly, unless you’re in the middle of a launch. And I do recommend during a launch do it daily. Just because so much time and effort goes into preparing for a launch you just want to make sure all of the pieces are connected and everything is working correctly. Or if you make like a big change on the back end of a funnel, maybe you’re trying new software, or you have something new in there, then I would just check the numbers daily. But for normal business, I would say weekly. Because You know, there’s so many daily fluctuations in this online world and online space. And so if you’re looking daily and making decisions based on daily numbers, it’s going to be all over the board. 

Dolly DeLong: So when you say track every Monday or let’s, let’s just go straight into the launch. So, since this is a launch series, let’s say we are tracking. These numbers are daily, but in the funnel, like when you say track, like, what exactly are they tracking? I know what you mean, but do you need to break that down even more?

Carolyn O’Brien: Yeah, so the numbers will vary slightly based on your type of launch. So, Let’s just say you’re doing a live webinar, and let’s use that as an example. So, you know, initially, you’re sending out emails to your list most likely. So you’re going to want to track your open rate and your click-through rate to see how your emails are performing. And then you’re probably sending people to a registration page. And so you’re going to want to track page views on that page and then opt-ins to see how many people land on the page and then how many people opt-in. And then you can get your conversion rate from those two metrics to say, you know, out of the views, how many people opted in and get that percentage. And then, you know, from there, you’ll want to track well, you know, in addition, if you’re running traffic any other way to your opt-in page, you’ll want to just track the performance of that. So if you are running ads, if you are posting on Instagram, just to make sure you’re understanding, you know, how people are getting there and then you’ll want to see. You have your live webinar, how many people showed up, compared to how many people opted in to get your show up right? Uh, and then from there you’ll want to track kind of like the open cart period. So, page views, sales page views, checkout page views, number of purchases. Revenue and sales figures, uh, and then there could be some extra things depending on what you’re offering. So maybe, you know, if you have a pay-in-full and a payment plan option, you’ll want to track those. And then, you know, if you have a bump or an upsell on your cart, you may want to track those as well. You can always add on at a later point if you feel like you need to track more for the next launch. So don’t let kind of like the number of metrics scare you. I have been working with clients for three-plus years, and there are times that we still kind of add certain metrics that we want to track. Whether we kind of like change something in the launch plan or we’ve realized, Oh, we want to see if this is contributing to something, let’s start tracking this number. And so, you know, don’t let it stop you from feeling like you have to get everything perfect, having anything will be helpful. I was just working with a client on a launch plan and we were looking back at numbers from two years ago, so 2021, and it was so helpful to have those numbers to determine what to do now. And so kind of like the goal is like, if you just start now, you’ll be able to start using these numbers in the future. 

Dolly DeLong: That’s so true. And, and that also like. And along the lines of that reminder, if you set aside a day every week to be consistent with tracking those metrics, then you hopefully have a whole year’s worth of metrics to look back on. So listeners tune in, take this note. Decide right now what day of the week is going to be your, no, like your metrics. I call it. I could call it metrics Monday. You can call it Metrics Monday. ask a lot of questions, please forgive me. But what is so you, you said conversion, right? How do you find that conversion rate?

Carolyn O’Brien: Yeah, so for like the registration page, it would be the number of opt-ins divided by the number of page views multiplied by a hundred to get the percentage of it. Another place where you may want to look at conversion rate is like sales page. So out of the number of people who purchased, you know, divide that by the number of sales page views to get the performance of the page. And then things like, you know, pay in full percent is the number of people who paid in full over the total number of purchases multiplied by a hundred. 

Dolly DeLong: I love that. Okay. And again, everything that Carolyn is mentioning will be in the show notes. So please be sure to, if you’re like, I want to get those metrics, those calculations, just listen in and it will be in the show notes for you. Okay. So going back. So this is where you recommend starting with tracking the finances of your business. And then you gave us. Some really good metrics to track for your launch. Is there anywhere else you want to recommend to us? 

Carolyn O’Brien: I would say, you know, outside of launches, just think about where most people are coming in and purchasing and using that as your starting point. And then once you get comfortable tracking those numbers, you can add things on. So maybe there’s another, you know, funnel or customer journey you want to start looking at. Maybe you want to start tracking social media metrics. Um, maybe you want to start tracking your overall email metrics. If you’re sending out a weekly email newsletter, um, maybe you want to start looking at the performance of that. Like I said, I’ve been working with clients for over three years and we still go back and adjust things that we track here and there. So you don’t have to start with everything. I actually wouldn’t even recommend it. You should just start with kind of like the most important thing in your marketing funnel and then add on from there. 

Dolly DeLong: Wow, you guys, she just dropped like a huge truth bomb, and like, this is like a tough love moment. Just start with one. I feel like as online business owners, especially any newer online business owners who are like between year one to year five. Like there’s this pressure to have it all figured out, all mapped out because we are comparing ourselves to like, I’ll just say the Amy Porterfields of the online business space. And I’m just thinking about how far, like how long it took Amy Porterfield or Janet Kutcher to get to where they were. Like it wasn’t an overnight thing. So like Please, please just start with one and give yourself lots of grace.

Carolyn O’Brien: Yes. 

Dolly DeLong: Awesome. Okay. So do you mind sharing a little bit about your life, I know you’re getting listeners excited and I’ve been ferociously taking notes. I’m like, yes, like this is all something that I want to go over for myself too. But do you mind sharing with the listeners, what you do? Contribution is going to be for the systems and workflow magic bundle. 

Carolyn O’Brien: Yeah. So it’s called the ultimate launch tracker. So it kind of fits in with exactly what we were just talking about, but, you know, working with clients who were having, you know, six-figure launches who have seven-figure businesses, I, over the years kind of developed this process and template for tracking launch data and it’s what I found to be the best and easiest way to track launches on an individual level. But also in a way to compare launches against each other, because that’s really where the power comes in. Once you kind of get a couple of launches under your belt comparing them to each other to see what aspects perform better than others. And if you want to try something new, if you’re going to stick with something, cause it did seem to work. And so the ultimate launch tracker is something I developed and something I use daily with my clients to track launch performance on an individual level, and then also in a comparative way. 

Dolly DeLong: Is it, what, what is the format? Is it just a Google spreadsheet document? It’s a 

Carolyn O’Brien: Google sheet. So, you know, no additional software is required. You’re going to be able to make a copy. Use it with different team members. And, like I said, I just found Google Sheets to be kind of the simplest but most effective way to track numbers. 

Dolly DeLong: Awesome. And is there a tutorial on how to use that?

Carolyn O’Brien: Yes, so there’s a video that goes along with it that kind of walks through exactly how to use it and then also goes through some benchmark information so you can get a sense of, Okay, my, you know, my opt-in page conversion is this. Is this kind of above or below, you know, a standard? One thing I’ll say on benchmarks is that everyone wants to hear benchmarks and I get it, but I will say that kind of the most important benchmark to start with is your own. To see how you’re performing for these certain numbers, and then you can work to improve it off of there because everyone has a different starting point and that’s okay. Um, everyone, audience, everyone’s audiences are different and that’s okay too. Right. 

Dolly DeLong: I love that reminder so much. I have a few questions, but before we get there, do you have anything else to share about tracking, like very simplistic tracking, where to begin, especially with launches, or like, I know my listeners well and they want to learn this, but I don’t want to overwhelm them. Is there anything else we want to add to this? 

Carolyn O’Brien: I don’t think so. I think it’s really like starting simply and you know, outside of launches, doing it one day a week. Okay. And if you start now, you’ll think you’ll, you’ll thank yourself in the future because you have that data to look back on. And it’s one of those things that like, You just got to do it because if you like put it off, you’re not going to kind of go backwards and fill in all the blanks. So it’s better just to kind of do it at the moment and develop the, the. 

Dolly DeLong: And now I will ask you, what do you recommend? What type of data points or data collection tools do you recommend business owners use? 

Carolyn O’Brien: So really you’re going to use Google Sheets for the tracking and you’re going to get information from kind of the software systems that you’re using. So there are a ton of different course platforms out there, shopping carts, software, and email marketing platforms. One kind of like universal one is Google Analytics. That is helpful. I like to use Google Analytics in a really simple way in terms of just getting me. Accurate page views or page user views, I should say. And then really, I prefer to pull like the rest of the metrics from the individual platforms. Okay. So, you know, there’s kind of complicated ways or complex ways to set up Google Analytics to get some kind of conversion information. I prefer to pull it from the system itself. Okay. Just because Google Analytics is, can be a little bit complex. Yeah. So that’s kind of my recommendation. And then in terms of visualizing the data, I use Google Looker Studio, which used to be called Google Data Studio. 

Dolly DeLong: And I love that they changed it to Looker Studio. Yeah. That’s so funny to me. 

Carolyn O’Brien:  Yeah. Well, you know, Google bought Looker, which was a Dashboard software or dash data visualization software. And so they bought it a couple of years ago and then just, just somewhat recently kind of rebranded data studio as it. But the reason I love Looker Studio is that it’s free. For Google users, it connects so well to Google Sheets. And it’s like been the simplest way I’ve found to track numbers and then visualize numbers because it just like connects so easily. It’s a Google product. And then it also connects easily to Google Analytics as well. 

Dolly DeLong: I love this so much. As a reminder to all the listeners, like, we also have a contributor by the name of Gleneth Reed, and she helps explain Google Analytics tracking, like the newer version. So I made sure to get contributors who are actual experts in these different facets of launching so that you feel more prepared if this is the very first launch that you’re planning or you want to refine the different puzzle pieces of your launch to impact future launches so this is going to be a very robust bundle which I’m so excited about this brings me to my next this is like where you spill the tea you don’t have to spill the tea dramatically but since you mentioned you enjoy The Real Housewives franchise, let’s get a little, let’s get a little dramatic. Not really, but off the top of your head, like, can you share some examples? Obviously, without releasing any personal data sometimes when you’ve seen you’ve witnessed like launches that have gone bad because of like, they weren’t digging into their numbers, or they were more mostly like digging into their feelings. And again, there’s nothing wrong with feelings, everyone, but you have to dig into the numbers for your launches. 

Carolyn O’Brien: Let’s think, I think one of the examples was working with a client and she just like really for some reason was like, I want more pay in full sales. And it was kind of like looking at the numbers to see where we were. And then we were, we thought of a pay in full bonus. Right. And then we were able to track, did that painful bonus work? Like, were we able to increase the number of painful sales? We did in this example, but I think whenever, you know, you, yourself, or you’re working with a client and you want to kind of improve something, it’s good to kind of like step back and thinks about, okay, what aspect do I want to improve? And like, what’s the solution to that one single thing, right? Because a lot of the time it’s, I just want the lunch to do better. Well, if you have the data, you can kind of figure out what aspect of the launch could you improve on. Another thing is email performance, right? Like, a lot of times, like, you think, like, Oh my God, this subject line is going to do so well. But then you look at the data and it can tell you if it is doing well or not. And that’s a really good one because I think subject lines sometimes, like, in your gut, you think it’s going to perform and maybe it doesn’t. Oh, another one was, you know how some people in launches do like a surprise, like a card extended, open one more day, or a new payment plan on the last day, you know like that became available. And I’ve worked with clients who wanted to do it, and then the data shows it doesn’t work, right? Not that many people buy, and For all the kind of extra effort that the team puts into kind of like get that out there, in the end, is worth it if people are not buying on that day or buying with that payment plan. And also, um, Oh, one thing we, I just did with the client was we were looking back on a launch from a couple of years ago and we had done. Um, a two, a webinar with two options, right? Two different days. And after that, we kind of stopped doing it, but we looked back on the numbers and we were like, Oh wow, this did seem to work. So we’re trying it again to see, you know, is this something that is resonating with the audience? So really like using the data that can span across all these different components of a launch to figure out if it worked or didn’t work. 

Dolly DeLong: It sounds to me like. It’s also a constantly a, I don’t want to say science experiment, but you are experimenting with different elements. 

Carolyn O’Brien:  Yeah. And, you know, in an ideal world, you may only like to change one thing in this experiment. It’s not always possible and that’s okay. But if you want to test out something, you know, don’t go and change like every single aspect to launch, maybe try to change like one or two pieces to see if it actually kind of has an impact.

Dolly DeLong: Yeah. Absolutely. I love that. That’s a good reminder, especially well, like for me, I’ll be like open and honest with everyone. I’m in the middle of a prelaunch myself with the systems and workflow magic bundle. And I want to try something new. My new thing is to add a Masterclass in addition to a private podcast right before the bundle releases. The private podcast has, for me, always converted well with my audience, but now I’m like, I want to see if. Uh, a masterclass would be helpful, but then like I will be in full transparency. Everyone. I want to do five extra things on top of that. But this is like a good, they’re launching therapy session for me. Like, golly, don’t add too much. Just like. Just add the masterclass and then see, see what happens from there.

Carolyn O’Brien:  And sometimes small tweaks or small adjustments can have a big impact. And you won’t necessarily know the impact unless you’re tracking the numbers. 

Dolly DeLong: it’s a good reminder for me and the listeners as well. So, uh, Carolyn, I’ve learned. So much from you from this episode. I want to thank you again for coming on and for also being a part of the systems and workflow magic bundle, the launch edition, I know you’ve shared with the audience, what your contribution is going to be, but do you mind sharing with the audience? If they want to work with you, how they can find you, contact you, work with you, and just get to know you more?  

Carolyn O’Brien: So I work with people in a couple of different ways. I sell, um, dashboard templates that people can kind of use their pug plug-and-play templates, but it comes with kind of the tracking sheets that correspond to each of them. Um, I also build custom dashboards for people. If you kind of want to not do it yourself option or something that’s truly built for your business only. And then I do some data first marketing consulting if someone is kind of looking for higher level support in, you know, consulting and using the numbers to make decisions. So my, the website is a metric success. com and my Instagram is carolynobryanstrategist. 

Dolly DeLong: Thank you so much, Carolyn. And thank you everyone for joining us on episode 111. And I am so pumped that you decided to listen through or watch through to the end. And if you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend and let them know about this new series. Coming up, which is all centered around the power and magic of launching strategically. And, I have to let you all know that I forgot to mention, that Carolyn has a freebie called the tracking sheet. Do you mind sharing a little bit about this so that people can dig into it?

Carolyn O’Brien: Just starting with tracking. Yeah. And so I kind of developed this because I feel like starting is kind of like the first hurdle. And so I want it to get easy for people. So it’s a metrics tracking template for really like those money metrics. If you’re starting and you just want to make sure you have those down and it’s built-in Google sheets and it’s really easy for you to hopefully just kind of plug your numbers in and, and take the first step towards tracking.

Dolly DeLong: Awesome. So that will be in the show notes for you. And so just grab it and you all just start, start tracking, and then we’ll, we’ll, you’ll see what happens from there. So until then, you all know this then have an extremely streamlined magical week. You amazing muggle. I cannot wait to see you next week for a new systems and workflow magic podcast episode. Have a wonderful day. Bye. Thank you so much for listening to the Systems and Workflow Magic podcast. You can find full show notes from today’s episode at dollydelongphotography. com forward slash podcast. If you love the podcast, please subscribe. I’d be so honored if you’d subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast player. Be sure to screenshot this episode, share it with your stories, and tag me at dollydelongeducation on Instagram. Until next time, go make some strategic workflow magic.

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