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The Dolly DeLong: Baby Moon Adventures with Ty (Part 5) (Craters of the Moon)

Finally getting around to sharing Part 5 of our Baby Moon this evening! Have you ever heard of The Craters of The Moon National Preserve & Monument? Well to be honest, I never even knew there was such a place in Idaho, but Ty had done some research and decided we should stop at this National Park. Honestly I thought it was going to be super boring when he had first told me about it (b/c when I picture a National Park, I imagine something like Glacier National Park or Yellowstone in my head) but when we got there several things happened to make it magical for me:

  1. There were NO tourists around….we had the place to ourselves (okay okay there were some people….but for the most part, there was not an annoying amount of people)
  2. It was a gorgeous and beautiful day & I had the energy to take photos with my nice camera (so I made Ty pose in pretty much every spot)
  3. I loved that this preserve make me think of old episodes of “The Twilight Zone” (you know, the ones with Rod Serling from the 1950s/1960s?) Yeah, this whole place made me feel like I was on one giant Episode of The Twilight Zone and I LOVED IT!
  4. Ty bought me a candy bar at the gift shop, and for some reason that really made my day before we started hiking around
  5. I really loved learning about the history of this preserve at the tourist center….you all for some odd reason my mind was ON and I was ready to soak up all the information (this is a rare occurrence in a tired pregnant ladies brain-or at least in my case)  // Here is more about the history: HERE

You all, if you ever find yourself in the weird state of Idaho (it really is such a weird and strange state), please consider visiting this National Preserve for a couple of hours. It really is so interesting and is a fun place to go check out if you like random/odd National Monuments! They also take the National Parks Passport, so I made sure to get a stamp in Baby Bear’s passport book for him to look at when he is older! Yay!
Here are some pictures from our day out! Thank you again to Ty for the chocolate bar from the gift shop…you really did make my day! I love you!
Also P.S. People, please do not judge my biracial legs in these photos. I know I’m not 100% white, but my 50% whiteness shows mostly in my legs which embarrasses me since they never see the sun that often. Also, those are my maternity short  which were the only shorts I could wear for the trip since I was over heated and I couldn’t wear much else LOL! Oh well, I still had a blast! I really hope our son will want to go revisit this park again! 


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