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48: Week 5 of How To Automate & Streamline The Backend Of Your Lead Magnets (and Offers) – How to Incorporate Visuals featuring Jennifer Carfora

48: Week 5 of the series How to Automate & Streamline the Backend of your Lead Magnets and Offers - How to Incorporate Visuals featuring Jennifer Carfora

Do you still feel like your business is visually homeless? You may have an idea of how you want to display your business, freebies, or opt-ins, but you can’t figure out how to get it right on the screen. If you find yourself scrolling other landing pages, websites and Pinterest for inspiration but are ready to bring your visuals to life, this episode is for you. In this episode, Jennifer Carfora shares all about a puzzle piece that may also be a forgotten puzzle piece or a rushed afterthought as you’re putting together your opt-in, service, or bundle…and that is the puzzle piece of visuals! Get ready to listen in!

The Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast is brought to you by Dolly DeLong Education. This podcast is for creative business owners who want to learn tangible steps to automate their business through workflows, systems, tools, and strategies to go from scattered to streamlined with purpose because even muggles can become automated wizards.



Automate the Backend of Your Lead Magnets

Are you ready to automate the backend of your lead magnets? I have put together the comprehensive checklist you need to ensure that all of your puzzle pieces are in place for your next opt-in, your next offer, or even your next bundle! Stop letting tech fears hold you back from automating and streamlining the backend of your amazing offers and opt-ins!

Grab the Guide

(Need more than a checklist? Sign up for the waitlist for the mini-course!)



Jennifer is the founder of Jennifer Carfora Designs. She is a brand strategist, certified Showit Design Partner, a mom of two rambunctious boys, and a military spouse currently residing in Yuma, AZ. When she’s not busy designing, she loves to play kickball, lift weights, catch up on reading romantic novels, and spend time with her family.


Review the Show Notes

Finding images to use for your business (6:29)
The different levels of stock images (8:53)
Creating your visuals (11:53)
Struggling with color palettes (14:21)
Creating mock-ups for non-physical items (20:01)
Optimizing your images for SEO purposes (23:18)
Organizing and storing all your images (26:40)


Links Mentioned

How To Automate The Backend Of Your Offers, Opt-Ins, & Even Bundles

The “How To Automate The Backend Of Your Offers, Opt-ins, & Even Bundles” MINI Course is HERE

Grab a template for your own Terms & Conditions + Privacy Policy from The Legal Paige HERE

Listen to the series

Week 1 – The Importance Of Copy & Having A High Converting Landing Page Featuring Ashlyn Carter

Week 2 – All About Lead Magnets

Week 3 -The Perfect Guide To Making Your Way Into Your Subscriber’s Inbox

Week 4 – The Ultimate Crash Course To Setting Up Your First Nurture Sequence Featuring Amanda Stores



5 Free Showit Landing Page Templates





48: Week 5 of How To Automate & Streamline The Backend Of Your Lead Magnets (and Offers) - How to Incorporate Visuals featuring Jennifer Carfora



Dolly Delong
Welcome to the systems and workflow magic podcast where I help entrepreneurs go from scattered to streamlined in their creative businesses. I’m your host, Dolly DeLong, a wife, a mom, and a photographer turned systems educator. Join me every week as we have conversations centered around creating tactical workflows, and automations in your business. Now, let’s make some strategic workflow magic. Hello, and welcome back to the systems and workflow magic podcast. I am your workflow and systems BFF. And host darling Dylon. And I just want to say thank you so much for showing up. Again, if you are a veteran listener, thank you for coming back to listen. And if you are brand new here, it’s so nice to have you hear I am really excited to help you make some systems and workflow tips in your earbuds today. And so if you have been following along for the past several weeks, you should know that we are talking about the different puzzle pieces of what you need to have in order to best streamline and automate either your opt-ins your lead magnets, or your actual services or your digital products or if you’re a part of a bundle. So I am just sharing about all the Forgotten puzzle pieces that a lot of creative business owners forget to optimize when they’re getting those set things ready. Again, opt-ins, lead magnets, bundles, or services or offer. So you may have all of those ready, but then you may forget all the puzzle pieces. So last week, if you remember we spoke about how to create a nurture sequence an email sequence after your subscriber actually opts in to receive that lead magnet or receive more information about your service. Okay. And I hope you got a lot of great information from me about that. And so this week, we’re talking about a puzzle piece that may also be a forgotten puzzle piece, or it may be a rushed afterthought, as you’re putting together your opt-in or your service or your bundle. And that is a puzzle piece of visuals. And so I know for me as a creative business owner visuals, I both love and hate this piece so much and love it because remember, I’m a photographer, so I love the visuals of photography, but then thinking about like color palettes and just like how to put together mock-ups and all that other stuff about visuals that stresses me out. So I thought I would bring on my friend Jennifer car for our other podcasts today to share her take on how she like getting her visuals ready because she is an expert in this area. And I have known her for two years now through our mutual friend Emily Connolly of Emily writes, well, who’s also been on this podcast a shout out to Emily writes, well, we love you. But I have known Jennifer for several years now. She actually helped me re-design my website, almost I would say two years ago. And we are now talking about redesigning my website again, Lord willing for the future, as I continue to niche down more with systems education for creatives, and then also branding photography. So I just had to have her on the show because I feel like I’ve always liked bothering her about visual questions or font questions or whatever. I’m always like, Jennifer, what do I do? I am so excited to have her on. So Jennifer, why don’t you take a moment to introduce yourself to the audience, who are you? Who do you serve? What do you do? Let the people know all the things.

Hello, I’m Jennifer and I am the founder of Jennifer Carrefour designs I serve photographers and photography vendors and I offer timeless branding and Showit designs custom or semi-custom. So I offer Showit templates as well.

Dolly Delong
And you’re amazing. I think you’re not selling yourself enough because you are being so humble. I just want to say you’re being so humble. You guys, Jennifer is a boss mom. She has two beautiful children. And you just recently moved to Arizona, right?

Yes, from North Carolina. So three moves.

Dolly Delong
So she has a lot on her plate but yet she continues to show up and serve her clients day after day with like her amazing business. So, again, I wasn’t gonna let you get away with not just like, during that she is a true boss. So, Jennifer, it’s so good to have you on the podcast, thank you so much for agreeing to be here, I know you have again like you have a lot to juggle in life as most of the listeners, including myself, and so I know we’re just gonna like, cut down to the chase and talk about the heart of this puzzle piece of this podcast episode. And that is having amazing visuals for your opt-ins or your offers and landing pages. So before we hit record, on this episode, everyone, we were discussing so many different points of where we are going to take this conversation because there’s a lot that goes into visuals. And so we honed in on like six different topics. So just be prepared to have like a firehose of information thrown at you. But I really want to encourage you all, we will try to peel back all of these different points. But please take notes if you’re able to. And you don’t have to do all six waits, like work on one at a time when you’re optimizing your visuals for like the puzzle piece of your opt-ins or offers, or landing pages. So can I start firing off questions to you, Jennifer?

Yes, of course.

Dolly Delong
So my first question for you is this. Where are some of your favorite places to find images? So let’s say a creative business owner is listening to the podcast. And they’re like, Well, that’s easy for you to say dolly like you’re a photographer, and you have probably stock images from your past clients that you can use for your own type of opt-ins or to use as visuals but like I’m not a photographer, I don’t even know how to pick up a camera. I’m too scared to so how can we solve this problem for a creative business owner who may not necessarily be a photographer?

Great question. I like to use a variety of stock photo websites, I use Pexels Unsplash, and Pixabay. They’re all free. And then paid subscriptions such as hot stock, editorial stock image and I remix. I use remix a lot when I was a blogger before I moved into branding and design.

Dolly Delong
Hey, creative business owner dolly here. Finally, put together that opt-in. Know that lead magnet your ideal client has been begging you, for now, you’re excitedly wanting to publish it. But there’s one thing holding you back. It’s probably the fact that you don’t know how to have an effective follow-through system. And making sure the back end of your new opt-in or offer is optimized. stop sweating because the comprehensive checklist needs to ensure that all of your puzzle pieces are in place for your next the next offer, or even the next bundle you’re a part of is here. Stop letting tech fears hold you back from automating and streamlining the back end of your amazing options and offers and dive into this free checklist today. Head on over to the show notes to get access to the link. And don’t forget, I am cheering Well, first of all, I did not know you were a blogger.

Yes, I blogged for two years. It’s how I started out working as a VA and then moved into branding and web design. I was a blogger first.

Dolly Delong
Amazing I love finding out new information about people that like I’m like, Oh yeah, Jennifer has always been a designer. Like I did not know you were a blogger that is so interesting. So this is great. I love that you inserted not only some paid places to find images, but also three places to find images. Can we like unpack that even more? I know a lot of listeners of this podcast. They’re just now getting started with their business or they are DIYing many different aspects of their business. So do you want to go deeper into like pixels or Unsplash? Is it completely free? Or are there like different levels? I’m like asking because I genuinely don’t know myself.

Yes, they’re completely free, free commercial use. I use them a lot for my show at templates. Obviously, you have to go deep dive to find some good stock images but they’re there. I searched under flat lay computer, laptop, iPad, iPhone and you’ll be surprised at what you’ll find some people think free stock photos, are not great quality, but they’re wrong, you can definitely find some amazing quality photos for your landing pages.

Dolly Delong
Awesome. I love that so much. So you said you actually have to know or at least know some key terms of images you are looking for or have like a general idea of what you’re looking for, correct?

Yes, like let’s say hypothetically want a boho style, and stock image, you can search, Boho, Boho, aesthetics, mock-ups, and things like that, and they’ll pull up images. But again, sometimes you have to go down a rabbit hole to find some amazing stock photos.

Dolly Delong
Do you ever have to like limit yourself to like, set a timer and be like, Okay, for the next 30 minutes, I’m just doing this because otherwise, as you said, you just could go down a rabbit hole and just be there?

Yes, I’ll be on my phone forever. This is looking through a bunch of galleries and different photographers on pixels or Unsplash.

Dolly Delong
Okay, so I’m going to link these two websites even though you said I’ve remixed them to show notes. Okay. So this is a good starting point, you would say when you’re looking for visuals for your landing pages, or you’re trying to advertise a service, and you may not necessarily have images, like, would this be a good starting point?

I wanted to clarify every mix is a paid membership. But she does have 500 free stock photos. Like you just subscribe to her newsletter. And she has a big chunk of free stock photos you could pull from you know, you can join her membership.

Dolly Delong
Love that. Okay, so I’ll make sure to link all that in the show notes. Would you say this is a good starting point for like looking for images and visuals? Yes. Okay, awesome. So, let’s say you have found some images on either the free version or the paid version of these stock photo websites. I don’t necessarily know what to call them. But let’s say you have some images. What if you want to like create your own images, not like take photos, but you want to create? I’m not saying mock-ups. But like you want to create your own designs to intertwine on the landing page. I know I’m not using any technical graphic design terms because I’m not a graphic designer by any means. But where would you recommend starting to create your own visuals?

Are you referring to like Canva? And like, yeah,

Dolly Delong
like, I just want to hear your recommendations.


Starting out, I use Canva. There is a free and a pro version. I use Pro because you have access to different fonts, different design elements. They also have stock photos on there. So if you don’t want to search on pixels, Pixabay, Unsplash, or anything like that, you can search under Canva. And they’ll pull up stock photos there as well. I also use designer Illustrator to create graphics for my landing pages and Photoshop. If I’m using a scene creator or mock-up or I can plug in a screenshot of my freebie.

Dolly Delong
Yeah. Yes, sometimes like, Yeah, I think I know what you’re talking about. But I would say like, especially for the beginning, creative business owner, who’s just now starting out and has a lower budget. I do this still like I used to print paid versions of Canva. But I started off with the free version. And it is it’s come a long way since like three years ago, I would say. Yeah, so I love Canva. Okay, so I love that you recommend Canva that makes me feel a little better about myself, even though I’m like I’m not a designer by any means. Even though

I still use it as a designer, it’s for my clients especially since I’ll create Instagram, post templates, and story slide templates, and not all of them have access to Adobe. So I still use Canva for clients and creating mock-ups for myself.

Dolly Delong
I love it. Canva. Okay, so this is a good place to get started creating your actual images and graphics for the images. And so like moving on from there, let’s talk about color palettes because that’s something that I struggle with myself. Those of you who know me know my personality if you follow me, you know I love the color yellow like I’m even wearing yellow for this like only but I’m like wearing yellow. I love yellow. I always try to incorporate it into everything I do. But other colors like it just stress me out just thinking about pairing colors together. And I feel like every other day I want to change up my branding on my own website because of the colors just because of the colors. And so with my personality, I get stressed out about creating landing pages or visuals for my sales pages with the color palette in mind. So can you speak to a creative business owner like myself, who like is so scattered when it comes to color palettes like where is an easy place to start visually with color palettes,

most of my clients, I recommend pinning inspiration on a Pinterest board. And then whether it’s images, colors, textures, and things like that. And then I have them, save maybe five to seven images from the board, and start playing around with the color dropper tool pulling colors. And also remind them to keep their target audience in mind too, when pulling colors. You know, their personality. If you’re fun and vibrant, like me, I have a moody color palette, but I have orange because you know, I’m always dancing. I’m like, really. So I incorporated orange because it’s fun, it’s vibrant. So you want to make sure that you’re thinking of your target audience, but also intertwining your, personality, and your brand personality. Makes sense. Yeah, I start with Pinterest and have them pull a few images as inspiration and kind of until you’re able to, you know, hire a brand designer. I recommend starting there. Create a mood board for yourself.

Dolly Delong
mood board. Okay. One question I do have is like, this is something that confuses me. And maybe I should know this, but I don’t. So when I researched color palettes, which again, full transparency, I feel like it was like every other day for me. I’m like, I want to look at the color palette for myself. Does it matter what order the colors go in? Like, you know how like there are circles next to each other? Does that make sense?

Yes, you want a couple of base colors and an accent. And then you want some neutrals to help bring out the base and accent colors. So you want to make sure your lighter colors are used as backgrounds to help bring out the accent color and base colors if that makes sense. Yes, it does matter.

Dolly Delong
Okay, what about like the way it is? Ordered?

I don’t use an order preference. Yeah, no, that’s a no, no.

Dolly Delong
No. I’m always curious. I’m like, what if I put these in the wrong order?

Will this be like I’m always like worried about what I’ll do when I like tweak things? In my own Showit? Yeah, I usually have the darker colors and accent colors to the left and the lighter neutral colors to the right.

Dolly Delong
Gotcha. Because that does affect how your website will look. That’s the landing page. Yes. Okay. It’s good to hear you say like, it’s important. If you’re considering a color palette, especially if you’re advertising something that you want people to pay attention to like, the action is you want them to become a subscriber or the action is you want them to purchase something sometimes even color palettes can make or break the decision process. So I’m glad that you’re reminding us that it’s important to have some base colors and some accent colors and some neutrals. And like what would you recommend for that, but that helps people opt in order to purchase or to subscribe? I think I know the answer to this, but I’m just acting like I don’t know the answer to this. So wanting to hear what your opinion is. What colors do you recommend those buttons are or those call-to-action buttons?

I usually stick to my bass or accent color because it’s more vibrant. So it’s eye-catching.

Dolly Delong
So that’s good. So making sure that it really sticks out stands out. And it’s not confusing like they know exactly what action they need to take.

Yes, you don’t want it to blend in with everything else on your page. For my often, I use orange because it’s my accent color and it pops out.

Dolly Delong
Awesome. That’s great. I tried to use it again, I use the yellows for all of my like call to-action buttons and I’m sure people were like man, she loves yellow so much I do and so I tried to like just keep it to the accent and not keep it to everything. So I’m like oh, yellow everything. But that’s good. So kind of like wrapping up the color palette point. Try to keep it base accent and neutrals, but keep your call-to-action buttons. You’re very vibrant eye-catching colors that will point people in to okay, this is your next step. This is what you need to do. Yes. Okay. Awesome. All right. So my next question for you is, do you have any recommendations of template shops to check out or places to create mock-up visuals, because a lot of options or a lot of products that are being sold or bundles that have contributors that are contributing digital products? These are not products that you can actually hold in your hands. So what do you recommend to creative business owners? How can they create mock-ups of something that is not physical?

Great question. I use Creative Market a lot. I searched mock-ups and depending on let’s say you want a laptop mock up I would search laptop mock-up and all Creative Market has a big range of different types of laptop computer mock-ups. I love Moyo studio, it’s mo yo studio, they have very elegant, timeless mock-ups, if that’s the vibe or aesthetics that you’re going for. Creative Market has a wide range of different style mock-ups, and you can swap out your colors easily. So it fits your brand. Yes. So if you’re not a timeless, elegant aesthetics, and you’re more fun, and vibrant, you can easily incorporate that on the mockups. They are usually on Photoshop or Illustrator, depending on the designer, but they have very helpful instructions on how to make these updates if you’re not very Photoshop or Illustrator savvy.

Dolly Delong
Gotcha. Are there any other places that don’t require Photoshop or Illustrator? Like no How are knowledge because I personally don’t ever use Adobe Illustrator, I’m like, that stresses me out. So where would another place be? Are there any other places besides Canva?

Not that I know, I know. Canva has some laptop and phone mockups but they’re not real life, you might be able to take a stock image and put grid boxes in the actual laptop screen and just tweak it and then you can add your freebie graphic that way if you don’t have access to Illustrator or Photoshop, okay, you could still create the mock-up on Canva. You just might have to take a couple of extra steps by adding the grid and you can drag and drop the graphic in that way to make it appear that the freebie is on a computer screen.

Dolly Delong
Gotcha. No, this is really, really good so again, I’ll link Creative Market I am a part of their email list. I always like getting their weekly updates for visuals and I act as if I know so much about oh like I use it all the time I just look at Creative Market and get inspiration. But Canva is my go-to for definite mockups. But for those of you who are listening and might be a little bit more advanced with Photoshop or with Illustrator, then Moyo studio sounds really interesting. And it sounds like that would be right up a lot of people’s alley, too. Yeah. Okay. So the next thing I wanted to ask you was, optimizing the images for S E O purposes. And so I wanted to hear your take on just like what you do to optimize the images for your own landing pages or for your client’s websites, like, what is your normal system for that?

I use an app called Story blog. I don’t think it’s free. I use this because I have typically a large amount of images for my Showit templates. And I save it as the name of my Showit template and my business. So it helps with SEO that way. When I’m uploading my images on my websites and the same for client websites you know, I save it as their business name. What type of graphic whether it’s a logo, hypothetically dallied, along primary logos, I make sure I include the business name.

Dolly Delong
Calling all creatives if you have an amazing opt-in offer. And you have been asked to be a part of a bundle with other creatives, which, by the way, is also awesome. But you feel stuck because you don’t know what steps to take to Automate, optimize and streamline the back end of said, opt-in offer or bundle offer. Then listen up. You don’t have to hire an integrator because I have created a step by step mini course to guide you through the process of putting together the puzzle pieces you In order to lay the groundwork of this back-end process, I have created the how to automate the back end of your often and offers many courses because as a system and workflow educator for creatives, I want to help you succeed as a small business owner. And I really want you to feel confident in your systems. After listening to the podcast, don’t forget to head on over to the show notes. And click on the link for an in-depth look at what this mini-course entails. As always, stay magical with those systems, you amazing Muggle. So that sounds like you’re texting the images.

For their website.

Dolly Delong
That’s really, really good. So again, you’ve heard it from a like, I know that I’ve talked about SEO, and I will continue to talk about SEO, on the podcast. But it’s so important even from like you heard it from Jennifer, it’s really important even from a designer’s point of view, it’s really important to optimize the images that you use on any page of your website or landing page. Or even if it’s in your mind if you’re thinking, Oh, I’m just advertising an opt-in lead magnet, it’s free, you should still optimize the images for SEO purposes. Because that could help gain even more organic traffic to your website. So I love that you do that for your clients that is amazing that you take that extra step to help your clients out. Okay, my last question for you, Jennifer. And then that’s it that we can share all the points, how and where do you organize? What is your system for organizing your images for either yourself or your clients? Like, what is your system for organization,

I use Google Drive. For clients, I separate folders based on you know, presentations, branding, and website. And then on the branding inside the branding folder, I separate them by types of logos, whether there are textures or patterns. Now even go further and separate each logo by you know, if there are PNG files, or if they’re JPEGs. So it helps them you know, find what they’re looking for easily. And then for a website, I have a separate folder, and there’s a Google Doc for them to input information for me. So I can, you know, log into their shoulder account, a separate folder for images, I like to separate them by page, so I know what page they want certain images used on. I also use Dropbox for my business for my show at templates in my freebies. And I have a template base folder. So it’s easy for me to duplicate and add template-specific instructions. Because inside the template base, there’s already a discount code, welcome packet, and a template registration form. So I can easily duplicate that and just add template-specific instructions. And I’m done. already ready to go.

Dolly Delong
That’s awesome. So it sounds like you try to keep it very simple Google Drive and Dropbox. Yeah. Okay, so it’s not complicated people like if you are listening to this discussion, and we have shared a lot of points with you about just like different components of visuals and how to incorporate it into your landing page or into your services page as you advertise your opt-ins, your lead magnets, your bundles, your services, whatever. Even though we have talked about a lot of different points, you can simplify the way you organize like these images or these textures, fonts, color palettes, whatever, you can keep it very streamlined in a very simple way. And that’s awesome in both Google Drive. Well, I know Google Drive is free. There is a paid version of Dropbox and a free version of Dropbox I would recommend the paid version just like you have more space. Awesome. So this is very simple. Yes. So like just to recap what we talked about when it comes to putting together the puzzle piece of visuals visualization for the landing pages that are advertising your opt-ins your offers or your bundles keep these things in mind. First of all, like actually having images like consider where you want to find those images and set a timer I would say for like 30 or 40 minutes max. You don’t want to be down the rabbit hole. Don’t waste your time going down the rabbit hole. So give yourself some space to search for images. And you can even create images and graphics and more of a blended cohesive design for yourself using Illustrator or even using Canva. There’s a free version and a paid version. The third point we talked about, is to consider color palettes, like, making sure you have a good blend of base colors, accents, and neutrals. And make sure that your call to action buttons are vibrant eye-catching colors, and that they direct the viewer to know how to take that next step to how to work with you or how to download your new freebie or offer. And then don’t forget to utilize Creative Market or even Canva and Moyo studio for mock-ups. So if you need help with digital mock-ups and visuals to show off your digital products, then you definitely need to have mock-ups of that. And then, of course, don’t forget the importance of SEO, when it comes to optimizing those images for that landing page. And then have a very clear system for how you’re going to organize all of these visuals together. So you don’t essentially have 10,000 tabs open on your desktop or you start off in one area. And then you end up in a different area. You forget to merge it all together. So have a way to streamline and merge it all together. But I leave nothing out.

No, you covered everything.

Dolly Delong
Awesome. So again, I hope you guys will consider re-listening to this episode, taking notes, and jotting down, what action steps you’re going to take when it comes to the puzzle piece of incorporating visuals for your landing page. Alright, and as a reminder, I want to incorporate and remind you that you do need to have a Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy at the very bottom of your landing page. Because again, if you are asking for a person’s email address, or if you are exchanging anything with them, then you need to have those two key components in place on your landing page. So don’t forget that I will have an affiliate for the legal page at the very end of the resources of this podcast. And so please check that out. It’s really, really important that you are covering your bases when it comes to inspo for your business. Don’t be sleazy. Don’t be weird about it. Do it in a very legal way. Okay, I know I remind you that’s about that every week. But please do that. And Jennifer, before I let you go because I know you have to go. Can you remind people how they can find you where they can find you how they can work with you? And just like everything that you offer within your brand that people get engaged with you right away. Yes,

you can find me at Jennifer car for designs.com That’s my website. I’m also on Instagram, Jennifer car for designs, no spaces, no hype and I’m primarily on Instagram I do have Facebook and Pinterest. I spend most of my time on Instagram showcasing my work. I do have a landing page freebie. I’ll have three different layouts for you to choose from. If you’re on Showit I plan on having a Black Friday sale on my show at templates so I have a waitlist as well. And you can find the waitlist on my must haves photographers need freebie there i also include stock photo image suggestions, copywriting like headliners, great headliners to use when writing, you know, copy, they can fill out my form on my contact page, I do offer branding, custom and semi-custom show it designs, all you need to do is fill out my contact form. It’s a HoneyBook form.

Dolly Delong
So yeah, automation, baby automation.

And if I feel that we’re a great fit, I’ll reach out we’ll book a short call, discuss your needs and go from

Dolly Delong
there. Well, Jennifer is a wonderful person to work with. She’s very professional. And she has an eye for design, which I really appreciate that so much and I just am excited about continuing to work with you and telling more people about you, Jennifer, you’re an awesome reminder to everyone I will be linking everything that we spoke about in this episode in the resources and in the show notes of this episode of the podcast. And I just Want to say thank you so much, again, Jennifer for showing up and for sharing so much wisdom when it comes to this puzzle piece that for people like me, I’m intimidated by the visual components. I love colors. I feel like I’m pretty joyful and warm as a person. But just like I get overwhelmed with even where to begin. So this puzzle piece again is essential as you create your opt-ins in your landing pages, and you’re showcasing that one step you want that person to take. So anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful week. And I will come at you guys next week with another puzzle piece when you are automating the back end of your opt-ins your offers or even your bundles and so I cannot wait to share this other puzzle piece with you. But until then, have a magical and streamlined week. Bye.

Thank you for having me.

Dolly Delong
Thank you so much for listening to the systems and workflow magic podcast. You can find full show notes from today’s episode at Dolly DeLong Photography.com forward slash podcast. If you’re loving the podcast, I’d be so honored if you’d subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast player. Be sure to screenshot this episode, share it with your stories, and tag me at dolly DeLong education over on Instagram. Until next time, go make some strategic workflow magic.

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a free masterclass

Join me, along with Mara Kucirek and Bekah Read, as we reveal key Black Friday 2024 trends. With an unpredictable election year and a shifting economy, we'll share insider tips to help you stand out and drive sales with strategy

the 5 black friday trends to know before you launch


Unlock the secrets to a well-organized and strategic launch with this must-have checklist designed for small business owners who need guidance on the essential puzzle pieces of a launch!


Snag the freebie

Need help growing your email list? Start with a Lead Magnet! As a launch strategist, I advise focusing on email list growth in all launch phases,
including pre-launch.

The Lead Magnet Master idea list

Snag some freebies to help you better organize & streamline
the backend of your launches (to impact your business)!

Don't  go home empty handed!