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102: A simple SEO strategy for Youtube featuring Rebekah Read (The Systems & Workflow Magic Podcast A Replay)


Are you ready to take your online presence to the next level? Maybe you know SEO can be one of your most effective tools for driving website traffic and creating sales leads, but you need help getting started. In this episode, Rebekah Read of Rebekah Read Creative shares her own content creation and SEO strategy (and it feels like we should be paying for it!). If you are looking for strategies that are easy to implement and can help boost engagement, visibility, and overall success with your content, this episode is for you!

The Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast is brought to you by Dolly DeLong Education. This podcast is for creative business owners who want to learn tangible steps to automate their business through workflows, systems, tools, and strategies to go from scattered to streamlined with purpose because even muggles can become automated wizards.

Meet Rebekah Read

Rebekah is a website in-a-day designer for small businesses. She finds joy in the process of discovering the person behind the brand and making them feel known. Her goal and deepest desire is to be her client’s biggest cheerleaders in their craft and provide them with a community of supporters.

Bekah approaches web design by helping her clients feel truly and deeply seen. She never wants anyone to feel overwhelmed by having to DIY everything (unless they want to, in which case she has a course for that too!)

Want To Learn How To Incorporate Systems In Your Business? 

Hey there! As your Systems & Workflow BFF & Guide, Dolly! Join me in this 90-minute FREE Class and dig into the 5 Systems and Workflows you need to be refining and optimizing for the BACKEND of your Creative Business (in order to impact the future of your business)! It’s going to be jam-packed!


Want to learn more about SEO for your small business?

(listen to past episodes!)


Review the Show Notes

Introducing Rebekah Read (1:32)

Dumbing down SEO (4:41)

Rebekah’s content and SEO process (5:58)

Ranking on page one of Google on day one (11:31)

Updating your Google My Business profile (18:10)

Using Pinterest to push out content (23:01)

Identifying your ‘enoughness’ (24:05)

Incorporating your email list (27:51)

Rebekah’s contribution to The Systems and Workflow Magic 2.0 Funnel Bundle (34:07)


Bekah’s SEO training – https://rebekahreadcreative.com/seo 

Dolly’s training on Bekah’s YouTube channel – https://rebekahreadcreative.com/systems/ 

Bekah’s PIGFL System Training: https://rebekahreadcreative.com/seo-strategy








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Dolly Delong
Hi, and welcome back to the Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast. I am your Systems and Workflow BFF Dolly Delong, and I just want to continue to say Happy New Year to everyone listening. Now I know we are almost halfway through January, but still, I cannot believe it’s already the New Year. And speaking of New Year, have any of you committed to making a New Year’s resolution for 2023? Or resolutions? Or does that make you just want to vomit? The only reason why I’ve brought up the theme of New Year’s goals or New Year resolves is that I wanted to kind of segway into the topic of learning SEO, which is search engine optimization. And I know that is a goal for many creative small business owners to learn. See, I told you I would segway goals, SEO, I would do it. And I’m making it awkward right now. So I thought it would be fun to invite one of the awesome systems and workflow magic bundle contributors, Bekah Read or Rebekah Read to the show today because she is our Resident SEO Expert for Squarespace, and not only is she going to be bringing the gold for this bundle that’s coming up, but she has graciously agreed to sprinkle some SEO gold on us today. So before we dive into the heart of the topic, Bekah, do you mind introducing yourself to the audience and letting them know a little bit about you, who you are, who you serve, and just what you do?

Rebekah Read
Yeah, of course. So my main service at this point is a website in a day and I kind of pivoted to that once my baby was born because it allowed me to spend time with my one-year-old but still serve small businesses, which is my heart. I find a lot of joy in the process of discovering the person behind the brand and then making them feel known. My goal and deepest desire is to be my clients, biggest cheerleader, I’ve always had that as a goal throughout my whole four years of business, even when I pivoted from social media photography, all the things like it’s always been to be their cheerleader and uplift them in their craft. So I approach website design by helping my clients feel deeply seen and I never want anyone to feel overwhelmed with the process of DIY their website, which is why I have this service. But also I have some courses if people want to feel overwhelmed, I try to walk them through the process of creating their website without being overwhelmed. So that’s what I do.

Dolly Delong
Awesome, and I just want to say I’m so glad you were here and I want to thank you again for agreeing to be on the show. And for talking about well, I put such a heavy topic that not a lot of people want to discuss or they start thinking about it, start doing it, and then it’s so overwhelming for a lot of creative business owners. So in a way, I want you to help be a guide today to walk us through SEO and, just a side note for those of you who are listening, Bekah and I were in a mastermind together under Cat Schmoyer so that’s how I got connected with Bekah and love following her have loved following her business journey for so long, and so I’m just so pumped she is here. I had asked her to be a contributor last year on the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle and she couldn’t because she was at this point in her business right where you are deciding, okay, what do I want to do? So this year, I’m just like, so glad she has agreed to be a contributor because she’s been leaning heavily into Squarespace and SEO for Squarespace. She’s an expert, you guys, she knows what she’s talking about. So I’m selfishly so happy you’re here, Bekah.

Rebekah Read
Thank you. I’m so excited to be here and share a little bit of knowledge I have.

Dolly Delong
So I guess an easy place to start with is this what is SEO like, what the heck does that even stand for? And why should creatives be interested in setting up SEO?

Rebekah Read
Yeah, so I’m gonna dumb it down. Like you said it’s search engine optimized, which is kind of a mouthful, but all it is, is if somebody searches a keyword phrase that applies to your business, where do you pop up as a business on Google or Yahoo or whatever people used to search? And that’s what SEO is. It’s people finding you on those search engines. So it’s organic. It’s not paid. It’s organic. And it’s using any type of search engine to do so.

Dolly Delong
Awesome. Okay. So now that we know what it is, I know you’re going to share some strategies, specifically, your number one SEO strategy for YouTube because you have your own YouTube channel. And you say, like, you do a YouTube video, and then you push it out to a blog, and then on Instagram, Facebook, and all the other platforms. So I am so excited for you to share this strategy with the listeners and what SEO has to do with it. All the things.

Rebekah Read
Yeah. So kind of backtracking a little bit to answer the second part of your other question about why is it important. In the beginning, you know, I think Instagram is fun because it gives you that dopamine kick right away, you get the likes, you get the comments, and it can become addicting in that way. But I committed from the very beginning to blog, and blog consistently. So for me, that looked like once a week, at the beginning of my business when nobody was finding me via the internet and I was getting most of my business through referrals, word of mouth, maybe some on Instagram, here and there. I put in that effort in the beginning in the first year or two years of my business and now I’m seeing all of that play out and give me that payment that I worked so hard for. So I just would encourage people to do it. Even if you don’t get that, you know, if you look at your analytics, and you have three people reading your blog posts, you’re like, This is pointless. It’s not because eventually if it’s a topic that people can continually search for, people will search for it. So that’s kind of my first little encouragement as to why and then my second kind of strategy, I guess, you could say, is, as I said, I originally started with blogging. When I first started my business, I felt this need to be on every single platform and it was extremely draining. If you’re able to do it great, I was not able to do it and sustain just my sanity. So that’s when I started to think about what if I had to choose just one platform. Which platform do I see the best return on my investment? And for me, it was YouTube, for a couple of different reasons, if you’re trying to decide what might be applicable. One, YouTube is a search engine, unlike Instagram, of course. So when people search for something on Google, your YouTube video can still pop up, that was important to me. And people do search actually on YouTube for “Tutorials for Squarespace”, or whatever it is. So it was worth my time. It’s also something that lives on, just like blogging in comparison with Instagram is what I’m using. Because that was what I used to invest so much time in a post lasts 24 hours, maybe a reel lasts a week, maybe I don’t know, YouTube’s content can last forever. So I decided that was going to be the best avenue for me mostly for search engine optimization purposes and then what I do so my system for a YouTube video because I don’t want to be on every platform, is I just focus on the video. That’s where I create my content. Then from there, I’ll put that video, I’ll embed it into a blog post. So that does take a little bit of work. I try to transcribe it. But I’m going to be honest, I’m a working mom, and I don’t have time to transcribe entire YouTube videos, and yes, I know that there are programs that can help me but I’m trying to make my life easy. So I will kind of jot down some of the key points, then I’ll go back and look at my blog and say, Okay, in this blog post, where can I add in a couple more keyword phrases? So at this point, I’ve done keyword research, I know phrases that helped me and I’ll go into that a little bit later about how I can teach you to do keyword research, but I know those phrases. So I’d go back and say where can I add those phrases into my blog post in a very organic way. So I’m not looking to add that phrase in every single sentence that’s called keyword stuffing and Google will knock you for it. So you don’t want to do that. But just where it organically sounds good in a sentence, add that keyword. So that’s my second step. So those are my first two steps that take the bulk of my time. Then I go into Canva and I will create a Pinterest graphic and I create a YouTube thumbnail graphic so sizing matters, those are very different. A YouTube thumbnail is a horizontal image and a Pinterest pin is a vertical image. So I’m able to use those two images. So I only create two in multiple different spots. I could create images for all the other platforms. But again, I’m trying to make my life super easy. So I’m going to make those two graphics work in as many places as I can. So from there, I have this little mantra in my head, and it probably makes sense to nobody else. But in my head, I tell myself PIGFL, like a full pig. Again, it makes no sense to anyone else. But it’s what I write, I have a planner, and every time I have a blog, alright, PIGFL after (P-I-G-F-L). That reminds me to push out my blog to those five platforms. So again, it sounds like a lot, but it’s not. I go onto Pinterest, and I’ve already created the graphic. So I just pop that graphic in, fill up a little Pinterest thing takes me what three minutes, maybe. Then I go to Instagram, I use the same graphic that I already use for Pinterest, and I post it on my story. It’s not an exact fit. But it’s close enough that I don’t mind and then I add that little link sticker that directs people straight to my blog post. I could direct them to my YouTube video but I want people to be directed to my website because that’s going to help my SEO. It tells Google Oh, wow, this website has a lot of valuable information, people are going there. So that’s why I’m directing them to my website, and I have the video embedded so it’s just extra content. So that’s Instagram, and then the next one is Google. So what I mean by Google is having a Google My Business listing, if you do not have one, if you aren’t on day one of your business, get a Google My Business will think this is like my key to success. If you want you can add in the city you’re in, if you’re a photographer, most definitely add in the exact location that you serve but if you are somebody that doesn’t serve a specific location, you’re an online business, you can add a territory. So you can add all of the United States or whatever you want. The advantage of having you know a city or state is it’ll help you rank a little bit higher off the bat but you don’t need to. So get a Google My Business listing. Once you have it, it’s free, and I will say as a little side note when you’re doing it, it does ask for your home address, don’t get scared, you don’t have to show your home address, it needs it for a little card, it’s going to send you just to verify that you’re a business. So don’t get scared when it says that. So create a Google Business Listing, get some reviews, and if you have some past reviews, get a couple of people to review it. Even if you only have like three reviews, that is automatically going to bump you up a ton. So getting a couple of reviews makes sure that in your Google business, you have the keywords. So for me Squarespace and ShowIt Website Designer, that’s going to be helpful. Then when it comes to this part of the process, the blogging portion, I go in, scroll to my Google Business Listing, and add an update. That’s kind of its version of posting to it, Google just loves you using their stuff. So use it. And if you add an update for me, I’m doing it, I blogged twice or a YouTube video twice a month and it’s just me continually using their stuff, and they rank me higher. What’s great about the Google My Business listing as well, if I haven’t already convinced you is, that if you are a brand new business, it will take a while to build your SEO and to start ranking on Google. So just be prepared for that. But if you have a Google Business Listing that shows up on that map, and the map is the first thing that shows up on page one of Google before other people’s businesses, you can pop up on page one of Google through the map feature before ever having your website, you know on page one, wow. So it’s a great way to get on on page one day of your business. Again, of course, it depends on your business and who your competitors are. If you’re a chiropractic business and there are a million chiropractors in your area, it’s gonna be a little bit harder, but it’s a great resource for you, especially if you’re an online business that doesn’t take advantage of Google business listings. So yep, that’s the third that’s so we got P-I-G and then Facebook again, I just posted on my Facebook business page. I don’t even use a graphic I just linked my website and it pulls a graphic so boom done with that one. The final one is LinkedIn is the same process as Facebook, you just post in there and sign off so by getting all of those five places, you have different eyes, see your blog post and different eyes, click on it, and go to your website. So you are gaining more and more traffic to this post and your website, and that is again helping you rank higher. I think you’ll find it interesting least I did, to see as you continually do this, which sources are getting you the most traffic on your website, I thought for sure it’d be Instagram because that’s where I was investing all my time. So, of course, Instagram was not, it would be Facebook, some weeks, it would be Pinterest, and weeks I don’t do any work on those two platforms. All I do is, like I said, post my blog, it takes me three minutes. So it’s just really interesting to see what will give you a payout and for you, it might be Instagram, but that’s my system. Then because Instagram still is, I do invest some time in it, if I have extra time and my daughter is taking a long nap, I will create a reel or one of those sliding graphics because that’s just how Instagram does nowadays and I will post that but that’s only if I have extra time I do that maybe 25% of the time. Usually, it’s just posting that little graphic on the story and then walking away. That’s my strategy.

Dolly Delong
It’s your Yeah, PIGFL system.

Rebekah Read
That’s my PIGFL system. And for so many years. I just had that for my ears. It’s funny to hear that I’m sharing that with people but love.

Dolly Delong
This is awesome. If you are listening to this episode I have some time-sensitive news to share with you today. After listening to this week’s episode, I want you to head on over to the show notes and get on the waitlist for the systems and workflow magic bundle 2.0 funnel edition today. Yes, you heard me the popular bundle is back but in 2.0 form. So if you are ready to sprinkle in some systems and workflow magic of funnel building into your business in 2023 Get ready my friend coming February 6 through February 10 of 2023 You are going to have access to over 30 experts who are going to be contributing different funnel related resources to help you grow your top of the funnel, middle of the funnel, the bottom of the funnel and beyond the funnel strategies for 2023. This bundle includes resources from experts such as Ellen Yin of Cubicle to CEO, Ashlyn Carter, Linda Sidhu, Krista Miller, and Kate Doster, just to name a few and so many more amazing experts and industry leaders. You don’t want to miss out on the systems and workflow magic bundle 2.0 funnel edition. So head on over to systemsandworkflowmagic.com to get on the waitlist or head on over to the show notes. Either way is 2023 the year you learn more about funnels and how to apply them to your own business? I certainly hope so and as always stay streamlined and strategic with your workflows to you amazing muggle you. I’ll see you at the funnel bundle. Can I ask you a question? This is more selfish for me because I have a Google My Business listing but you had mentioned, do you update it every time you post a new blog. That’s when you do it?

Rebekah Read
I don’t do anything to Google Business Listing, but if you just type your name, if you have a business listing, and you type your name into Google, on the right-hand side, your listing will pop up. If you scroll down, there’s a little thing that says Add an update and that’s what I click, I think of it as adding an update as adding a post to Instagram.

Dolly Delong
So add your newest content, like add your newest blog post or a YouTube video or podcast or whatever.

Rebekah Read
Yep. And the graphic that you created for your YouTube thumbnail works kind of for Google. It’s again, not a perfect fit. But I’m not trying to create an image just for Google. So yeah, I just pull an image. If it’s a blog about me, maybe I’ll pull one of my brand photos but you do just want to post a little image there.

Dolly Delong
I’m doing this after this call. Perfect.

Rebekah Read
Do it. It’s it helps to get the rankings up. Again, as I said, Google wants you to use its tools. So do it, it makes them happy.

Dolly Delong
I mean, I’ve heard about Google My Business and I tried to update I updated it once or twice, maybe. However, I did not know about adding additional content to the update. Like yeah, no idea.

Rebekah Read
Yeah. And then it shows I mean if anyone were to ever search your Google, which I don’t know, if people do search your Google business, it’s more like if you show up on a map, and I have had some people especially when I had my territory as just Spokane, Washington, people would search you know, like Spokane website designers and I would pop up more for that. So if they click on my name and see my reviews. They’ll also see those updates. So they’ll see my blog posts and things like that.

Dolly Delong
Gotcha. Are you now more like, is your territory the United States now?

Rebekah Read
Yeah, I think I got to a point where I didn’t necessarily want people from Spokane to find me. I will be honest, I had a couple of tough clients from Spokane, so, I had never had a tough client from anywhere else. So I was like, Oh, that’s it. What does that make it?

Dolly Delong
Nice are the Spokane-ease people? I don’t know, I just made that up.

Rebekah Read
I mean, they’re great. But I just had, I mean, I think I just got unlucky in that sense. So anyway, I decided to make it the whole territory, and it still can pop up. It’s again, it’s not as niche, so not as much so but it works.

Dolly Delong
Can I ask another question? What if you have two hats within your business? Like, I’ll use myself as an example. One hate is photography and then systems and workflow educator, do you recommend doing two different Google, or just one?

Rebekah Read
I would probably do two for that particular thing. I don’t think you need two websites now but you have a profile, one, it’s free, so why not, but they are very separate, and your territory would look different. Because if you’re a brand new photographer, you’re probably only serving Tennessee, Nashville, Tennessee, whatever it is. Whereas systems and workflow you’re able to serve the United States or whatever. So yeah, I would probably have two separate ones. And then if you have a podcast that you want to post or whatever it is, only do it on the applicable one.

Dolly Delong
Okay. Gotcha. Wow, I am learning alongside everyone else today. That’s great. I’m so glad I can help. Because like, I’m gonna invoice you after this. No, I love it. Okay, so you just took us through your PIGFL system, and then what? You said, if you have extra time, then you create an Instagram reel or carousel for Instagram. But really like, that’s essentially your system.

Rebekah Read
Yeah, that’s pretty much my system. And like I said, SEO is a long-term game. So it takes a while. What I love about YouTube is a video that I post, you know, I might post it, and it might not have great views, and a year later, it has 1000s of views. It just takes time. So YouTube is also in some ways it can I mean, it can be a dopamine hit, but mine usually are not what people search for. How did this make a Squarespace header, you know, or whatever, it takes time. So yeah, that’s my strategy and it’s a long-term game. It’s a slow burn. But I have found it to be so useful in having people find me organically and now I don’t feel that need to create content for Instagram or create content for Facebook. I just post-create my content for one platform and then I push it out.

Dolly Delong
Gotcha. What about Pinterest? Do you use any scheduling tools for Pinterest? Are you just like just organically posting to Pinterest?

Rebekah Read
Sometimes I’ll use tailwind. So if I embed the graphic, the Pinterest graphic into my blog post. Once the blog goes live, there’s like guys, I’m not a tailwind expert. So if you are listening to this, and you are a Pinterest expert Do not judge me, but there’s this little tailwind symbol at the bottom of the graphic. And I click on that. And what that does is it allows me to schedule it for the best optimal time that they think it should go out. I think I think again, I don’t know. But the only reason I use it is that then I can push it out to the different groups that I’m in for tailwind. So like I’m part of a Squarespace group and then I guess maybe people share it. I don’t even know if they do. Again. I don’t do any research on this like I am basic-basic. So yes, sometimes I will use that little tailwind scheduler, but for the most part, no, I don’t have that running but I don’t know what it’s doing. I don’t know if it’s doing anything. Yeah.

Dolly Delong
Well, I just love that you’re here well for so many reasons. But one of the reasons is before we hit record everyone like Bekah and I have been talking, we talked about this on your YouTube channel, because I did a YouTube interview with Bekah for her channel and we were just discussing our enoughness as business owners, and Bekah has found her enoughness like she doesn’t have to scramble and be everywhere and like try to be like a 7, 8, 9, a 10-figure business owner like everybody is pushing on us as creative business owners and there’s nothing wrong with that. But you need to know “what is enough, what you want, what you need”, and stick with that, and Bekah has found her stride and she’s finding success for her business, and I just love that so much. Bekah is a real person, y’all. She’s not like, about to be like, Oh, if you use this strategy, then you’ll make eight figures tomorrow, like, this is like a slow burn strategy that will bring you success slowly over time. And I love that.

Rebekah Read
Yeah, I love that tip. Because yeah, as I said, my heart is, especially for new entrepreneurs and that’s kind of why I got to a point in my business where I was able to charge, I think, a lot for a website. But that didn’t serve my heart for the new entrepreneur. And it takes a while. So if you are new, you might be looking at this like, but I can’t just do that, because I need my business to grow right now. I understand that, and I can see that but I would just say like, do the things that you feel you need to do for six months, and then reevaluate. What do you enjoy? If it’s Instagram, great. Invest your time in that. But if that is sucking your soul, then yes, like it did for me or whatever, figure out what works for you and constantly be evaluating, like you said, what is enough, because, for me, I felt like six figures were just pushed or 10 figure months, I was inundated with that number. And as an Enneagram three, and someone who’s striving all the time, I just felt like I was never able to achieve success. Until, it came to the point where I was like, what I want is a baby, like, I really want to be a mom, and when I finally got that, I was like, This is what I wanted and I have had to remind myself like, this is my goal. My goal is to be home with my baby, and then to help my family on the side. So I feel like it did take me four years to like, get to this point of not striving, it’s still stressful for you. If I had had my baby, on day one, I would have had to have a different strategy. The way I did, things wouldn’t have necessarily worked. But because I was able to invest my time in creating that content that would live on forever. I can now have my courses running on autopilot, and you’d have to think twice about them and people will find them always on Google. I never, I shouldn’t say never. But I can’t think of the last time I sold one of my Squarespace DIY or my Squarespace SEO courses from Instagram. I don’t think I ever even if I do a promotional period, I rarely get a sale from Instagram. It’s usually always from Google and that just took time. Thank you. It’s a great feeling and I don’t have to I mean, if I wanted to sell five courses a month, I would have to change my business again, like, but that’s not my goal. If I get like, one sale a month, I’m like, this is highly successful for me. So it’s just it is what it is and it took me a while to get to a point like this, but I’m glad I’m finally feeling good about where I’m at. I love it.

Dolly Delong
Do you have an email list?

Rebekah Read
I do. Yeah. I did not mention that. But I always send my blog out to my email list as well.

Dolly Delong

Rebekah Read
that’s another thing that’s not your pitfall but that is something I always do. Yes.

Dolly Delong
Hey, maybe you can make that like PIGFEL and put the email

Rebekah Read
PIGFL, yeah, I guess I just always know to send I love sending emails. That is I would say my favorite thing to do out of all marketing things. Because I always have this section at the bottom that’s like my fun section and I write like what I’m watching what I’m loving and I just think it’s so fun so that when I don’t need to remind myself to do because I’m like yes get to write my email. But yeah, I do have emails and if you want to hear more about like, how to grow your email list, it’s through freebie, opt-in lead magnet whatever you want to call it and Dolly was on my YouTube video which we will link it below

Dolly Delong
link it below so you guys can go to YouTube and then learn more about Bekah’s amazing systems and strategies there too.

Rebekah Read
Yeah, so I mean, if you have an email list, I would send your blog to your email list as well for sure.

Dolly Delong
That’s awesome. Oh man, Bekah, I feel like you’ve shared so much gold so much SEO gold. You sprinkled like all the glitter on us. I don’t even know what to say. I’m like, I am so impressed right now and this is free. A free episode which is like a free masterclass right here. Hey, friend. If you’re listening to the Systems and Workflow Magic podcast, I just want to say thank you for allowing me to bring some Systems and Workflow Magic into your earbuds every single week. It seriously means so much to me that you are tuning in. As a thank you to all of my listeners. I have a special gift for anyone who wants to take their system and workflow strategies around funnel training to the next level. Are you ready? I have created a free private pop-up podcast dedicated to the systems and strategies of funnels. It’s called the foundational funnel training private podcast. If you try to look it up in your favorite podcast app, you won’t find it because it’s a private training. So here is what is inside this free, fantastic foundational funnel training private podcast, you’ll get access to four episodes, all dedicated to teaching you the different digital funnel parts and strategies which you can in turn, apply to your own creative business in 2023, and hopefully beyond. So day one is dedicated to the top-of-funnel strategies. Day two is dedicated to some middle-of-funnel strategies. Day three is dedicated to, you guessed it, the bottom-of-funnel strategies. Finally, day four is dedicated to more of a continuation of funnel strategies, meaning, what should you do with your new leads that have come through your funnel so that they are not scattered but streamlined? The best part, I have invited over 20 different industry leaders who are experts in these different parts of the digital funnel. So it’s not just me who is going to be educating you, you are going to be learning from some amazing female business owners who are not only encouraging, but they are so knowledgeable when it comes to these specific strategies at the top, middle bottom, or a continuation of the digital funnel. Again, this is all for free. And you’re probably wondering, well, what’s the catch, Dolly? Well, because one, I just want to give you a behind-the-scenes look at the new systems and workflow magic bundle, the 2.0 funnel edition, coming later in February of 2023. I wanted to give you some strategies to use straight out of the gate when you begin planning and strategizing for your business in 2023. So I want to give you some free education. The fun begins on January 31 and again, as a reminder, each episode drops until February 3, 2023. But don’t worry, I’ll have replays up until February 11, 2023, then it does go away forever. Not kidding, it does go away after that. So if you want access to this private podcast, then make your way to the show notes and snag the first intro episode. That way you can get the episodes all queued up for January 31 when they drop and then they will stream to your favorite podcast app. Again, go to Waitlist: The Foundational Funnel Training Private Popup Podcast, I realize that’s a long URL, or just simply head on over to the show notes and get on the foundational funnel training private podcast waitlist so that you will get instant streaming to the four days of digital funnel training when they dropped. And again, if you sign up today, meaning before January 31, you will get instant access to that first intro episode. So let me ask you what are you waiting for? Are you ready for some fantastic foundational funnel education? I truly hope so. I look forward to seeing you in the private podcast training. And until then stay streamlined and automated you magical muggle you. Before you leave Bekah, I have several things to ask you the first thing I alluded to this that you are going to be a contributor this year on the systems and workflow magic bundle, the 2.0 funnel edition. Do you mind sharing what you’re going to be contributing to the bundle this year?

Rebekah Read
Yeah, so I am sharing my Squarespace SEO course and it goes through everything you would need and more. Sometimes I’m like, please don’t get overwhelmed, but it’s a course you can go at your own pace but yeah, that’s what I’m sharing and it goes through keyword research where to put those keywords on the back end of your Squarespace website, then this whole process that I just told you about, and then a lot of other SEO tips to just get you ranking on page one.

Dolly Delong
I love it. And you guys the whole bundle all the contributors are contributing a course a masterclass a template that they sell in their shops. And so the bundle alone is only $97. And what Bekah is offering is worth, I needed to look at the number I’m so scattered right now, but it’s well over $200 worth like this course is worth. So this course alone is incredible. Especially if you use Squarespace and you are wanting to optimize it for your business.

Rebekah Read
Yeah, it’s cool to see people’s success. There are some businesses because I go through keyword research and how to find the keyword phrases that will rank on Google. Once you start implementing them. If you have a business that’s like one of the people who took it was a death doula, which sounds so interesting but she helps people through mourning the loss. So a very specific niche is not a very competitive keyword. She was ranked on page one of Google within a month. Again, that is not a story that you’re going to hear from a lot of people because most people are not that specific of a business website designer, I have to compete against a lot of other website designers. But you will start to rank it’ll take some time, maybe a month, maybe a year, but you will start to rank.

Dolly Delong
I love it. And then I also want to share with everyone, I’ve been hinting at this through the more recent podcast episodes, but I’m also going to have a private podcast, specifically talking about the systems and workflow magic bundle. And I’ve invited all the contributors to share a mini version masterclass of what they’re going to be teaching and again, this is free. The link to get to that private podcast is in the show notes, I will have a waitlist to get access to that private feed. But Bekah, what are you going to be sharing on that podcast?

Rebekah Read
A whole lot more SEO. So I kind of just dive into a lot of things. I feel like I just word-vomited a million things on that little video podcast thing. But yeah, that will be again, more, I guess, general SEO stuff. And if you want to know more about keyword research, I also have a free resource for that, like a three-day video training. So those two pieces of training are very different. And in the other training I’m going through also, I think I mentioned Google My Business, like, I have a lot of things in that in the training that Dolly is talking about the podcast one, whereas if you want to just learn about like, how to figure out the right keywords, that three-day training that I have will take you through that and then also take you through like kind of where to implement them. And then more about my strategy, I call it blogging and mingling. So blogging and then sharing it on all those platforms. So those are two different free resources that you can take advantage of.

Dolly Delong
Wow, well, I cannot wait to share all the links with everyone, Bekah. And again, if you’re listening, and you want to work with Bekah, get to know Bekah, follow her. Where can people find you? And how can they work with you today?

Rebekah Read
Yes, so I would say do those free training, and I love freebies to a halt. So it’s an issue that we talked about how we need to not have so many. But those are two that are great resources. And my name on all things is @RebekahReadCreative. Except for YouTube. It’s youtube.com/RebekahRead, and I spell my name weirdly so just look in the show notes and you’ll see how I spell it.

Dolly Delong
And it’s read like I’m reading a book.

Rebekah Read
It’s not how most people would spell Read. Read is spelled weird and Rebekah is spelled weird

Dolly Delong
I love your name. It’s not weird.

Rebekah Read
Thanks, I love it, too. It’s just a different spelling.

Dolly Delong
Well like, I like it. Thank you so much again, Bekah, for being on the show be on the podcast. And I am so confident that so many people are going to benefit from this free training that you just shared with us. And you’re going to learn so much about SEO, and all things to you. So thank you so much. And if you are listening and you want to learn even more about SEO and how to apply it to Squarespace and how to apply it to your business, then join the private podcast that’s going to come up very soon. For link is in the show notes. Snag Bekah’s free training on SEO as well. The link is in the show notes. And then of course don’t forget to sign up for the waitlist for the systems and workflow magic bundle the funnel edition 2.0 that is coming up in February the first week of February. So I’m just like so excited about introducing a bunch of amazing contributors throughout each of these podcast episodes to you. So you see this bundle is the real deal. I’m just so excited about it. So thank you so much Bekah and I just hope you have a wonderful day and a happy new year, too.

Rebekah Read
Yes. Happy New Year.

Dolly Delong
Have a good day. Thank you. All right, everyone, you have a wonderful, magical streamlined week, and I will come back next Monday with more systems and workflow tips. Bye. Thank you so much for listening to the systems and workflow magic podcast. You can find full show notes from today’s episode at systemsandworkflowmagic.com/podcast. If you love the podcast, I’d be so honored if you’d subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast player. Be sure to screenshot this episode, share it with your stories, and tag me @DollyDeLongEducation over on Instagram. Until next time, go make some strategic workflow magic.

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