Feeling Stuck with SEO for Your Business? Sign Up Now for the SEO Mastery Audio Summit and Unlock Expert Strategies to Drive More (Organic) Traffic 
The SEO Mastery Audio Summit, from August 13th to 16th, 2024, is a virtual event for busy business owners. Learn foundational SEO strategies, local SEO, technical SEO, and more from industry experts through convenient audio sessions. Boost your SEO knowledge and drive more traffic to your business without interrupting your schedule. Sign up now!
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seo magic here!

develop a system that works for your small business when it comes to SEO & learn how to become the googled answer to your ideal client's searches! 

The Dolly DeLong: Adventures with Ty on our Babymoon (Part 2) (Glacier National Park, Montana)

After our amazing trip to Bozeman, Montana (which you can read about HERE), Ty and I made our way to our first National Park of our Baby Moon: Glacier National Park.

Since there was a wildfire on one of the main entrances (where we happened to book our AirBNB) we had to wake up earlier in the morning and drive 2 hours to the other entrance (Poor Ty). But, the early morning wake up was worth it because we drove into an entrance with a RAINBOW over it (yes, a magical rainbow-as you can see in the picture)-I think I may have teared up a bit (mostly because of being pregnant).

Anyway, our itinerary of the day included lots of easy hiking trails (like Hiking the Hidden Lake Trailhead), having a picnic with a chipmunk (hahah seriously), and exploring areas of Glacier which had been a part of a previous wildfire (but as you can see from the pictures it was beautiful seeing new life grow around it). I am super appreciative of Ty going super slow at all the hiking trails just for me (since I literally had to pee every 10 minutes).

Even though I had grown up in Montana, I had never visited Glacier before and this was my most favorite national park I have ever visited. I loved the mountains, the wildflowers, the trails, the weather, just everything was perfect about this day. I cannot wait to visit GNP again (when I’m NOT pregnant-so that I can hike without wanting to pee!) AND, so that I can take my son to this glorious national park!

Here are several of my favorite photos from our time spent at GNP! I am so grateful for this time spent with my sweet husband. I cannot wait to share more of our Babymoon adventures in the days ahead!

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