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57: How to use TikTok as a top of funnel marketing strategy for 2023 & beyond Featuring Sarah Weiss (The Systems & Workflow Magic Podcast)

Are you wondering if marketing your business on TikTok is worth your time? Maybe you’ve tried the trending dances, and it only left you with 20 views and 6 hours wasted. Sarah Weiss, my go-to TikTok expert, shares why and how you should incorporate TikTok marketing into your new year marketing plan! This episode is for you if you want actionable steps to start winning on the TikTok platform!

The Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast is brought to you by Dolly DeLong Education. This podcast is for creative business owners who want to learn tangible steps to automate their business through workflows, systems, tools, and strategies to go from scattered to streamlined with purpose because even muggles can become automated wizards.

Meet Sarah Weiss

Sarah is a Social Media Strategist specializing in short-form video marketing (AKA TikTok and Instagram Reels!) She gets brands and biz owners visible online using the power of video so they can land dreamy clients and remain top of mind to their audience! 

When she’s not nailing it on TikTok, Sarah loves going to wineries with her fiancé, cuddling her dogs, and jamming out to Broadway show tunes!

Want To Learn How To Incorporate Systems In Your Business? 

Are you ready to automate the backend of your business with systems and workflows…but you have no earthly idea where to begin? Well, the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle was made with you in mind! 

It comes out at least TWO times per year and it features different systems and workflows that impact the BACKEND of your business!

🧐To check out the latest Systems & Workflow Magic Bundle go here: https://systemsandworkflowmagic.com/

➡️Also check out The Backend Blueprint: 5 Essential Systems & Workflows To Refine The Backend Of Your Business! here


Review the Show Notes

Sarah: a go-to expert on TikTok (1:02)

Squashing the TikTok myths (4:18)

Using TikTok SEO to be discovered (9:15)

Utilizing keywords and searchability on TikTok (15:09)

Setting up your profile for first impressions (20:49)

Using TikTok to create authentic communities (27:53)

Monetizing TikTok (29:31)

Incorporating TikTok into your New Year strategy (30:45)

Sarah’s contribution to The Systems and Workflow Magic 2.0 Funnel Bundle (33:06)


The Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle https://systemsandworkflowmagic.com/

​​TikTok Profile Optimizer: https://stan.store/onbrandbysarah








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Dolly Delong
Hello, and welcome back to the systems and workflow magic podcast. I am your systems and workflow BFF Dolly DeLong and before we get started, I just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. Since this episode is airing on Christmas, I hope everybody is having a wonderful holiday season with their loved ones no matter where you are in the world. Thank you for being here and if you are a Harry Potter fan like I am, Happy Christmas. So today on the podcast, I am going to interview Sarah Weiss, who is going to be talking about how to use TikTok as a top-of-the-funnel strategy, just an organic strategy to get more views clients lead to your funnel and that’s something that I’m sure a lot of you have a goal of using TikTok in your strategy for 2023 and beyond! And again, another reason why I have Sarah on the podcast today is that she is another amazing contributor for the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle, the Funnel Bundle 2.0 in February of 2023, and because she is a wealth of information when it comes to using TikTok for your funnel. I know again, let me repeat, I know that there are creatives who want to develop a 2023 strategy, so Sarah is going to be your go-to expert when it comes to strategy for the top of your funnel with TikTok and I’m excited about everything she’s about to share with you all. I hope you all decide to take some notes, listen in, maybe grab a mug of eggnog and hot Coke or whatever, whatever your holiday drink choice is, and like take some notes and snuggle up I always want to say snuggled during the holiday so, and let’s learn about some TikTok strategies. But before we go into the heart of the show, Sarah, do you mind introducing yourself to the audience?

Sarah Weiss

So hello everybody. My name is Sarah Weiss or On Brand By Sarah on the social media streets, and I am a social media strategist who specializes in TikTok Marketing. So, I practice what I preach. I do it for my business. And then I work with brands and business owners to get them visible, and all the TikTok things!

Dolly Delong
I love it or TikTok but yeah. How do we add the top on TikTok? Okay, there we go. That’s how I’m gonna weave that. So Sarah, Hi, I’m just so glad you’re here and I have to admit this openly to everyone who’s listening. Sarah and I haven’t officially met yet. This is our first time meeting but we got connected because I don’t know who connected us, but somebody connected me. I wanted a TikTok expert for the bundle.

Sarah Weiss
It was my web designer Polly!

Dolly Delong
Oh, Polly, thank you so much! We have that Polly connection. So Polly, thank you so much if you’re listening, but we were connected, and it’s been fun, watching your business from afar from Instagram, getting to know you, and then proceeding to be a contributor for the bundle and so I’m just so thrilled to officially get to meet you for this podcast interview! Then I’m so thrilled for you to share so much wealth of knowledge with my audience today.

Sarah Weiss

Yes, I’m excited.

Dolly Delong

Yeah, I’m excited too! So Sarah, let’s just get down to the heart of it. And where do you want to start?

Sarah Weiss

Yeah, so if you are listening to this, and you’re like, first of all, what the heck is TikTok? Second of all, I know what TikTok is, but like, isn’t that just for dancing teenagers? Let’s just kind of squash some myths right off the bat. I used to be a speech therapist and in my previous career, I’m all about data, so I’m going to give you some data. TikTok is a short-form video app and there are 1 billion monthly users on the app 1 billion active monthly users are on the app. Now, the app used to be heavily like Gen Z and like younger people, but I just looked at updated statistics, and over 50% of the people on TikTok are aged 20 to 55+ years old. Plus, if you think about that, those are your buyers, those are the people in your community. So I was just mind blown at that, because I’m like, yes, yes, like even more of a chance for business owners to get on the app. Yeah, and so I like to use it as a top-of-funnel strategy and if you’ve never heard the word funnel before, let’s dissect it because I won’t leave you hanging in there with that jargon. So when I talk about a funnel, I like to think of an upside-down triangle and the very, very top of it is somebody becoming aware of you, who you are, who your brand is, who your business is, right? And TikTok is such an amazing place to do that. You don’t have to do any dancing, or any lip-synching if you don’t want to, you can just do face-to-camera videos. They’re super organic, they’re not curated, and they just help people become a nice warm member of your community super quickly!

Dolly Delong
I love that. So I’m gonna put one member and if you’re wondering what I’m doing, Sarah, I am just taking notes while you’re talking. I like that 50% of people from ages 20 to 55 are on TikTok because yes, I will openly admit like, I just assume this is a social media platform that only younger people can use. I am not in my 20s anymore. I’m closer to my 40s if I can be completely honest and so I just have been avoiding TikTok because I just think this is like it’s not relevant to my age, but you’re here with the data!

Sarah Weiss
I come with the receipts Dolly.

Dolly Delong
Exactly. I love that. Okay, so I love that you also explained what a funnel is. Anybody who’s listening in might be new to the podcast and you might be also wondering, What the heck is a funnel? I know that there is a funnel bundle coming up in February you keep on talking about Dolly but naming the funnel, starting with the funnel. I love that you described it, you know as that upside-down triangle and TikTok being one of the marketing strategies, just to bring people into that top of the funnel.

Sarah Weiss
Yeah, it’s like, I like to think of it as people’s like, very first, like touch point, yes, the discovery of you. It’s really where I find myself and like other creators and business owners on the platform, are just able to be like completely themselves. If you are an Instagram creator for your business, I like to relate it to just showing up on your stories or if you have a smartphone, like getting on FaceTime with a friend, that is how organic and authentic is. It’s such a nice place to start developing your brand, even if you sell products, right? Like a lot of us are service providers, but I’m sure a lot of us also sell products. Building a personal brand is important to that too and I’ve had people come to me, right, like I’m a specialist in TikTok marketing, but I’ve had people come to me because they’re like, oh my gosh, I have a golden doodle dog too, I’m obsessed, or they always hear me talking about like how much I love like Broadway musicals, and they’re like, oh my gosh, have you see a Hamilton? And that just gets the dialogue going and it’s so easy to do that on TikTok.

Dolly Delong
I love that. Okay, so now, you’ve shared some data with us, you have shared what a funnel is, and you shared how TikTok is like that top-of-the-funnel marketing strategy, very warm. What else is it about TikTok strategy that you want to introduce to the listeners right now?

Sarah Weiss
Yes, so this is fairly new in the TikTok world and if you scroll TikTok for even a few minutes, I’m sure you’ll hear about it. It’s TikTok SEO, which if you don’t know what SEO is, stands for search engine optimization. This essentially means if people are searching keywords on TikTok, or even if they’re searching keywords on Google, your TikTok videos are starting to index even on Google! I’m going to drop another fact here, which is that TikTok surpassed Google as the most popular web platform in 2021, which means that people aren’t just using it as a social media platform, but they’re using it as a search engine. So even if you’re saying to yourself, my audience isn’t on TikTok, I don’t know one person in my audience that’s on TikTok. Okay, exactly. There’s a whole untapped audience of people that are searching for either the keywords that you offer in the transformation of your service, benefits of your products, you know, the names or assets of your product, and you’re gonna pop up there and tap into this whole new audience. So keywords and things like that are super important on there, and they help you tap into like this brand new audience.

Dolly Delong
Okay, we’re gonna peel this back, even more, Sarah, you just like, literally blew my mind. I had no idea that it’s now like merging more into a search engine. I again, I’m assuming TikTok is just a social media platform for entertainment purposes, which yes, it is but also, but there is also that phrase, I always have to remember there’s this commercial. Sometimes whenever I’m watching TV, it’s like I learned it on TikTok, and that makes sense. I’m sure that there are people there to like, how to make a cake or I don’t know.

Sarah Weiss

You’re 100%. Right, and the thing is, it’s really interesting because I’m seeing it in action. I have a video that I posted five months ago, and it’s getting traction every single day now because I have the keywords. How to see when your audience is active like what time the audience is active, but people are actively searching that either on Google or on TikTok and my video is coming up, my video is indexing. So every single day, I’m getting traction on this piece of content from like five months ago! So imagine what you could do if you sit down and take the time to optimize all of your videos, especially videos where you’re showing up as the expert, or, you know, you’re showing up as an offering! These are the transformation results of my products and services, like imagine what could happen that could have such a long shelf life.

Dolly Delong
Yes, yes. And we’re taught constantly as content creators, or as business owners, social media has a shelf life of 24 hours so that’s why you need to concentrate on blogging podcasting, or creating videos but this is a really interesting fact. Sarah, I love that.

Sarah Weiss
Yeah and this has not always been like this, when I started TikTok, even like a year ago, this was not prevalent. But like, in the past few months, it’s been like the search capabilities, and just like the videos index and on Google, it is wild.

Dolly Delong
If you are listening to this episode live, I have some time-sensitive news to share with you today. After listening to this week’s episode, I want you to head on over to the show notes and get on the waitlist for the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle 2.0 Funnel Edition today. Yes, you heard me the popular bundle is back but in 2.0 form. So if you are ready to sprinkle in some systems and workflow magic of funnel building into your business in 2023, get ready my friend coming February 6 through February 10 of 2023. You are going to have access to over 30 experts who are going to be contributing different funnel-related resources to help you grow your top-of-the-funnel, middle-of-the-funnel, the bottom of the funnel, and beyond-the-funnel strategies for 2023. This bundle includes resources from experts such as Ellen Yin of Cubicle to CEO, Ashlyn Carter, Linda Sidhu, Krista Miller, and Kate Doster, just to name a few, and so many more amazing experts and industry leaders. You don’t want to miss out on the systems and workflow magic bundle 2.0 funnel edition. So head on over to systems and workflow magic.com to get on the waitlist or head on over to the show notes. Either way, it’s 2023. The year you learn more about funnels and how to apply them to your own business. I certainly hope so. And as always, stay streamlined and strategic with your workflows you amazing muggle, and I’ll see you at the funnel bundle. Wow. Okay, so I’m always peeling back that statement even more so can you give just an example of okay, let’s say somebody’s listening to this right now and they’re like, Okay, I’m gonna try this strategy out? Where would they start? How would you recommend that they start? Like, where would they insert these keywords into these phrases? Like, how would they use these phrases? Can you name an example of a brand you work with? And like what you recommend to them? With starting?

Sarah Weiss
Yes. Okay, great question because I love giving actionable examples. So the keywords and searchability of different sections show up in a few places on TikTok, so let’s dive into it. I’m gonna give an example of a speech therapist, I work with a speech therapist who sells products on TPT so she’s kind of a service provider and a product-based business because she offers speech therapy services, and she sells products on TPT. So she’s a perfect example. So in the Name section of her TikTok, we have her actual name, but then we have put speech therapy resources because people might just be searching for like a quick search for like speech resources, speech activities, speech therapist, right, and then she’s going to populate when they search that.

Dolly Delong
So the name, you could also incorporate some SEO into the name.

Sarah Weiss
Yes, exactly. And then another searchable place is your bio. So we have something written like, you know, speech materials for the busy SLP and then we have a call to action to the link in her bio that says, grab some free resources. Because, one, if someone lands on her profile, they know what they’re gonna get when they click on the link, but even more, so, somebody could be searching for free speech resources, right? So we have to put ourselves in our audience’s head and think, like, Okay, what would they be searching like? They’re busy, they just need something really quick. They could use it for their session, like, what would they search? And then another place where these keywords show up is in the caption that you write, which is a brand new update, you’re now able to put 2200 characters in your caption, and your hashtags are also another searchable asset to your profile.

Dolly Delong
Oh, wow. Okay, I’m putting this in writing.

Sarah Weiss
Yes. I love that you’re taking notes. I love it.

Dolly Delong
Because like my personality has ever since I was a little like, a little girl, like, I guess elementary age when white people started taking notes, I would genuinely take notes when the teacher was and so it’s just always been something about me. I just love taking notes and so I do this for every interview. I always have to tell because I have two screens, you see me nobody else sees me but I have two screens and I always have to tell the person that I’m interviewing I promise I’m not like watching a show. I’m not ignoring you, not making eye contact with you. But that’s awesome so like to reiterate, that you recommend making sure you’re utilizing the actual name, the handle, TikTok handle with keywords for SEO.

Sarah Weiss
Yeah, quick and that’s a good point that you brought up because probably not everybody will know this but your handle is like the “@onbrandbysarah”, and “@XYZ”. For the handle, I recommend making that your business name or the name that you use on Instagram because somebody might just know me as On Brand By Sarah, rather than Sarah. So I have it on-brand by Sarah as my handle and then there’s the actual section that says the name and in the Name section, you want to put your actual name first and then you can put things like Sarah Web Designer, Sarah Tiktok Marketing, Podcast Manager, just so you’re getting those keywords in your name as well.

Dolly Delong
Okay, thank you for breaking that down because yeah, I did have that question. Like, is that the handle? Or is that okay, so that’s next to the name? And then another place to insert these searchable key terms is in your bio. And then it sounds to me, like the CTA in the link in the bio. Is that another good place? Because this is where my brain goes. Is this a good place to also build out your email list?

Sarah Weiss
100%, I’m a social media manager. I eat up social media all day. I love it. Yeah, but you don’t own any social media platform, unfortunately. Your followers can disappear too. All right. So I always recommend having your link in the bio set up. If you guys are familiar with like a link tree, or just like really like a list because people want to quickly scan it, make sure you have some kind of lead magnet in there, something that you’re offering your audience in return, they’re giving you their email address. Because people don’t know you on TikTok, it might not convert. If you’re like, sign up for updates and tips, they’re gonna be like, yeah, about what? So I recommend having a freebie or a lead magnet to offer them that way, if they visit your profile, they have something of value to grab, and you can grab their email.

Dolly Delong
Awesome, that’s great. So I’m assuming you have your client who is this speech therapist using her free resources, I’m assuming she’s doing that too.

Sarah Weiss
Yeah, so we have a few for her and one of them is actually like the video that’s pinned at the top of her profile. What I mean by pinned is you’re able to have three videos that are pinned to the top of your profile, that don’t move. So there are essentially three videos that you want people to see first when they come to your profile. You don’t have to have these. You don’t have to have all three if you just have like one that you want to pin. But yes, we have a few freebies on there for her audience to grab, and then, in turn, we get their email.

Dolly Delong
I love that so much. And then you also shared that now TikTok lets you use 2200 characters in your caption, which is amazing.

Sarah Weiss
Yes, so I have thoughts about this. I do not like writing captions, I enjoyed, just putting a sentence or two on TikTok, but here’s the thing. No one reads your whole caption as they do on Instagram. So these 2200 Characters are going to be for the search. Okay, search engine optimization. So if you don’t feel like typing out that caption, do voice-to-text. Oh, you know, it doesn’t have to be laid out pretty with like, different emojis like separating the lines like, yeah. If you don’t feel like typing it out, you could do voice-to-text and it gets done super quickly, and that way you have like a nice optimized caption.

Dolly Delong
That is so smart. Wow, Fairy, you’re blowing my mind. Oh, God. This is all good. So TikTok is now incorporating SEO, which is a really good long-term strategy for those of you who are listening and it’s again like it’s bringing in a warm of the cold or warm audience over to the top of your funnel! Hey, friend, if you’re listening to the Systems and Workflow Magic podcast, I just want to say thank you for allowing me to bring some Systems and Workflow Magic into your earbuds every single week. It seriously means so much to me that you are tuning in. As a thank you to all of my listeners, I have a special gift for anyone who wants to take their system and workflow strategies around funnel training to the next level. Are you ready? I have created a free private pop-up podcast dedicated to the systems and strategies of funnels. It’s called the foundational funnel training private podcast. If you tried to look it up in your favorite podcast app, you won’t find it because it’s a private training. So here is what is inside this free, fantastic foundational funnel training private podcast, you’ll get access to four episodes, all dedicated to teaching you the different digital funnel parts and strategies which you can, in turn, apply to your own creative business in 2023, and hopefully beyond! So day one is dedicated to the top-of-funnel strategies. Day two is dedicated to some middle-of-funnel strategies. Day three is dedicated to you guessed it, the bottom-of-funnel strategies. Finally, day four is dedicated to more of a continuation of funnel strategies meaning what should you do with your new leads that have come through your funnel so that they are not scattered but streaming lined and want to continue to get to know you. The best part, I have invited over 20 different industry leaders who are experts in these different parts of the digital funnel. So it’s not just me who is going to be educating you, you are going to be learning from some amazing female business owners who are not only encouraging, but they are so knowledgeable when it comes to these specific strategies at the top, middle bottom, or a continuation of the digital funnel. Again, this is all for free. And you’re probably wondering, well, what’s the catch, Dolly? Well, because one, I just want to give you a behind-the-scenes look at the new systems and workflow magic bundle, the 2.0 funnel edition, coming later in February of 2023. And I wanted to give you some strategies to use straight out of the gate when you begin planning and strategizing for your business in 2023. So I want to give you some free education. The fun begins on January 31. Again, as a reminder, each episode drops until February 3, 2023. But don’t worry, I’ll have replays up until February 11, 2023, then it does go away forever. Not kidding, it does go away after that. So if you want access to this private podcast, then make your way to the show notes and snag the first intro episode that way you can get the episodes all queued up for January 31. When they drop in, they will stream to your favorite podcast app. Again, go to Waitlist: The Foundational Funnel Training Private Popup Podcast, I realized that’s a long URL, or just simply head on over to the show notes and get on the foundational funnel training private podcast waitlist so that you will get instant streaming to the four days of digital funnel training when they dropped. Again, if you sign up today, meaning before January 31 you will get instant access to that first intro episode. So let me ask you what are you waiting for? Are you ready for some fantastic foundational funnel education? I truly hope so. I look forward to seeing you in the private podcast training and until then stay streamlined and automated, you magical muggle. You were gonna mention like before we hit record and you talked about how this is important in creating an authentic community. Can you talk more about this?

Sarah Weiss
Yes, so on TikTok, like I was saying before, it’s just like showing up in your stories or showing up on FaceTime with a friend. So like when you’re dropping your knowledge or your value, it’s not super curated like it is on Instagram, like where you have the trend and background and your 123 countdowns like, no, like you’re sitting down holding your phone and you’re like, Okay, guys, here’s the tea. I’m going to tell you exactly how to Baba Baba, Baba, and you just feel like okay, we’re gonna sit down, we’re gonna spill some tea. She’s about to drop some knowledge on me and then like I said, not every single video that I make is strictly about business like people on TikTok and now on Instagram because they sometimes come over from TikTok. Like, they know my dogs, they know their names, they know my love and Broadway show to like, it’s just like you’re able to like infuse like your personality. So like you get clients or buyers if your product base like that really, like aligned with you as a human. So it’s nice.

Dolly Delong
I’m sorry, you were just talking. You’re like I know, I love my dogs, and then the background there, are those pictures of your dogs? I love dogs. I love it.

Sarah Weiss
Yes. Benny and Piper. I have a really good segue right now. Okay, about how to monetize the platform. And by monetize, I mean making money from TikTok quickly. So I experimented a few months ago, and I made a TikTok for my dog Benny. Okay, he’s a golden doodle. He’s beautiful. And I use SEO, right? So your keywords, I use trends, I use original content They’re just like phone-to-screen videos about our Amazon favorites and Benny got a brand deal! Wow, it’s top of mind because we just recorded all the videos for them today, it’s like a dog mom Shirt Company, but it just goes to show, that if you use strategies that help people to get eyeballs on your profile like you can monetize the platform so quickly!

Dolly Delong
Oh, Sarah, I am so glad that I even marked up I saw your dog pictures and that that is a perfect example. Thank you so much for sharing that. That’s good. So I do want to ask you before we wrap up if anybody is listening in and they’re like, you’re like, Okay, I think I want to start incorporating TikTok in my 2023 strategy, name at least one action step they can take today. I know today when this episode airs, it’s Christmas. So maybe you want to do this tomorrow. Like after you’ve opened up all your presents and gotten over your eggnog coma or, I don’t know keep on talking about eggnog, maybe I need some eggnog right now.

Sarah Weiss
I know, I need some eggnog now.

Dolly Delong
But like, what is one action step you would like to see a creative business owner who is new to TikTok like, what actions should you take?

Sarah Weiss
Yeah, so I would right away, just go and like claim your name. So like, go claim your handle on TikTok, and I have a freebie for you guys. That’s all about optimizing your TikTok profile so just like we talked about before, all the places that you need to optimize it for that keyword searchability. It’ll help you do that, do grab that freebie, and then honestly, my next action step is to, scroll through the native TikTok platform. Okay, it’s different than Instagram. I know Instagram has reels. It’s different than Instagram, there’s a certain culture to TikTok like you heard us talking about before how it’s like really laid back. So I want you to get a feel for what the TikTok culture is and then just start searching keywords in your niche. If you’re a web designer, start searching web design, Squarespace web design, WordPress web design, and start finding creators in your niche not to copy them, but just to see like, Oh, this is hitting well, or oh, people have these questions. I could make a video about these questions, or, Oh, I’m going to show them behind the scenes of my system, which seems to be something intriguing to people. That’s what I would start with.

Dolly Delong
Okay, that is good and everybody can do that. So I know, for the majority of us, we have like most likely the next week off. So we’re chilling either at home with our family or with our loved ones, whoever. So these are really good action steps, Sarah, and then do you mind sharing because Sarah, again, Sarah, as a reminder, Sarah is going to be our resident TikTok expert for the Systems and Workflow Magic Funnel Bundle and so do you mind sharing exactly what you were contributing what your product is, and why people should get the bundle?

Sarah Weiss
Yes! Okay, so you guys, this is my favorite name of any product or service that I’ve ever launched. The product is called How The F To Show Up On TikTok.

Dolly Delong
I laughed so hard when I got the name. Like what?

Sarah Weiss
Because literally, it’s what people come to me and they’re like, how the heck do I show up?

Dolly Delong
Yeah, you can say it. That’s what we’re thinking, you guys. Okay.

Sarah Weiss
So you guys, it has every single thing you need. It starts with, squashing those limiting beliefs, and then I drop knowledge about exactly what the facts are just like we kind of did at the beginning of the episode. It goes through again, like optimizing your profile. It goes through how to find people in your niche, how to find community, what captions and hashtags to use, how to format them how to intentionally repurpose the content, and then within that, I have two video bonuses that show you exactly how to use them in app-editors of TikTok because I don’t want that to be stuck. I don’t want you to be at a standstill for that because I think that scares people sometimes like I have to edit the video. It’s super easy. I walk you through exactly how to do it. Don’t panic and yeah, it goes through every single step that you need to show up on TikTok.

Dolly Delong
It’s awesome, and as a reminder again the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle, comes out for one week only at the beginning of February and we have a list of contributors who are talking about the top of the funnel like experts like Sarah, for example, since TikTok is a top of the funnel marketing strategy, and then we have experts talking about the middle of the funnel, marketing strategies and the bottom of the funnel experts. So you’re going to learn from experts who are going to teach you different pieces of the funnel and if this is something that you want to incorporate more in 2023, I almost said 2013. New Year, it’s 2023. Then check it out and get on the waitlist, the waitlist link is in the bio of the show notes of this podcast episode and the freebie that Sarah was talking about is also in the show notes of this podcast episode. Sarah, as we wrap up, can you just share with people how they can connect with you at work you find you just to get to know you even more?

Sarah Weiss
Yes, so the best places to go are TikTok and Instagram and I’m just @OnBrandBySarah, you can go to my website which is on a brand by sarah.com and I cannot wait to support you! I manage TikTok and Instagram accounts for brands and business owners, I have a VIP day where we get a month’s worth of videos done in a day, and I am launching by the time this comes out, it will be a TikTok membership it’s going to be super accessible and you are going to be in a community of people that are walking the same walk as you and just to like strategically show up on there be accountable and get good live feedback. I’m so excited about that.

Dolly Delong
I cannot wait for it Sarah, I will share all the relevant links in the show notes so please everyone gets plugged in Sarah. She has been a joy to get to know in the last several weeks again like I was sharing with you all in the beginning, we have not officially met so this is our first time meeting. She is a contributor and I’ve just like been loving getting to know all the contributors so Sarah, thank you so much again for being

Sarah Weiss

Yes, thank you for having me.

Dolly Delong

Merry Christmas to you, or Happy Christmas to you.  I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season and week rest enjoy this week with your friends and your loved ones wherever you are and next week I will come at you with another system and workflow-related episode specifically with a new contributor for the systems and workflow magic funnel bundle edition, so I cannot wait to share that episode with you as well. Until then, have a magical and streamlined week. Bye. Thank you so much for listening to the systems and workflow magic podcast. You can find full show notes from today’s episode at systemsandworkflowmagic.com/podcast. If you love the podcast, I’d be so honored if you’d subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast player. Be sure to screenshot this episode, share it with your stories, and tag me @DollyDeLongEducation over on Instagram. Until next time, go make some strategic workflow magic!

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