The Dolly DeLong: Baby Moon Adventures with Ty (Part 8) in Sedona, Arizona

Sedona, Arizona was the very last leg of our trip out west in route to Phoenix, Arizona (where our flight left for Nashville). We had two very peaceful days in Sedona where we enjoyed hiking, a couples massage (yes, a couples massage), some authentic Mexican food (which Ty loved), a delicious pizza (not pictured), and some home-made apple pie at some local restaurant (again the bakery is not pictured, but the apple pie is pictured).
Don’t ask me why I decided wearing all black on our hike was a good idea….I think at this point of the trip I was out of fresh laundry and all I had was black! HAHAHA!
Thanks to my amazing, wonderful, loving, fun, and incredible husband for planning out the BEST baby moon for us in August/September of 2018. If you haven’t yet already please note, that this is part 8 of several blog posts dedicated to each stop out west! You should def check them out and you should definitely plan a trip out west and explore the great outdoors! 
Thanks for checking out our adventures! As always, love your spouse and enjoy your time with them! 

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