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Sweet and Sunny Mommy & Me Portrait Session in Nashville, TN

capturing photographs that illustrate your stories: Alana + Gabe’s mommy & me session

It’s hard to beat the summer heat sometimes, but despite the heat, it was fun to go outside and capture several mommy & me portraits of this dynamic duo who were visiting from Rhode Island.

Getting to help capture Mommy & Me portraits of Alana and her son, Gabe, has definitely been a highlight of my summer because Alana and I were college roomies back in the early 2000s and now we both are boy moms! Alana, thank you again for allowing me to help capture these Mommy and Me portraits of you and Gabe. I loved working with you and I ESP love seeing you in the role of Mom! It makes my heart want to burst with happiness for you!

Since I have been introducing more of a luxury-type experience in all of my family related packages, this session included specific outfit pieces to best suit Alana, since I love focusing on moms and making sure she feels great and is confidently dressed for her session. Here is a link to the pieces I chose, and they are a part of my wardrobe for future sessions if any mamas want to wear them for their experience sessions. I am sharing the link with you just in case you are interested in adding these pieces to your wardrobe as well, or if you are wanting to know how to best dress for your future portrait sessions (and need some inspiration).

  1. White Lace Top: HERE
  2. Long Blush Pink Chiffon Skirt: HERE


If you are an expectant mom-to-be and are wondering what a maternity family experiences looks like, click HERE for an example!

As always, thank you so much for keeping up with my family & photography adventures! I love serving you all through photography and I love sharing my stories with you! Have a wonderful week!  

meet your friendly nashville family photographer

Dolly DeLong is a wife to a super cute computer nerd, mama to a little drool machine, and a destination wedding and luxury family photographer based out of Nashville, Tennessee. Even though she loves all things social media,  Dolly was born in the mid-80s, so she likes to stress to people she is not a cool Millennial, and she remembers dial-up internet from when she was in high school. Whenever she has a spare moment, she enjoys watching TV (i.e. Survivor), eating way too many sweets, and listening to podcasts while running or walking. To work with Dolly DeLong Photography LLC, please email her at or fill out her contact form here.

Nashville Intimate Wedding Photographer and Luxury Family Photographer Dolly DeLong Photography LLC

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