Dolly DeLong Photography: A Wes Anderson Themed Session featuring the Holland Family in Nashville, Tennessee

Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Darjeeling Limited, Moonrise Kingdom, The Isle of Dogs….what do all of these have in common besides Wes Anderson? Why the Holland Family of course! When The Hollands reached out to me to see if I could do their family portraits I was so excited to work with them because I have gotten to know Megan (Momma Bear of the Holland Family) this year through her health & wellness business (you all should check her out seriously) Here is a LINK to her FB profile and you should def reach out to her if you are looking for a sweet, generous, helpful and joyful health coach!  And as we began planning out their family portrait session, I found out that they wanted to do a Wes Anderson themed shoot (of course full disclosure I have only seen TWO Wes Anderson movies in my life, so I had to get lots of help from the Holland family for the style + mood they were looking for and I had to do some research of my own)!  Well, this was definitely one of my most favorite family photography sessions I have ever shot because ALL of the kids were super into the theme (no one cried, there was no bribery of treats and sweets and/or promises to kids if they got through the shoot there would be ice cream at the end) EVERYONE was totally into the idea of dressing up like a character from a Wes Anderson movie. I was super impressed that the Holland kids were loving every minute of this shoot!  (And Disclaimer: I just want to say, even if you do have to bribe your kid through a shoot, I would NEVER judge you because I am about to have a kid and I just KNOW he is going to have to be majorly bribed with some candy to get through all the photo sessions with his #PhotographerMama) (I was just simply stating that this was a one-of-a-kind family photo session where EVERYONE was super involved and excited to be dressed up!)  (I love EVERYONE I work with and I have been super fortunate and blessed to get to work with some awesome clients through the years!) #truth Please scroll through some of my most favorite images from the Holland family’s session with Dolly DeLong Photography LLC! I really want Wes Anderson to see these photos too, so if anyone has any connections to Mr. Anderson….please share this with him (I am being absolutely serious)! One of my newest goals in life is to make sure the Holland family gets to meet Wes Anderson now!  Holland family, you all are seriously awesome! I really hope you use these photos for your Christmas Photos and I hope that we can work together in the future! Thank you all for being so much fun!


P.S. I’m serious about Wes Anderson seeing these photos! Please someone with connections show Wes how funny the Holland family is! 

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