Unlock Black Friday Success with Our Free Masterclass!
Join me, Dolly DeLong, along with my biz besties Mara K. and Bekah R., as we reveal the key trends you NEED to know for Black Friday 2024. With an unpredictable election year and a shifting economy, we’ve got the insider tips to help you stand out and drive sales like never before!
(Don't miss your chance to get actionable insights and exclusive bonuses when you show up LIVE!)
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64: Want A SYSTEM in getting your digital funnels up and running in 2023? Well The Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle 2.0 Funnel Edition is HERE!


Are you a busy entrepreneur wanting to create an effective digital funnel this year? Maybe you have been listening to recent episodes of this podcast, and you are inspired and intrigued to figure your funnel out! In this episode, I am peeling it back and sharing the entire who, what, why, and hows of The Systems and Workflow Magic 2.0 Funnel Bundle. If you are ready to put your ideas into action and keep your customer experience flowing, this episode is for you!

The Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast is brought to you by Dolly DeLong Education. This podcast is for creative business owners who want to learn tangible steps to automate their business through workflows, systems, tools, and strategies to go from scattered to streamlined with purpose because even muggles can become automated wizards.



Are you ready to automate the backend of your business with systems and workflows…but you have no earthly idea where to begin? Well, the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle is coming out again in February of 2023, and this time the theme of the bundle = is The Systems and Workflows of All the parts of a Funnel! Doesn’t that sound like FUN(nel)?

To get on the waitlist for the Systems and Workflow Magic 2.0 Funnel Edition➡️ head on over here or go to (remember this opens up only ONE time a year and the 2.0 version is jam-packed with Systems and Workflow magic centered around Funnel Trainings!) https://systemsandworkflowmagic.com/



Review the Show Notes

The wait is over (0:30)

What The Systems and Workflow Magic 2.0 Funnel Bundle is (2:11)

The difference between the original and the 2.0 bundle (8:56)

Who The Systems and Workflow Magic 2.0 Funnel Bundle is for (19:11)

Why I created this bundle (21:27)

How to access the bundle (26:00)


The Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle  2.0 Funnel Edition (Open from Feb. 6th, 2023-Feb. 10th, 2023 11:59 PM CST) Only $97 https://systemsandworkflowmagic.com/

(FREE PRIVATE TRAINING) The Foundational Funnel Training Private Popup Podcast  https://systemsandworkflowmagic.com/private-funnel-training-podcast (it’s avail until Feb 10th and this gives listeners a FREE glance at the Bundle before purchasing the bundle) 








Want-A-SYSTEM-in-getting-your-digital funnels-up-and-running-in-2023?-Well-The Systems-and-Workflow-Magic-Bundle-2.0-Funnel Edition-is-HERE!


Dolly Delong
Hey, everyone, and welcome back to another episode of the Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast. I am your systems-loving host, Dolly DeLong and if you’re listening to this episode live, it is the first week of February in 2023, which means y’all, we have officially made it through January, so let’s just celebrate that. And most importantly, we are kicking off the second version of the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle 2.0 Funnel Edition today. Yes, as in February 6, 2023, and I just want to take a minute to say thank you to all of my consistent listeners who have been with me, especially since the beginning of the series, which started in early December of 2022. When I started introducing some of the contributors to the bundle. Well, the wait is finally over. I know I’ve built up a lot of anticipation by introducing so many talented contributors to the bundle and I’ve gotten a lot of good feedback and response but now, the cart is officially opened. So I wanted to use this episode to dive into answering some questions about the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle 2.0 Funnel Edition because especially if I was a new listener coming in, and I was landing on this podcast for the first time, I would be a little confused. So I just wanted to take a moment to peel back the curtain to one avoid any confusion and two, I wanted to talk very specifically about just what is the systems or workflow magic bundle? I know I talk about it a lot. I know I refer to it a lot. Especially that’s just a side of the systems and workflow magic podcast so let’s just dive into what this bundle is especially for 2023. So the first question is what is this bundle? So first, let me just share a little bit of history with you about where the origin or where the genesis starts of this. So the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle actually originated in 2022. So last year, as a collection of exclusive resources to help create a business owner start and actually implement systems and workflows in their business journey. The goal of that bundle was to help other creatives go from scattered to streamlined in 2022 and beyond, and create positive ripples in their own small businesses. As a creative business owner, myself, I see and continue to see the need to help build a bridge in merging the creative side with a more strategically organized side to make running a business, especially for a solo business owner, more fun and rewarding, because in my opinion, having established systems and workflows can be rewarding because of the clarity, systems, and workflows bring. So as mentioned, last year was the first year I built out this bundle, I invited over 20 different experts to donate resources from their own shops and we collectively had over $2,000 of products we gave away for free. Yes for free. In order to help other business owners understand how to take baby steps in implementing systems and workflows behind the scenes of their own businesses. So I only opened it up for one week last year since this was for free and the outcome actually blew me out of the water. So I was expecting a few 100 people to sign up to learn more about systems and workflows for the back end of their business. But gosh, no, like that did not happen. I was blown out of the water because a little under 4,000, yes, 4000 business owners signed up for these resources, like let me repeat that number again as me being a small fish for 4,000 business owners. So I never originally imagined this bundle being that successful. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I was pumped about all the resources and I am always so pumped to educate others about the power of systems and workflows behind-the-scenes of your own business but I never imagined it would impact that many people the first go around. Now to be very clear, I mentioned this in passing, but I am a very, very small fish in a big pond and I don’t mean that to be demeaning of myself, I just never thought I would be noticed in such a big way. I also didn’t imagine having so many people from the bundle actually emailed me and DM me, and thanked me for hosting this bundle and how the resources were actually helping their own businesses. It wasn’t just creative business owners, it was all types of business owners, from solo business owners to husband and wife team business owners, you name it, I was getting so much positive feedback about the bundle, and again, I did not foresee that happening at all. It was truly so exciting. I was just wanting to create a resource and I was expecting maybe impacting hundreds of business owners but that thousands? Okay, so that’s a little bit of the genesis story. So after the excitement of the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle, the first version in January of 2022, I decided to revisit the idea of opening up a second version of the bundle. But I want it to be more niche and focused on one topic that the creative business owner could hone in on in 2023. So that’s why this year’s version of the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle is focused on funnels and so that’s why it’s called the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle 2.0 Funnel Edition. I know it’s a mouthful, but I’m secretly hoping and forecasting many editions of this bundle in the future. So like a 3.0 version, and a 4.0 version, these different versions will focus on specific topics. Anyway, so the 2.0 edition is more focused again and honed in on the systems and workflows of funnels, specifically digital funnels, we are breaking down the different parts of a funnel, because there are so, so many moving puzzle pieces to a digital funnel and I just want to like peel back the curtain of mystery to a lot of creative business owners who get very frazzled thinking about this. There are resources in this bundle dedicated to helping the creative business owner understand some puzzle pieces of the top of the funnel, puzzle pieces of the middle of the funnel, the bottom of the funnel, and bonus, how there is a continuation of the funnel. So I’ve included resources on that as well. Now I get that there is a stigma to digital funnels, especially because so many creative business owners trying to make their presence known not only physically where they live, but more pressure to be online, and with the pressure just show up online, there is a factor of needing to optimize and strategize how your services and or products are being presented to your clients. I mean, your clients, if you think about it are meeting you at different points of their own client journey and if you’re like most business owners who actually want to make money, doing what you love, you most likely want to know how to keep each stage of the buyer’s journey optimized and one way just one way to do this is by optimizing the different parts of the funnel of your online, let’s say your service your digital product. Alright, so now that I have explained a little bit more of the history of the original Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle, let me share some differences which make the 2.0 version very different from the first version. Again, I shared a little bit about that earlier, but let’s go a little bit more in-depth. So first up as mentioned, this year’s version is more honed in on the topic of funnels and helping the creative business owner see how they can optimize the different parts of their own digital funnels at their own pace. A second difference is this version has over 30 contributors. Yes. 30 contributors and they’re all amazing and wonderful. A third difference is this, this version is worth over, okay, get ready for this $6,796 in value. So yes, the contributors actually gave resources from their own shop so I decided to crunch the numbers and when I saw the numbers, I almost like fell out of my seat, it was incredible. Another difference, so a fourth difference is, unlike last year’s bundle, this year’s bundle is going to be a paid version but this year’s bundle is only $97. It took me now I’m being completely transparent. If you’re an OG listener, you know, I’m very transparent with you. It took me a while to come to the conclusion I needed to sell this bundle and because I am the helper, the helper inside of me, dragged my feet about coming to this specific decision, because I just really want everything to be available to all the creative business owners and I want to be seen as a helper. I want to be seen as the go-to like your go-to Systems and Workflow BFF so just thinking about selling something, I had to get over that mindset issue but like, here’s how I came to the conclusion that this year’s bundle needs to be an actual paid version, not only because like, these are actual products from the contributor shops, again, worth over $6,700. But here are some hard lessons I learned last year from the free version, I learned that no matter how helpful I may be, there were still a lot of negative nancies who looked at how I did everything wrong and they did let me know, they criticized me about not keeping the bundle up for a longer amount of time or why didn’t I add this and this, and some of my most two favorite types of emails, (and when I say this, I’m being completely sarcastic) was I had people cursing at me for emailing them with updates. I even had people who had got the free resources in turn attack, not physically attack, but through email, verbal attack, and just complain about the resources. These were free resources, free. I say this in sarcasm again, my favorite emails were the complaints about the free resources from people who downloaded everything and they acted as if they paid for the bundle and they acted like they were VIP clients. I was like, Why are you being so mean, right now this is all for free. So I just gathered in the last year, I took a lot of time to gather a lot of data, like weighing the pros and cons and so that kind of tipped the scales. I know, I wanted this to be a very valuable bundle and I know that I will always offer free resources at different levels of a business like this podcast, for example, as a free resource. But after assessing the bundle last year, I knew it had to be paid version because I really want people to take it seriously and to actually put their skin in the game. I know $97 is a lower ticket. But still, it’s money. It’s an investment and I know that at the paid level, there is a chance, I know that there still will be a chance that there will be negative nancies and just plain old internet bullies who react out of insecurities and lash out with nasty emails. Yes, I said people react out of insecurities and lash out with nasty emails because they can’t see the other human on the other side of the screen. So I know that could happen, but I know that most likely the impact of this bundle will reach fewer people as well just because again of the data and it being a paid resource this year. I know I keep on saying resource or word resource, but these are actually not free resources. These are actual resources that are shop items in all the contributor’s various shops and so I want to stress that as well. I just really wanted to make this bundle very valuable and exciting to begin 2023 with. So despite the bundle being slightly different from last year’s, I can’t express to you how pumped I am about it because of how honed in the topic is and how much it is already making an impact on other business owners’ lives. Yes, like I’m going to tell you a little secret. I had an early cart opening in the last week of January so a few days ago for listeners who took me up on the free, foundational funnel training private pop-up podcast. So I have been hinting at a foundational funnel training Private podcast, it was introducing all the contributors, and they were giving mini mastermind classes about these resources and it gave you a taste to see just what to expect from this bundle. So we’ve already had business owners take advantage of the bundle and don’t worry, there was no discount because $97 in my mind, it’s already a great value when you’re getting over $6,700 of value from a bundle. So it was just an early cart open, which I think it’s still incredible, more time just to look over the bundle.

If you are listening to this episode live, I have some time-sensitive news to share with you today. After listening to this week’s episode, I really want you to head on over to the show notes and get on the waitlist for the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle 2.0 Funnel Edition today. Yes, you heard me the popular bundle is back but it 2.0 form. So if you are ready to sprinkle in some systems and workflow magic of funnel building into your business in 2023, get ready my friend coming February 6 through February 10 of 2023, you are going to have access to over 30 plus experts who are going to be contributing different funnel related resources to help you grow your own top of the funnel, middle of the funnel, the bottom of the funnel, and beyond the funnel strategies for 2023. This bundle includes resources from experts such as Ellen Yin of Cubicle to CEO, Ashlyn Carter, Linda Sidhu, Krista Miller, and Kate Doster, just to name a few and so many more amazing experts and industry leaders. You don’t want to miss out on the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle 2.0 Funnel Edition. So head on over to systemsandworkflowmagic.com to get on the waitlist or head on over to the show notes. Either way is 2023 the year you learn more about funnels and how to apply them to your own business? I certainly hope so. And as always stay streamlined and strategic with your workflows you amazing muggle you, I’ll see you at the funnel bundle.

Yeah, so I just wanted to share some differences from last year to this year, just what kind of was the decision of making this bundle, a paid version and I really wanted to create a very, very high quality, high-value bundle for creative business owners to utilize throughout the year, we’re gonna be getting more of the details of what I mean by throughout the year. But I just want to insert this, this isn’t in my notes, but I was just thinking this, I could not have done this bundle without all of the amazing contributors and so for any of the contributors listening in, I just want to say thank you, I wish I could like name everyone. But then that will take a while and listeners to the podcast would be like, “Okay, how do I fast forward to this?” So you know who you are the contributors, you know, I’ll be messaging you, sending you a voicemail, and also a voice text. Also, you know me, I’ll be mailing you a card but I just want to say thank you to all the contributors and to those of you who purchased the bundle, like you will see the quality of the contributors who are part of this bundle. I’m excited for you to connect with all of them in some way and for them to impact your business in some way this year because it’s not about me. I’m just so excited. So let’s talk about who this bundle is for. It is intended for creative small business owners who are running the show on their own, they might be wearing 25,000 hats (that’s an overly dramatic statement, obviously) but they are running the show on their own and they are operating their business. They may be operating their business with one or two contractors, and they know they need to learn systems and workflows of funnels, mostly because they might not be in an economic place, a financial place to afford somebody to help them put together a funnel, they may not be able to hire out an OBM or VA or even an integrator. Those are valuable hires don’t get me wrong. Those are extremely valuable hires, but you may not be consistently making you know that profit every month to justify, hey, I can afford to, in addition to paying myself because you need to pay yourself first, okay, I’m getting on my soapbox you need to be paying yourself and you need to be making a profit. But if you don’t have enough money set aside to pay for a VA or pay for an integrator, this is a good option for you to start learning how to incorporate the systems and workflows of funnels. So you can learn how to put that together so that you can better communicate and train your future hires. I also want creative business owners to start 2023 with a strategy and a plan to conquer something, they may be scared of like funnels because those can be pretty intimidating. And I may be making a very bold statement here, but even if you are not a creative business owner, or you don’t really consider yourself a creative business owner, but you own your own business, I know you will still find value in this bundle because it is a huge resource of tutorials with many courses that have templates on how to implement strategies and workflows of the various aspects of a funnel for your business. So let’s answer this, why did I create this bundle? So I have two main reasons. But I feel like I’ve been sprinkling a lot of reasons why I created this. So one, I strongly believe that systems and workflows are essential for pretty much any type of business owner but I will go out on a limb and say many traditional creative-minded business owners aren’t the best at systems and although they are very talented in their craft and business, they often are lacking the skills and discipline to dig into learning systems and workflows, or they don’t have the time to become experts, even if they do dig in, I mentioned this earlier, because of either the economy, lack of consistent income or lack of clarity, whatever. Some creative business owners cannot afford to pay an OBM or a VA or a professional integrator to set up the funnels for the behind-the-scenes of their offers and products, so I wanted to create a bundle where creative business owners can go at their own pace and learn at their own pace while they’re building traction for their own business. Reason two, is I am a creative business owner myself, and I truly believe that systems can change the face of your business in amazing ways for the back end and the front end of your business. You can optimize the different offers of your business to fit into funnels. I see firsthand the disconnect that many creative-minded business owners struggle with, and I get it, systems and workflows aren’t a sexy topic to talk about, I bet you are most likely not really thrilled about digging into the data of your business in order to make more informed decisions on how to set up workflows and strategies that work for you or maybe you are, but again, a lot of creative business owners don’t really start their business to dive into the data of their systems and workflows. They also don’t dive into their business excited to learn about funnels and all the moving puzzle pieces of the digital funnel, but I know that every business owner wants to see growth. So by creating this bundle, with again, some amazing contributors, I am wanting to help you find small, tangible things you can do in baby steps to get you energized about digital funnels for your business and 2023 and beyond. Also, okay, I have to say this because I just have to be real with you. I know I come across as a know-it-all, I mean, I shared this in my podcast anniversary episode. My weakness in life is that I want to literally know all the things, but I’m here to admit that I don’t know everything right? I’m not only am I a muggle, I’m human, and I’m flawed. I am very limited, so as a creative business owner who is making my mark online, in order to create a positive ripple effect for not just my family, but I do want to be your systems and workflow friend, your BFF but it’s still hard to admit that like I’m very limited in my knowledge because I don’t know at all, but I firmly believe I can still be a go-to expert in my field of systems and workflows and still have room at the table and open the door to other experts who can work alongside me and teach about other certain systems and workflows in a more accurate and succinct way. So that’s another reason why I created this bundle to point other creative business owners to actual industry peers, who are experts in specific strategies and workflows in specific fields and programs that I’m not an expert in. And you know what, that is really relieving to me to have just like this huge, open table full of amazing contributors who might impact somebody specifically in a very specific way, for 2023 and I am excited about that. Okay, so I know that explanation took longer than I anticipated, but I just had to let you in on all the deets. So now that I’ve answered the questions of what, why, and who? Let’s dive into the question of where can you access this bundle. So the Systems and Workflow Bundle is going to be live starting today, February 6, 2023, to February 10 of 2023. So the very first week of February when this episode drops, and if you are listening to this episode live, you can visit the show notes and click the link to access the bundle or you can go to systemsandworkflowmagic.com and if you are listening to this episode, after the fact and the live dates have passed, then you can click the link and join the waitlist for 2024. Now, yes, I’m planning on making this a yearly thing, Lord willing, and hopefully it will help many business owners out. That’s my wish, so there will be a 3.0 version. I’m already planning it out, I won’t hint at it, but I’m really excited about it. So if you’re wanting a teaser as to what type of systems and workflow-related items will be in this year’s bundle, here are a few. So there are 17 resources on how to optimize the top of your digital funnel with different strategies. There are seven resources on how to optimize the middle of your funnel, nine resources on how to optimize the bottom of your funnel, and five resources on how to optimize the continuation of your funnel. Again, that’s over $6,796 of resources for only $97. And the best part, even though you only have one week to purchase, once you purchase, you will get access to all of these programs for one year. So don’t feel like okay, I bought the bundle. Now I had to consume it all in a week. Because last year, it was only available for one week to download everything. Not so this year, this year, it’s different, you have one week to purchase the bundle. And then you have one year to access all of the programs within the bundle. So this is how like I really want the buyer to be strategic in how they consume the products. Again, this is just me trying to be as helpful as possible because there is a tendency as humans, it doesn’t matter if we’re creative business owners or just human nature, we sometimes buy things and then we forget about it, we totally forget that we made this purchase, and especially if it’s an online purchase. So I have set up reminders for anyone who purchases the bundle throughout the year, “Hey, don’t forget to download XYZ products from the bundle”, so you can take advantage of these resources. I also try to break it down within the bundle. If you want to just concentrate on the top of the funnel with some strategies use Q1 so Quarter One, this quarter, you have 17 resources to choose from, you can pick and choose. Then in Quarter Two, you can concentrate on the middle of your funnel, quarter three, the bottom of your funnel, and then quarter four, a continuation of how to continue to optimize your offers that impact your funnel, you have like this whole roadmap all year. So that’s one of my arguments for why this is one of the best products you’re going to purchase in 2023 for your creative business, once you purchase them, I know you’re gonna have access to all of these products for one year and you can go at your own pace and learn and optimize the different parts of your bundle. I think it’s so exciting. So I know I’m only skimming the surface but I just wanted to give you just like what to expect and a little teaser and a little taste of what to expect from those resources. So the best part of this bundle is that they are not just freebies on these other contributor’s websites, they are actual products, I cannot stress that enough, which a customer has to pay for. So yep, super valuable and you’re going to definitely want to check out the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle 2.0 Funnel Edition now, and either way, click over and I have listed out all the contributors, I’ve listed all the products I’ve listed out just everything you need to know from top to bottom. So if you are a purchaser who needs to read everything, I’ve got you covered, if you are a purchaser who just wants to meet the different contributors have got your back. So either way, I try to be as detail-oriented on the systemsandworkflowmagic.com main info page, okay. If you are not a creative business owner, you most likely know of someone who owns their own business and who needs help with workflows, automation, and systems for their business, or at least they want to take baby steps. So please share this episode with them and send them a link to the funnel bundle, especially before February 10 of 2023.

Okay, in recap, we talked about what the systems and workflow magic bundle is. We spoke about who it’s for we spoke about why it’s valuable for your business and 2023 and beyond. I shared how to access the bundle. Remember, it’s only available this week until February 10 at 11:59 pm CST, so central time in the United States. I know it’s so specific, but I want to make it available for only one week and then you have one year once you purchase, you have one year to access everything within the bundle. You will have plenty of reminders from me because I want you to make the most of this purchase. Now, either way, I’m just so pumped to finally open the doors to this bundle. As mentioned, I have been planning this out since July 2022 or maybe I didn’t mention that I did mention that. When I wrapped up the first bundle earlier in 2022. It took me a while to strategize again for the second version, so I started strategizing in July 2022. So, it’s finally so relieving to see this all come to fruition. It’s amazing to have over 30 plus contributors come together, and I want to thank them again. I’m thinking about doing a future episode about how this bundle went because I know that many listeners enjoy the behind-the-scenes of what went into the systems and organization of the bundle. So I will definitely put one together but until then, I just want to say thank you so much for taking the time to join me today. I hope to see you in the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle 2.0 Funnel Edition this week, and as always, I want you to continue to stay streamlined and organized in the backend of your business and life you amazing muggle you, I will chat with you all next week. Bye. Thank you so much for listening to the systems and workflow magic podcast. You can find full show notes from today’s episode at systemsandworkflowmagic.com/podcast. If you’re loving the podcast, I’d be so honored if you’d subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast player. Be sure to screenshot this episode, share it with your stories, and tag me at @dollydelongeducation over on Instagram. Until next time, go make some strategic workflow magic!

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a free masterclass

Join me, along with Mara Kucirek and Bekah Read, as we reveal key Black Friday 2024 trends. With an unpredictable election year and a shifting economy, we'll share insider tips to help you stand out and drive sales with strategy

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