While you may be ready to hunker down and set up systems and workflows in your business, have you taken the time to find the tool that works best for you? How do you even know what makes a tool work for you?
Dawn Richardson of Tech Savvy Creative joins me in this episode to share how you can find the right project management tool for your business and navigate choosing between all of the options. Listen in as she shares a few tips on determining what will work best for you!
The Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast is brought to you by Dolly DeLong Education. This is a podcast for creative business owners who want to learn tangible steps to automate their business through workflows, systems, tools and strategy in order to go from scattered to streamlined with purpose. Because even muggles can become automated wizards.
If you’re ready to streamline your business, make sure you’re on the waitlist for the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle, where over 20 creatives and business owners have collaborated to create an exclusive collection of resources to help you start and implement workflows and systems in your business to go from scattered to streamlined! The Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle will be available January 24th-28th, so make sure you’re on the waitlist today!
Review the Show Notes:
Get to Know Dawn (1:25)
The Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle (4:45)
Don’t choose a tool just because someone else uses it. (8:10)
What to Consider When Choosing a Project Management Tool in Your Business (9:52)
Free Declutter Your Tech Checklist Download (28:09)
Free Declutter Your Tech Checklist Download
Dolly DeLong
Welcome to the systems and workflow magic podcast where I help entrepreneurs go from scattered to streamlined in their creative businesses. I’m your host, Dolly DeLong, a wife, a mom and a photographer turned systems educator. Join me every week as we have conversations centered around creating tactical workflows, and automations in your business. Now, let’s make some strategic workflow magic. Hey, I just want to say hi to dawn, I am so pumped to have you on the systems and workflow magic podcast. I know everyone who is listening today is in for a treat, because you are going to be teaching us about how to choose between the most common tools of like task management tools, I should say of Asana, Trello, clickup. notion Monday, those are just a few of many tools. And so you’re just going to simplify it and streamline it for us. And honestly, for me, this is something that I’m pumped about learning. So I will be taking notes on my computer as we chat, you’ll see that but first, before we get to the heart of this topic, I can you introduce yourself to us, Dawn, I really want everyone to meet you.
Dawn Richardson
Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me today, Dolly. I am so excited. I feel like we’ve been Instagram friends forever. So like actually like doing this is like really fun. So I’m done. And I am the owner of tech savvy, creative. And at tech savvy. Our goal is to help other creative entrepreneurs use technology in their business to help them scale, streamline and make life better a little bit about me, I have a background in tech, I used to work for Apple, I have a degree in Information Systems moved on to be a software engineer. And while I was a software engineer, I fell in love with photography. I picked up a camera and I just kind of fell in love with the machine in my hands and the fact that I could serve people using it. So I started doing that move to wedding photography full time, done that for six years, slowly phasing out, and then coming back full circle to work back in it, but with the amazing creative community that I have been a part of for the last six years. So that’s where we are now.
Dolly DeLong
Wow. I’ve always again, like everybody hearing this, but like I’m hearing this for the first time. And I’ve never met dawn in person. We’ve been Instagram friends, which is the thing now, I always think it’s so funny because growing up, my parents always warned me like don’t don’t like become friends with people you see on the internet. I’m like, Okay, well, now it’s like, a different time a different place. But seriously, I’ve loved following your journey for the past. Like I’m, I feel like I’ve known you for the past two years, just over Instagram. But it’s been so amazing to see tech savvy, creative, just evolve and grow and flourish. And I did not know that you had a background that you have a background in. That’s
Dawn Richardson
yeah, it’s it’s such a full circle thing for me. It’s still so surreal that I get to do what I’ve like, you know, always love doing just with a group of people that I love even more.
Dolly DeLong
Yes. Oh my gosh. Okay. And I know that we’re fellow mamas too. And right before we were we hit record, we were just sharing swapping stories about toddler toddler drama,
Dawn Richardson
to going on 13. Right.
Dolly DeLong
Exactly. Exactly. And I know you’re expecting your second February
Dawn Richardson
is in February on Super Bowl Sunday. So it’ll be an interesting labor and delivery.
Dolly DeLong
Touchdown. You can say touchdown when No, maybe don’t say touchdown. Maybe.
Dawn Richardson
I feel like I’ve said worse before this.
Dolly DeLong
I know I said a lot of bad things when my son was born just because I was like, Oh, get him out of me. But I’m so excited for you. Well, congratulations to you. I’ll probably be messaging you a lot about like work life balance with two kids. If I ever have another kid, I’ll be like Dawn helped me.
Dawn Richardson
Absolutely. I mean, it’s gonna be a learning experience for me too. You know, having one we feel like you figure it out. But yes, like, I think that’s the thing about parenthood is like, as soon as you figure it out, something changes. So yeah, it’s just we’re always on our toes.
Dolly DeLong
Exactly. Exactly. Well, thank you so much for sharing just a little bit about your origin story. always laugh about that phrase origin story, but seriously, thank you for sharing that. I’ve I was curious too. And, um, I wanted to also remind everyone that Dawn is going to be one of our amazing contributors for the systems and workflow magic bundle. Again, reminder that is happening January 24, through 28th of 2022. And it is a free resource bundle of systems and workflow related items that are meant, specifically for creative business owners who want to dip their toes into systems and workflows for their business. This is my first year of putting it all together. So I have been, I say this, I feel like I say this all the time. But I’ve been literally working my little systems loving but off to put this together, and to make sure and ensure you have a resource of experts, because I even though I love systems and workflows, I cannot be everything to everyone, that’s impossible. And so I wanted to just bring on a team of experts to give you a chance to learn a little bit more about strategies and workflows and systems for your business. Also, I’ve been saying the word systems a lot, sorry, but it is about systems. Again, a reminder, this is only going to be live one week. So if you are listening to this live, then take advantage by going to systems and workflow magic.com. And you can join the waitlist to be notified of when this opens up. But if you’re listening to it afterwards, then you can still go and join the waitlist for next years. I guess like systems and workflow magic bundle. Part two, hopefully, it’ll be successful, I think it’s gonna be successful. I just want everyone to know how easy it is to incorporate systems and workflows into your own business. So that’s again, this is why I’m opening it up at the beginning of the year when you are on fire to take charge for your business. And it’s a little slower start to the season. So take advantage. And of course Dawn has an amazing resource she’s going to be giving away so don, to you, do you mind hinting at what you’re going to be giving away in this bundle?
Dawn Richardson
Of course. So we’ll talk a little bit more about why I chose the task management tool that I chose, which is click up. But in this bundle, I will be sharing my clickup 101 for creatives course. So take advantage of it because it’s definitely a great resource for those of you who are getting started, whether or not it’s clickup, or another tool, it’ll be helpful for you either way,
Dolly DeLong
well, I’m definitely going to be downloading that resource for sure. I’m like selfishly excited about it. And it’s going to be a part of your shop too, right? Yes, that’s correct. Okay, so you all take advantage of this when we go Li and there’s no catch Seriously, no catch. It’s all free. Okay, so let’s, let’s go into the heart of this discussion and talk about how to find the right task management tool, if you are a creative business owner. So how to choose one, effectively. So I’ll let you take it away, Dawn.
Dawn Richardson
Yeah. Okay. So this is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. Because as somebody who’s helping other creatives with their tools, I see a lot of creatives making some big mistakes, that kind of put them into a corner. And that big mistake is seeing what other people are using, and then just choosing that just because somebody else uses it. Now, that can be helpful sometimes. But you also have to be very intentional about making a choice that is best for you, and your business and your learning style. So just because I use a certain tool or dolly uses a certain tool doesn’t mean it’s the perfect tool for every single person out there. So that’s the first thing that we want to focus on as you dive in to using a task management tool. So task management tools are intended to help you organize your projects, your clients, your tasks, they’re not necessarily meant to be used to manage the admin of your business. Think like your clients, your contracts, that’s a CRM, that’s something like dubsado which Dali specializes in, or another tool out there that is specialized for that. This is really for your like day to day work. So what tasks do you have left for each client? What do you need to get done? If you’re anything like me, I even have my personal tasks on there like pay the HOA bill and you know, pay your sales tax things. So how you use it, just think of like your day to day, check running checklist of your items to do. So, the first thing that you want to do when you’re evaluating your options, and we mentioned some of the options that are very popular amount creatives. We have Asana Trello, click that Monday. notion. There’s a lot of them out there. The first thing you have to decide is, what your goals are and what you’re trying to manage and organize in your business. Where do you need the support? What do you need it to do for you to be useful? Because at the end of the day, if you don’t use the tool, it is useless. It doesn’t matter how many bells and whistles are on it, if it’s something that you’re not using, it is not worth your time. So you have to choose the tool that solves any problems for you. So one of the things I said I would talk about is like, why I chose clickup. For me, as a wedding photographer, I had these clients that would book me two years in advance, we’d have about 75 tasks between the start and finish of their wedding. And that spanned over the course of two years. So I needed a system that like, showed me on a calendar, what that looks like when I had 40 clients at the same time, you know, you can easily manage one client, but when you’re talking about 40 clients spread across two years, you know, you can lose track very quickly. But one of the reasons I chose clicker is because they have a feature called remapping, subtasks due dates, which meant all 75 of those tasks would change their due date if I change the date of the wedding. So that was super convenient. So I’d literally go in there, add the template, change the wedding day, and all of my tasks would assign themselves to the correct dates. Now, I don’t know if I was just like, led to click up at the right time, but I was on clickup before COVID happened. And let me tell you when I had to reschedule 12 weddings, I have never been more thankful for that feature.
Dolly DeLong
I was gonna ask you if that if it works, cuz I don’t use clickup. I use Trello. So I’m not familiar with it. So it does like let allow you to reschedule for your for the COVID brides who code? Yes, it did not. It was
Dawn Richardson
so helpful for me. It also gave me the ability to use it as a content calendar. So I can say like, okay, my blog post goes live this day. Well, Instagram post, one goes live three days after and this one goes live 10 days after and based off the date that the blog post goes live, everything else shifted. So I’m all about efficiency. That was like a big reason what I chose click up. But that was what I needed when I was looking for a task management tool. And I’ve used them all y’all. I’m a tools nerd, just like Dolly. I have done use Trello. I’ve used Asana, I just click a Monday notion. It’s just that was what I needed. And that’s the tool that filled that need for me, which is why I ultimately chose that tool. The second thing that you want to look at when you are considering your task management tools are what trusted resources are out there for that tool. Now, do you follow somebody that you’ve learned a lot from that offers, you know, Trello templates, information that will help you as you build this, it’s super important to dive in a little bit because that trusted resource can be a super helpful part of your journey, when you’re working on a tool, especially somebody in your industry. You know, that’s something that I hear a lot where somebody uses a tool, but then they’re reading resources that were made for corporate America, and they’re a solopreneur. So you want to make sure that you’re choosing a tool that you have trusted resources in or somebody that you can ask questions when you need them. So and that goes for anything that goes for cost management tools, or client relationship managers like Deb Sato and Dolly, or any other type of you know, tool out there. It’s always good to have some trusted resources under your belt.
Dolly DeLong
I will have to say, to that point, somebody who had who I’ve always admired and loved and you know who she kept Schmoyer like, oh, we just can’t we love you. We love you cat, you know, all the heart emojis for you. But because she is like that trusted resource and not somebody who is established in our creative industry. And, and she uses Trello she has helped me better understand how to use it and apply it to my own business, especially as a solopreneur or a solo business owner for those of you who don’t like the term solopreneur solo business owner. Yeah, yeah, just like reading her blog post reading her resources has helped me establish my own, I guess Trello
Dawn Richardson
wisdom Trove. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. And it’s, again, it comes back to having that resource that you trust and that aligns with you right like this. At the end of the day, it still comes back down to your learning style, you know, for me what I needed and what I was looking for tool. I wasn’t getting that in Trello. So that’s why I saw after another tool, and you have to remember that that’s okay. Just because somebody love uses a tool that doesn’t work for you, that’s okay. You don’t have to use that tool. I promise it’ll be worth, you know, kind of like jumping off the path. But I know so many creators out there that just use a tool because they had a coupon or because somebody else used it. So if it’s the right tool for you, then absolutely dive in. But if it’s just because somebody else uses it, then you really need to consider your options.
Dolly DeLong
Yeah, I love that. And I love that goes also with point one, just like looking at your goals, not looking at another person’s goals or another person’s dreams, but looking at your specific goals and seeing what would be in best alignment with you.
Dawn Richardson
Absolutely. And your pain points, right? Like, for me, it wasn’t so much a goal, it was a pain point, like, how am I going to manage all of these tasks for all of these people? Because if I have to go in there and manually do this every time, it’s not gonna be good. It’s just not gonna get done. I’m not gonna use it. So that’s, you know, again, where where are your pain points, how can you solve them and using those tools. Another point going on to our third point is price point, you know, these tools all have their own price points. And some of them offer premium plans that can be really expensive that offer features that you don’t need, you know, I know most people on asana and Trello are using a free version of it. And, you know, that’s great for me in click up, I needed the, the the upgraded plan to get the things that I wanted, but you know what, it was worth it to me. So in that price point, it was something that you know, what, I can write it off at the end of the year, it runs my business, I can justify it. But that’s an important point when you’re really considering what tools are right for you, your business, and also where you are in your business. Because if you’re just getting started, you know, you might not want to invest, you know, $800 a year into a tool. You know, but if you’re, you know, a free one, you might, might work out really well. So, definitely consider that.
Dolly DeLong
I love that so much. I love that you keep on reminding everyone. And this is something that I even fall the trap of into the trap of but just like being worried that just because I’m not using the same tools as like you or somebody else, or somebody in the same industry or similar like that I’m not going to be as successful or I’m setting myself up for failure, because that’s not true at all. Because there is that that temptation just to be this is working for him or her therefore I need to use it to in order to dot dot dot.
Dawn Richardson
Exactly, exactly. And then you just wasted weeks of time exactly. Going over there just because so and so uses that right?
Dolly DeLong
Yes, yes. Is it time to sprinkle a little magic through the systems and workflows in your business. Along with over 20 different creative business owners and experts. I’ve created the systems and workflow magic mental, a collection of exclusive and free resources designed to help creative business owners actually start and implement workflows and systems in their business so that they can go from scattered to streamline this year. And beyond the systems and workflow magic bundle is coming January 24 through 28th of 2022. So make sure you join the waitlist today to be the first to get access to this free bundle. Head on over now to www dot systems and workflow magic.com to join the waitlist so that you can create some workflow magic in your business. I actually have an example of that. I don’t know if this is helpful or not for the listeners. And but I was I don’t know about you, Don. But I do a lot of my thinking when I’m getting ready in the mornings and showering. And like, I don’t know, like, I was thinking this morning actually like, wow, this time last year, I was wasting so much money on this one particular tool that I thought all of these people told me like when I say all of these people, social media, all these people on social media were trying to convince me that I needed a VA service when I wasn’t yet ready for a VA service. So for a certain period of time, I would say about three to four months. I was paying an unnecessary amount of money for nothing to really like move the needle of my business but I yet I was paying that money because I thought that’s what I had to do. Because somebody on the internet told me who doesn’t even know me. They they told me you need to do this to be successful. And it just like today I was thinking man, like that sucks, but I’m glad like I stopped doing that and realize like what was working and what was not working for me. So
Dawn Richardson
Yeah, I’m sorry, no, I, but that’s so true. Like, you can be successful without a VA, you know, like you can be successful without a task management tool. I personally would not be successful without a task management tool, but to each your own, like, if, if you can keep track of everything, that’s great. But only you can decide that right? And, and, you know, even when you said, because somebody on social media told me, you know, that’s the thing is they didn’t tell me they told their audience and yes, just part of that, but I felt like they were talking to me, and I, you know, you have that sense of guilt. And I think that’s just, you know, the imposter syndrome. And the creative industry is just so strong. And that applies to tools, and especially now with all the affiliate marketing out there, which is fantastic. But remember, you still have to make decisions that are great for you. Yes, number one priority, which, which leads me into the fourth point. And my final point, is, when you’re choosing these tools, you have to choose the tool that clicks with you. Okay? And again, it doesn’t, it’s not even just the features, it’s just how the tool functions. I know a lot of creatives that dive into click up in there, like, oh, my gosh, no way. Like, it’s just so much like, it’s super overwhelming, because there are a lot of features. It’s a very robust tool. But you have to really, you know, take the time and be like, is this a me problem? Is this a tool problem? Like, what is not aligning? Is it? Do I need time to learn it? Or do I need to move on to something that clicks in my head better. So whatever, looking at tools, regardless of the type of tool, always dive into that trial. And y’all I don’t mean like, sign up for the trial, and then forget about it until the trial expires, I mean, like, sign up for the trial block off a day, and like die intentional. Exactly, I’m going through that process right now with our shop, launch and choosing the right platform to host our video courses. So it’s like, you know, sitting down and actually adding the video course to that tool, experimenting with what this would look like, on my website, what email marketing would look like, and saying you like, you know, I don’t really like how that looks, I’m gonna move on to the next one. And then making a decision after spending some dedicated time with that, you have to do that. Because just because somebody else uses a tool doesn’t make it the best tool for you and your business. Again, I’m going through that right now with Kajabi. I feel like everybody and their moms use Kajabi. But also me I’m like, I don’t know if I want Kajabi or if I need Kajabi. And do I want to pay that price point for something that I’m not sure I’m putting utilize this much. So it’s really setting down having some intentional heads down time, figuring out what works best to solve my problems, my goals and what is best for my audience and what I need to serve to them. So remember that there’s always going to be a learning curve, but you have to dedicate some time to learning like sitting down and learning the process. But also don’t be afraid to say, You know what, this, isn’t it. I am canceling this membership and moving on. And a lot of creatives will fight back and be like, well, I already paid for it. Well, you know what, it’s a sunk cost either way. So you either already paid for it, and then you stick you stay using it. And it’s a miserable experience for you, or you already paid for it and you move on to something that actually serves you and your business. So don’t let that I already paid for it. mentality stop you from actually moving the needle in your business, especially when it comes to your tools.
Dolly DeLong
Yeah, I love that so much done. You are so wise. This is like a like a tough love episode of the systems of workflow magic podcast, but it’s so it’s so true. We, again, I’m just gonna use me as an example, I always need a reminder that sometimes I just need to slow down and see what’s working. And like turn off my phone or turn off like the comparison itis of my side of the brain and see what works for me. I was kind of in the same boat as you maybe two years ago with the teaching platform I was also struggling with should I use Kajabi because everybody uses Kajabi and I landed on podia and this is not like I’m not being featured or whatever by podia to say that I just that that is where I landed on because it was between, I think teachable podia and Kajabi Yeah. Yeah, there was like so I it was very overwhelming. But I am really glad I just took the time to dive in and see what worked for me. And what worked for me was I really liked podium was for me customer service and making sure that they’re communicative. That’s important to me. That’s one of my, like, core values is just like communication. And so they communicate with me and so I was Like, you know what, I’ll, I’ll go with them. And so for you, it might be something totally different. So this is just like a good. I don’t want to call it a tough love episode, but it is a good episode is yourself like to take the time and see what works for you and your goals and your business.
Dawn Richardson
Absolutely. And to that point, I would love to share that when I started tech savvy, it was very, very, very important to me from day one to never be a billboard for one tool, I will happily tell you why I use a certain tool in my business and what I’ve experienced with other tools, but I am not of the type that’s like, if you don’t use click up, you’re going to fail, which so creatives are you know, I’ve been to some like breakout sessions where they’re like, oh my gosh, if you don’t use Trello, you’re never gonna make it can’t do this. Like, I’ve heard that before. And I’m like, Oh my gosh, no, no, it’s not true. Because we all learn in our own ways. And that’s super important to me, I tech savvy. So please know that if you ever end up over on my corner of the internet, that it’s a safe place to ask me about all the things. I might not have all of the answers for you. Again, like I you know, I’m a big part of the Apple ecosystem as a former employee, especially so like, if you have questions about the latest, you know, PC products, I might not be the best person for you. But I could at least direct you to the right person. And just know that just because somebody uses it, or because I use it again, it doesn’t make it the right tool for you. And that is okay. But ask those questions, get their answer that like find out why, like, why do they use this? Why don’t they use this? And then make decisions for yourself based off that info. Wow,
Dolly DeLong
thank you so much for sharing all that done. This is again, a great, great reminder to just like for us as business owners as solo business owners, or creative business owners with a small team to take a step back and assess, just like what our goals are of our own business, and what are we trying to manage in our business, and then what trusted resources we can turn to for that specific task management tool. And then three, thinking about price points, because I know price points can affect just like, our overhead costs are also our goals for our business. So we need to take that into account. And then I was like laughing because I’m point four you said whatever clicks for you and I almost said Is that why you chose click up? Because, like with you, but I was like no, I’ll hold the up the cheesy mom humor, but no, it’s coming out. It’s coming out. You
Dawn Richardson
all were so funny. Yeah. Yes, exactly. I’m so glad.
Dolly DeLong
I’m so glad you’re like that. So, um, thank you so much dawn for sharing. And I know that you have a freebie for everyone about this conversation. And so I want them to get their hands on it. So can you describe what you have for my audience today?
Dawn Richardson
I do. My freebie that’s available is a little bit different than this conversation. However, it is an important foundation to creating that simplified business that we all dream of. So on tech savvy creatives website, you can get the free declutter your tech checklist. And this will help you go through different areas of your technology, like your files, your emails, your phone, all of that good stuff to get your devices ready for the new year so you can hit the ground running and start fresh. That way, when you dive into choosing the right task management tool for your business, you don’t have to worry about all the other clutter in the background.
Dolly DeLong
I love it and and you I know that this episode is airing around the New Year. And even if you listen to this and it’s not the time of New Year, don’t wait for the new year to hit refresh on these goals for your business. Like I think anytime is a good time to just like clean out your like, clean, Declutter. That’s that’s the word declutter your desktop and everything for your business. So this this is great. I am really excited. Thank you, Don.
Dawn Richardson
Of course, thank
Dolly DeLong
you so much for having me, Dolly. Of course. And I cannot leave you without asking you how can someone connect with you and work with you?
Dawn Richardson
So everybody out there come find me on my corner of the internet. I’m at tech savvy creative.com Or you can also follow me on Instagram at tech savvy creative. If you send me a DM I’m a big fan of a voice memo. So be ready for a voice message back but I’m excited
Dolly DeLong
to connect to you. Awesome. And you also can I just like give you a shout out about your click up days. I have not participated in a click of day because I’m a big Trello person But every time you post about clickup days, I’m like, Oh, I maybe like going back to the conversation. Maybe I need to do this. But
Dawn Richardson
the way you present it is so fun, it sounds fun and fresh. And so for those of you who are already using clickup, and need a refresh for yourself, or need help with clickup, reach out to Dawn because she makes it fun and easy and relatable. So yeah, I’m giving you a shout out even though I don’t use pickup, look, but thanks, girl. In our audit, instead of days, we dive into the tool of your choice, really evaluate those needs and your business, where your gaps are. And then we help make those changes, whether it’s you’re doing it in a DIY version, or I do it for you, we offer those options with both the audit and the audit instead of days.
Dolly DeLong
Oh, so much fun. Don, thank you so much for taking your time to meet with me and the audience today. I know that they are going to love getting to know you and love following you. And it was again, as a reminder to everyone, Dawn is going to be a part of the systems and workflow magic bundles. So again, take advantage of this. If you’re listening to this live in January, take advantage of her free resource that she’s giving in the bundle. And a reminder again, as we wrap up, I hope you all continue to find the magic enjoy in systems workflows, and automations for your business and your life. And if you enjoyed this episode, do me a favor and DM me on Instagram at dolly DeLong education and also send Dawn an Instagram message as well and let her know what you learned from this episode because we we just want to know like if we are being helpful and if we are bringing more streamlined strategic workflows for your life to help you out that that is the goal of this podcast. And so thank you for listening. And I hope you all have a wonderful day. Bye. Thank you so much for listening to the systems and workflow magic podcast. You can find full show notes from today’s episode at dolly DeLong photography.com forward slash podcast. If you’re loving the podcast, I’d be so honored if you’d subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast player. Be sure to screenshot this episode, share it to your stories and tag me at dolly DeLong education over on Instagram. Until next time, go make some strategic workflow magic
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