Unlock Black Friday Success with Our Free Masterclass!
Join me, Dolly DeLong, along with my biz besties Mara K. and Bekah R., as we reveal the key trends you NEED to know for Black Friday 2024. With an unpredictable election year and a shifting economy, we’ve got the insider tips to help you stand out and drive sales like never before!
(Don't miss your chance to get actionable insights and exclusive bonuses when you show up LIVE!)
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55: The Systems You Need To Establish For Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy for 2023 Featuring Brittany Savnik

Are you scrolling Pinterest looking for new ways to make more money in your business? Maybe you are trying to figure out how to navigate Pinterest because you’ve heard how helpful it can be in marketing your business. What if I told you that there were systems in place to make your Pinterest marketing strategy foolproof and systems that would allow you to pin with purpose, organically grow your following, and create conversions all from the comfort of wherever you want to be? In this episode, Brittany Savnik is here to jumpstart our new year with a Pinterest marketing strategy that really is more simple than you think! If you are ready to roll back your sleeves and start planning your own Pinterest marketing strategy and content, this episode is for you!

The Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast is brought to you by Dolly DeLong Education. This podcast is for creative business owners who want to learn tangible steps to automate their business through workflows, systems, tools, and strategies to go from scattered to streamlined with purpose because even muggles can become automated wizards.

Meet Brittany Savnik

Brittany is a Pinterest strategist for e-commerce and blogger businesses. She has had her business since 2018. After six short months of running her startup Instagram management business, she realized the need for Pinterest management and has been doing that ever since!

Want To Learn How To Incorporate Systems In Your Business? 

Are you ready to automate the backend of your business with systems and workflows…but you have no earthly idea where to begin? Well, the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle is coming out again in February of 2023 and this time the theme of the bundle = is The Systems and Workflows of All the parts of a Funnel! Doesn’t that sound like FUN(nel)? 

To get on the waitlist for the Systems and Workflow Magic 2.0 Funnel Bundle head on over here or go to: https://systemsandworkflowmagic.com/

Review the Show Notes

Your 2023 Pinterest Marketing strategy with Brittany (0:58)

Brittany’s recommendations for incorporating Pinterest in the new year (5:23)

Getting started with Pinterest content creation (9:56)

Planning your pins ahead of time (10:57)

Using Tailwind to automate your Pinterest strategy (16:04)

Using Canva to design your pins (21:17)

Consistently researching for success (24:50)

Digging deeper into the trends tool (32:29)

Using Pinterest as a local business (35:42)


The Systems and Workflow Magic 2.0 Funnel Bundle https://systemsandworkflowmagic.com/

Waitlist: The Foundational Funnel Training Private Popup Podcast 

Brittany’s Free Pinterest checklist you can use as you work through your own strategy (https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5f3a5ed99a4a3d002608a169

Pinterest Trends: https://trends.pinterest.com/

Pinterest Approved Scheduling Tools: https://business.pinterest.com/en/pinterest-business-partners/

Episode 24: Creating Systems for Masterminds (featuring Kat Schmoyer)

✅As mentioned in the episode, to get Access to 4 Days of Free Foundational Digital Funnel training click on the banner below or here: https://systemsandworkflowmagic.com/private-funnel-training-podcast











Dolly Delong
Hello, and welcome back to Episode 55 of the systems and workflow magic podcast. I am your host, Dolly DeLong. And I am thrilled to have you back as always, as a listener, if you’ve been here since the beginning, or if this is your first time. Thank you so much for being here. It really means so much to me. Again, for my season, listeners who have been with me since the beginning. One of my signature sayings every week is you are in for a treat. So of course, I’m going to start off with you are in for a treat, because you’re going to be learning from an amazing I call her a Pinterest marketing, Guru, strategist expert, all things and you’re gonna be learning some things too, I guess like lay a good foundation for your Pinterest marketing strategy for 2023. Or if you don’t have any systems in place yet, Brittany is going to be sharing some things just to think about for 2023 for your marketing plan when it comes to Pinterest. So a little bit about Brittany. So I met Brittany in Kat Schmoyer’s mastermind in early 2021. And we have been keeping in touch since then. I will be sure to link Kat’s episode about the importance of masterminds because we had her on episode 24. And she always leads a mastermind for creatives every year sometimes once or twice a year. So if you are looking to connect with other creatives, then you should definitely check out Kat’s mastermind, and I will link it in the show notes for the older episode. But anyways, okay, so Brittany, before we get started, do you mind giving your official introduction to everyone like who you are, what you do, who you serve, and all the fun stuff? And even like, include your fun story that you shared with me if you want to because I was laughing about that earlier.

Brittany Savnik
Yeah, sure. So, again, thank you so much for having me, Dolly. I really appreciate it. And this is honestly the first podcast I’ve been on. So it’s super good. Yeah, so my name is Brittany Stadnik. I am a mom to three little girls ages five, seven, and nine. And as things were crazy enough, we thought, Oh, why don’t we just throw a puppy into the mix? So we added a little golden doodle puppy this past week. And I started my business at the beginning of 2018. And when I started it, I originally was an Instagram manager and that became very, very flooded with people doing that. So I ended up turning to Pinterest management 100% for small businesses as of the second quarter of the year and I serve a variety of businesses anywhere from bloggers to e-commerce to service-based industry, business coaches, and everything in between. And I’ve helped over 50 female-owned business owners up to this point grow their businesses utilizing the Pinterest platform, and creating a custom strategy for their business!

Dolly Delong
I love that so much. And Brittany, you all like Brittany is being humble she is crazy amazing when it comes to Pinterest, and Brittany probably I don’t know if you remember this about me. But when we were in our mastermind together, I was also really, really into Pinterest at the time as well. And I was in the beginning stages of my systems and workflow education business and I was convinced I was going to teach others about Pinterest. But ironically, I pivoted into something totally different Dubsado and other types of systems and workflows for your small business. And so I just love like how you mentioned that you initially started as an Instagram manager and then you pivoted into something that now you are incredible at.

Brittany Savnik
Yeah, it’s just something I just didn’t have an act for. I’m not very witty. So I’m like I can’t think of like funny things like when I’m like sitting down trying to create a strategy. So I was like, this just isn’t for me. I need something that’s clear cut, like specific to what the content is, and then run with it. So I realized that was not my jam. So

Dolly Delong
Well, I think you’re totally good at what you do now. And I feel like, every time you do post something about Pinterest, I’m like, Oh, I literally save the post. So I’m like, I’m saving this for later. And I’m gonna apply it to my business in some way. So you’re doing a great job. Thank you. So I guess like leading into this discussion, Brittany is going to be sharing just four things that helped create a smooth Pinterest marketing strategy for 2023. Because I know, and this episode, we are airing in December, we are going into holiday mode, depending upon where you are in the world. And you might also be going into planning mode for like, you’re looking back at 2022, you’re going to see like, what worked, what didn’t work and you’re reassessing your marketing plan for 2023. I know a lot of creative business owners do this. A lot of business owners in general do this. And so if you are assessing, I want to incorporate Pinterest into my marketing plan. Just like what are several things I know you have four things you want to share with us, Brittany, but what are several things that you would recommend or steps or systems, we’re going to do systems for a creative business center to take in order to start incorporating this for 2023?

Brittany Savnik
Yeah, so I guess I’m the starting point, I would say especially heading into a new year, we’re all into making resolutions as you know, we’re going to eat healthier, we’re gonna work out we’re gonna do this. So like, I kind of think of this as kind of like cat where you do quarter by quarter, it’s a lot easier to think of like a smaller amount than to think about the big picture. So I always will start with creating new content. And when it comes to that, I always will make a plan for it, though. So think in January, when it comes to Pinterest you want to plan, I always say anywhere from one to three months out, because it takes time for your content to gain traction on the platform. So when it comes to that, make a plan, and start writing down different topics. So if we’re planning in December, you want to start thinking of February, even March. So say you’re a travel agent, and you want to put content up and start pinning things about spring break, or college getaway ideas. And when we think about that, there are so many different types of content that you can utilize, depending on what your business is. Whether it’s revisiting existing blogs and updating them, if you have old ones, create new blog posts and be consistent with them. I always tell people, you know, try to do two to four blog posts a month, if you can, I honestly need to do better at that. And that’s definitely a resolution of mine. But it helps to give you fresh content to utilize on the platform because that is a huge deal when it comes to Pinterest. Also freebies. So when you have a freebie you can do an opt-in which Dolly is like, the queen of freebies. I’m like how does she have all this time, but like, you know. Again, if you’re a travel agent, make a free download for a packing list for spring break. If you’re a product business, create a packing bag for a hospital for you are a children’s boutique or something along those lines, because it may not get you a sale. But it’s kind of the know-like trust factor as if you’re on Instagram in a way. So that’s really important to help grow your email list. 100% Yeah, and the other positive is you can utilize your email list on Pinterest and grow it that way through the freebies and things like that. So we know these platforms, but we don’t own them. So to know you have your email list to back you up in case anything ever happens. It’s a great place to be so the next thing I would say is courses so this is more for coach’s service-based courses you could always create paid ads on Pinterest that are really easy to be able to push the courses or anything whether it’s a free course, a webinar, a paid course anything like that would be really great. And then obviously if you’re an E-commerce business, a lot of people think, well Brittany, how am I going to market my business on there? And when I say this, that is like the place to be if you are a product-based business and you’ve got Instagram down Facebook down, all these other platforms get on Pinterest, there’s merchant verification, which is kind of Pinterest, giving you the thumbs up saying hey, we vouch for them. We’ve looked into their back into their website, they’re a legit business, they’re not some scammer that selling back their van or something. They’re literally saying they know their stuff. It’s a high-quality product. So if you’re a product-based business, definitely get on there.

Dolly Delong
I love that so much and when You work with your, I just thought of this question. So sorry, you have like, thrown you off guard. But when you have worked with your clients, current and past clients, do you actually help them develop, like some sort of content creation strategy going in? Or what is your process normally look like?

Brittany Savnik
You know, I would say that would be an add-on, I always offer that to clients. But that’s an additional option for them. Because it does take time, I’ll go on the Pinterest platform, and it’s important to research it, they have the trends tool on there, which allows you to see the past year in a scope. So it’ll go from this December to last December. And it’ll be able to say this is when things were trending. This is when they weren’t. So it takes a lot of research. I do that for pins, but it is important to offer that because some business owners just don’t have the time. They’re like, I need you to tell me what’s doing well on the platform.

Dolly Delong
That’s so good to know. And so one thing I love that you’ve pointed out, and for the listeners who are tuning in, this is something that is really important in Brittany dropped this and I want her to bring it up again. But planning ahead for how your ideal client and what are they searching for now, is more of next season’s focus. Because like if you decide to pin Okay, so it’s December, and when this episode drops, people have already most likely planned out their holiday vacations, their holiday meals, all that stuff. And they most likely started planning that and researching that in, let’s say September or October. And so what Brittany is trying to share is like, you really need to be intentional about at least two or three or sometimes four months in advance, like start pinning that type of content now, because then that way you are helping your user plan ahead, and then they’re associating you with that pin. Am I correct in assuming that?

Brittany Savnik
Yeah, 100%. And my thought on it is Pinterest is the planning platform. Last night, I was looking at recipes for healthy dinner options. So those people that pin those pins probably created those pins months ago. What’s funny is I have a party boutique business owner that I’ve worked with. And every year, the same Halloween post is the top ranking around September and August. And this pin is three, or four years old at this point, mind you, and it still ends up being one of our highest-ranking pins. So it’s a planning platform. So you need to do it well enough ahead of time because people are, you know, planning for the holidays or planning for their resolutions. So that’s really important.

Dolly Delong
If you are listening to this episode live, I have some time-sensitive news to share with you today. After listening to this week’s episode, I really want you to head on over to the show notes and get on the waitlist for the systems and workflow magic bundle 2.0 funnel edition today. Yes, you heard me the popular bundle is back but it 2.0 form. So if you are ready to sprinkle in some systems and workflow magic of funnel building into your business in 2023, get ready my friend coming February 6 through February 10 of 2023. You are going to have access to over 30 plus experts who are going to be contributing different funnel-related resources to help you grow your own top-of-the-funnel, middle-of-the-funnel, the bottom of the funnel, and beyond-the-funnel strategies for 2023. This bundle includes resources from experts such as Ellen Yin of Cubicle to CEO, Ashlyn Carter, Linda Sidhu, and Kate Doster, just to name a few. And so many more amazing experts and industry leaders. You don’t want to miss out on the systems and workflow magic bundle 2.0 funnel edition. So head on over to systems and workflow magic.com to get on the waitlist or head on over to the show notes, either way, is 2023 the year you learn more about funnels and how to apply them to your own business. I certainly hope so. And as always stay streamlined and strategic with your workflows. You amazing muggle you! I’ll see you at the funnel bundle.

Dolly Delong

I just literally thought of this too. I think that for me I would even say I tried to go back and see whenever I have time whenever I remote, just like a team of Dolly, and that’s it for now. But I like looking at my most popular pins. And one of my most popular pins was this session because I’m a family and branding photographer. One of my most popular pins was the spring birthday party I did for a family almost three years ago. And it was spring birthday I labeled it keyword like just guess the keywords with these are like keywords that other moms are searching for, like spring birthday party ideas for a one-year-old birthday party. And that is where the majority of my traffic comes from Pinterest. And so kind of like thinking through your list of content. Now. I’m like, Maybe I should put a lead magnet into that blog post. That way I can continue to grow my email list. Yeah. So for sure. Thank you,

Brittany Savnik
Brian, are you and you’ll have to report back to me. Let me know how it goes.

Dolly Delong
I will I will. So awesome. That’s so great. Okay, so we talked about number one, just like constantly either creating new content or repurposing content based on just the season that you’re planning for, that you want people to plan ahead for? Yep. Awesome. Okay, hit us up with number two.

Brittany Savnik
All right, the next one, I manage multiple accounts. But I would say as business owners I know we’re stretched thin, just with time and time management, it’s a big deal. So I utilize tailwind for clients, it’s a great way to draft your pins and your ideas, and bulk or batch schedule them ahead of time. This is so important because Pinterest thrives off consistency. So if you’re on the platform, say manually pinning and just putting pins on the platform directly, and you’re doing two pins this day, and then skipping a few days, then doing 10 pins in a day and then skip, they don’t like that they’re gonna favor the brands that are consistent even if you’re only pinning one pin a day. If you’re consistently doing a pin a day, they can count on you to constantly produce fresh content. So I always say it’s worth the investment, I believe the price went up. So it’s about $20 right now. But literally, it’s so worth it because you can batch the pins ahead of time for a whole week. And then you’re not on the platform on the weekend. If you’re trying to spend time with your family. And it’s just posting for you. I’ve had pins that post over a weekend and randomly go viral and you’re not even doing it. You’re just letting the platform do it. And it’s great. So what’s great about tailwind is obviously scheduling, they have smart scheduling, so you can schedule one pin to multiple boards. And it’ll tell you the time slots that are optimal for your profile. So if you’re optimal, your audience is mostly online between like 10 pm and 2 am. Just say, then that’s when it’ll set your pins up to go on the platform. So that’s really great. And then you can also check insights, which are really great because you can see the pins per tailwind. And you can kind of cross-check the Pinterest analytics, tailwind Analytics, and Google and kind of see where there are differences. And it also tracks follower count, which is really fun, too. There are all kinds of things in the insights. I love it. So yeah, Tailwind is definitely a must.

Dolly Delong
I was gonna ask you Are there any other platforms if Tailwind is not an option for a business owner? Who may want to start off on a smaller Based Scheduling platform? Are there any other scheduling platforms that you recommend or you’ve seen that are just as good as tailwind?

Brittany Savnik
I would say so Tailwind is definitely the one they recommend the most. There’s a list of a few that they can vouch for. And they have an agreement with it because there are a couple of other ones that people were getting flagged for using the platform there’s a link and I can always send that to you, Dolly, if you want to put it in the show notes or anything. Yeah, and that way, it’s a huge alphabetized list. But there’s Planoly you can actually schedule through Pinterest, but you can only do a pin a day. Okay, so I believe so. I’ve never used it, but it’s a free option. tailwind, you also get your first I believe 100 pins for free also, so you can always test it out. And if you’re doing 100 pins, say you do two pins a day. You know that’ll give you enough time to kind of gauge whether am I going to stick with it. Am I not so that you’re not investing money and kind of throwing it away? You’re not going to use it?

Dolly Delong
No, I like that a lot. I actually switched over, over about a year ago from tailwind to this platform called plan that.

Brittany Savnik
Okay, I think you were telling me about that. Yeah. And it’s been really good for me.

Dolly Delong
I’ve been utilizing it mostly for Instagram and Facebook-like publishing purposes. But I really have to dig into the Pinterest side, because I know that they publish to Pinterest and to LinkedIn, and I believe to TikTok as well, but I haven’t like, really researched the terms. Yeah. So I wanted to see if you’d heard anything about plann that.

Brittany Savnik
I forgot about it until you mesh next. I think we discussed it because tailwinds have been kinda wonky lately, but it’s the most well-known one. So I’m like, if it’s not totally broke, I’m not gonna, you know, judge my things up. And it’s just my clients are familiar with Taylan. So they trust the platform. So we stick with it. But if a better one came along, I would not be opposed.

Dolly Delong
Well, if you hear anything, let me know. And definitely, yes, send me that link. Because I can add that comprehensive list in the show notes. And then that way, users can and listeners can compare and contrast and see what works best for their budget. Yeah, that’s perfect. That’s a good idea. Awesome. Okay. So what is a third way, a system that you can set up for your Pinterest marketing strategy in 2023?

Brittany Savnik
Yeah, so the next tool that I utilize is Canva. And by now, I’m sure most business owners know that it’s kind of like the wound-down version of Photoshop, or Adobe, or anything like that. It’s you know, you don’t have as many bells and whistles, but it does the job. And honestly, a lot of people don’t even notice that I do on Canva. A lot of people ask if I work in Photoshop because they’re definitely opening up the range of ability when it comes to effects and different things you can do. I like using it because I create a master copy of templates. So typically, I’ll create five to 10 templates for the pins. And it’s easy to just plug and play. Because if you don’t have templates created, you’re constantly kind of spinning on a wheel recreating every time. I always tell people, if I’m just doing a coaching or an audit, and they’re doing their own Pinterest account, I tell them to create a five to 10 template list, a master list, and then create a copy of that and work in that where you can edit the text boxes, the photos, all those things. And it makes things so much quicker when you’re going to pop a photo and change the text, change the colors to reflect the image or whatnot. And then you just download and go and it’s a lot quicker that way. So Canva is also a great tool. And I believe it’s $12 a month for that. And that’s a must-have, I think you could agree with that. It’s important for sure.

Dolly Delong
I’d love it. I love Canva so much. And I would really have to say as they’ve really upped their I’m not a graphic designer. I don’t know any of the lingoes, but they’ve really upped their design game. Yeah, they have in so many ways. So even for the free version, I agree with you are great templates to use. And within Canva, you can organize your different templates in folders. This is something that I recently started doing this past year just to have a better organization system for myself. And so if I create a new blog post about something, let’s say dubsado-related or workflow related, I can just pop into Canva and open up my Pinterest folder. And I have all my templates there. And I can easily create some new graphics within 10 to 15 minutes.

Brittany Savnik
Yeah, and what’s cool again, I’m you and I are both kind of a one-woman show. But it’s great that you can add team members to and you can even add team members to specific boards, which is really great, too.

Dolly Delong
And you mentioned this earlier, but like something that I loved learning this past year, you can create your own. I don’t know what to call your brand board or what you can import your brand settings. Yeah, yes, always on the side. And you can just do a few easy clicks and then the Pinterest pin or whatever type of image you’re creating in Canva will reflect your business which I love because it used to take me hours in the past or I would just give up and not do anything.

Brittany Savnik
Yeah, and that’s what’s nice. So like you said with there’s a free version. You know, the difference is just that you can upload all your branding with the pain. I don’t think it’s a must-have per se but there are definitely a lot of options, a lot of features that are really great. And it’s worth the $12 or whatever it is.

Dolly Delong
Yeah, I love it. It’s super affordable. And yeah, I highly recommend having an I think it’s like came the premium account and it’s yeah, $12 a month super affordable. Awesome. Well, Brittany, we are already at point four and I’m really excited for you to this point.

Brittany Savnik
So with this one, especially again, when I’m working with clients, I’m concerned about Simply researching, if not month, by month, week by week, because, again, Pinterest is always changing. I mean, look at 2020 when people had a plan of like spring break trip ideas, next thing you know, it was, okay, what’s a great staycation, right, like, you had to pivot really quickly. So research is always great. I always people to the business.pinterest.com page, they always have the most recent news of Pinterest and updates and things coming as far as different features for the account. And then they release weekly reports about what’s trending, which is really cool, because when it comes to that I’ve been seeing a lot of fellow Pinterest managers and I’ve been trying to incorporate this too, is say a report comes out and it says, like, say as Hamptons inspired, room decor is trending, you can get on if you say you’re an interior designer, or a mom, blogger, you can get on a creative idea pen and say, Hey, like I just redirect right in my room for a Hamptons inspired room decor. And then with that, it’ll populate a lot of us idea pens. And so that’s a really great thing to stay in tune with is they’re constantly putting out weekly reports about what’s trending. So that works really well. Also, they have a trends tool that was in beta to get fully launched at this point. So everybody should have it, if you go under the analytics tab on your account, and I love it. So if you do hot chocolate recipes, it’s going to probably start trending about now. And it’ll probably peak in February, and then it filters but it shows you the past year at a glance of when it started trending. So you can look back a year from now like, oh, it started trending mid-September, let’s create some recipes, or let’s create an idea pin recipe. And so it really gives you insight into when at what points of the year and what seasons, different topics are trending. And then I always look at also what pins are performing well on the platform. Even if you look up Pinterest dubsado tips, just for example, the top ranking pins are going to be the ones that people are pinning the most and seeing the most and you can kind of research those pins and scope out what keywords are using, what images are they using? Are they using a lot of text overlay? Even what colors are within the pen. So it’s really a great way to kind of see what is popular as well.

Dolly Delong
Hey, friend, if you are listening to the systems and workflow magic podcast, I just want to say thank you for allowing me to bring some systems and workflow magic into your earbuds every single week. It seriously means so much to me that you are tuning in. As a thank you to all of my listeners, I have a special gift for anyone who wants to take their system and workflow strategies around funnel training to the next level. Are you ready, I have created a free private pop-up podcast dedicated to the systems and strategies of funnels. It’s called the foundational funnel training, a private podcast. And if you try to look it up in your favorite podcast app, you won’t find it because it’s private training. So here is what is inside this free, fantastic foundational funnel training private podcast, you’ll get access to four episodes, all dedicated to teaching you the different digital funnel parts and strategies which you can, in turn, apply to your own creative business in 2023, and hopefully beyond. So day one is dedicated to the top-of-funnel strategies. Day two is dedicated to some middle-of-funnel strategies. Day three is dedicated to you guessed it, the bottom-of-funnel strategies. And finally, day four is dedicated to more of a continuation of funnel strategies meaning what should you do with your new leads that have come through your funnel so that they are not scattered but streamlined and want to continue to get to know you? And the best part, I have invited over 20 different industry leaders who are experts in these different parts of the digital funnel. So it’s not just me who is going to be educating you. You are going to be learning from some amazing female business owners who are not only encouraging but they are so knowledgeable when it comes to these specific strategies. At the top, middle bottom, or a continuation of the digital funnel. Again, this is all for free. And you’re probably wondering what’s the catch, Dolly? Well, because one, I just want to give you a behind-the-scenes look at the new systems and workflow magic bundle, the 2.0 funnel edition, coming later in February of 2023. And I wanted to give you some strategies to use straight out of the gate when you begin planning and strategizing for your business in 2023. So I want to give you some free education. The fun begins on January 31. And again, as a reminder, each episode drops until February 3 of 2023. But don’t worry, I’ll have replays up until February 11 of 2023, then it does go away forever. Not kidding, it really does go away after that. So if you are wanting access to this private podcast, then make your way to the show notes and snag the first intro episode. And that way you can get the episodes all queued up for January 31. When they drop in, then they will stream to your favorite podcast app. Again, go to systems and workflow magic.com and forward slash private dash bundle dash training dash podcast, I realized that’s a really long URL, or just simply head on over to the show notes and get on the foundational funnel training private podcast waitlist, so that you will get instant streaming to the four days of digital funnel training when they dropped. And again, if you sign up today, meaning before January 31, you will get instant access to that first intro episode. So let me ask you, what are you waiting for? Are you ready for some fantastic foundational funnel education? I truly hope so. I look forward to seeing you in the private podcast training. And until then stay streamlined and automated you magical muggle you.

Dolly DeLong

I was just about to ask you, can you again, I’m putting you on the spot, Brittany. Oh my gosh, darling. Can you like give even more elaboration or examples of how to use the trends tool? Because I know you said it was in beta. And now it’s available to all Pinterest users. But let’s say somebody who’s either starting out with Pinterest or a little bit like they want their toes in Pinterest. They’re not quite the expert, but they kind of know how to navigate Pinterest. Like, how would you recommend those two users start off with the trends tool? Because it sounds amazing. But to me, like with a new thing, I can get overwhelmed really easily. So how would you teach a new user to use the trends tool in relation to like creating a system of content or system of scheduling out? Like what would you recommend?

Brittany Savnik
So I would say, I guess we’ll use photographers as an example. So say, you know, we’re in December. And families obviously have had their Christmas photos done for a while now. And they’re looking to do spring photos, we’d go in the trends tool, insert spring, photography, inspiration, just for example. And it’ll populate other keywords that are relatable to that that other people might have searched for also. And then at the bottom of the page, it’ll show the most recent or popular content that was created utilizing those keywords. So if it were me, I would pull up either a Google sheet or Excel or whatever. And I would go month by month and just say, okay, for January, we’re going to search these 10 keyword combinations. And that’s going to be in place for the content that I want to schedule that’s going to reach people by March or February or so on. And then each month you move forwards, okay, so in February, I’m going to look for maybe summer or spring break, you know, photo sessions or whatever, you know, you kind of want to look ahead a couple of months, but I would create like an Excel spreadsheet or sheets I’ve definitely gotten better at being more digital. I was a paper and pen girl forever. So I would just do that. And it’s very user-friendly. And like I said it’ll populate like the trending pins and go into those pins and take note because there might be other keywords within those pins that make sense and are relevant to the content you’re pinning to as well. I hope I answered your question.

Dolly Delong
That was so helpful. I love that so much. And I just wanted to like, give more like just in case there’s a listener here. And they’re like, Okay, like they queued in on the word trend trends tool. So yeah, Brittany gave a great example. And just like some action steps, you can start taking now to plan ahead for your content. And also, like, do some keyword research, which is essential for content creation, SEO, and all that fun stuff. I’m sure I say, SEO, and somebody’s stressing out about that right now. But don’t worry. There’s a system for that. So I love that system. So much. So, Brittany, I don’t know if I shared this with you. But I booked a client of family photography client, and they found me on Pinterest.

Brittany Savnik
Oh my gosh, that’s awesome. I love when that happens.

Dolly Delong
Because I have an on my dubsado intake form. And like to find out where everybody’s coming from just to see like, where my marketing efforts are actually taking root, like, whatever the phrase that and they marked, we found you on Pinterest, and it was incredible. Oh, and get this, they are one of my higher-paying clients.

Brittany Savnik
Oh my gosh, that’s cool. That’s so neat. And the thing is, is for you because you’re a local-based business. It’s not like you’re e-commerce where you can ship things are your service base where you can serve, people all over the country. You’re like a local business. And so that’s even more amazing that they thought to find you on there. So that’s really cool.

Dolly Delong
I was just like, blown away. I was like, No way. I’m used to people finding me either on my top searches on Google because I do a lot of SEO and blogging. And then my other one is either Instagram or Facebook or word of mouth. And so I’m just starting to start, like gain traction with Pinterest after doing this consistently for almost three years. And so it was it’s really cool to see if you’re right, like if you stay consistent. And if you’re always pushing content in a very strategic way, like people will come like people will find you and it’s really, really cool.

Brittany Savnik
Yeah, it’s definitely you have to be in it for the long game. It’s not like Instagram or Twitter. Any of those other accounts were like, you know, a posting goes viral within minutes. But the lifespan of a pin can be years, I mean, so it’s just important to know that it can be slow-moving, there are a lot of ebbs and flows. It’s not a continual uptick all the time. So I think as long as people go into it, realizing that then they should be good to go.

Dolly Delong
Well, I just had to share that win with you. I was like, Oh, I just wanted to share this with everyone like it is possible. And I’m glad you said it is a long game, and you just have to start developing these systems right now and incorporating them into your weekly workflow. Okay, so Brittany just to wrap up the four things that helped create a smooth Pinterest marketing strategy for 2023. One, we talked about constantly creating new content or repurposing content that will still lead your ideal client to you on Pinterest. Two, utilizing a great scheduling tool like Tailwind. Three, utilizing a great graphic design tool like Canva. And then just being very persistent and consistent in researching what is trending for not just this season, but for the future seasons of like how your ideal client will search for you on Pinterest. Okay, Brittany, you’ve shared so much wisdom with us today. And I’m so so excited. And I just wanted to remind everyone again, that Brittany is going to be our Pinterest expert in the systems and workflow magic 2.0 funnel bundle. And that will be coming out again in February of 2023. So in less than two months from now. So to get on the waitlist, I would encourage you to head on over to www dot systems and workflow magic.com or click on the link in the show notes to get on the waitlist. And I don’t want to give out any spoilers but you don’t want to miss out on the waitlist because the week before the bundle opens. I have a very special surprise for early weightlifters like it’s going to be amazing and it’s free. So please check it out. And Brittany, do you mind sharing how everyone can find you and work with you? And you have a resource you want to I know you have a resource you want to share with everyone.

Brittany Savnik
Yeah, so you can find me on Pinterest, Instagram @brittanysavnik, or my website at www.brittanystavnik.com. I also have a free Pinterest checklist that you can utilize to kind of work through the kinks. So it’s not so overwhelming. So you can kind of go like step by step as you plan out and batch out your content for the week for the month. And yeah, I’m hoping that it’s a tool you can print out and make a mess of it and get your items planned.

Dolly Delong
I love it. You will just like go and hire Brittany. Just. That’s what you do. Because she’s so sweet. And she knows her stuff about Pinterest, and she’ll take really good care of you. Oh, you’re sweet. Thank you. I 110% mean it. So anyways, thank you so much, Brittany, again for being on the podcast. I know, to be completely transparent with everyone who’s listening Brittany and I were experiencing some technical difficulties. And so this is our second time trying to record and so Brittany has been such a trooper just like showing up on day two, just to record a podcast episode. So thank you so much.

Brittany Savnik
Yeah, we got this. I mean, my friend that’s ready to have a baby any day now is watching my daughter. This is a funny story, Dolly. I was like, just please don’t have the baby while my daughter was with you. So, it worked out. We’re good. We’re here.

Dolly Delong
Okay. Well, I bet at the end of this episode, you’re gonna look down and you’re like, Okay, it’s go time. Yeah, I need to leave. All right. Well, that’s on that note. Thank you, everyone, for joining us. And I hope you all come back next week, we have another funnel expert who’s going to be on the podcast who is also a part of the systems and workflow magic bundle. So I am featuring all the contributors leading up until February. So next week, we have again, an amazing expert and I won’t give it away yet, so stay tuned for next week. And I know it’s December so I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season. Go drink some hot cocoa because Brittany brought up hot cocoa and or whatever you like to drink eggnog during the holiday seasons, and I will talk to you all later. Bye. Thank you so much for listening to the systems and workflow magic podcast. You can find full show notes from today’s episode at Dolly DeLong photography.com forward slash podcast. If you’re loving the podcast, I’d be so honored if you’d subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast player. Be sure to screenshot this episode, share it with your stories, and tag me at @DollyDeLongEducation over on Instagram. Until next time, go make some strategic workflow magic.

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