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Secrets to having a successful family photo session (secret #2): Dolly DeLong Photography LLC (A Nashville TN based family photographer)

Nashville family photographer, Dolly DeLong Photography LLC, shares her best tips and secrets on how to joyfully work with children for family photography sessions (read below for tip #2)

If you missed tip number #1, click HERE to read and catch up! 

It’s officially Wednesday and I know you all have been on pins and needles with excitement about my summer series on how to work with children and families for an easy and fun photography session experience. So tip #2 is here! I kept it pretty short and sweet for an easy read, but this tip alone goes a long way and is my go-to recommendation and tip whenever I work with any family. I hope it helps you if you are a parent planning out your session, and if you are another photographer just getting into family photography I hope this helps you out in your communications with your potential family clients!

tip #2: Pack snacks and water 

Have you ever been so hungry to the point of anger? It’s called being “hangry,” and kids can experience this too. The best way to avoid the hunger-related meltdown is by packing their favorite snacks and some water bottles. It’s okay if their outfits have crumbs from the Goldfish, and it’s okay if they spill water on their perfectly pressed pants. Feed your kids snacks, and there will not be any weeping or gnashing of teeth. 

In my experience, a child with a full belly normally cooperates with all types of family photo sessions. So bring healthy and fun snacks your kiddos normally enjoy.  Also, your photography session is not a good place for your kids to eat a new-to-them snack, it may backfire in even more tears. Pack their favorite go-to snacks, pack water to hydrate, and some wet wipes for easy cleanup!

Water seems like an absolute no-brainer, but sometimes even I forget to pack water for myself at sessions, and 45 minutes into a session I feel very weak in Tennessee humidity and I usually do not want to talk if I am excessively thirsty. So for parents reading this, perhaps bring a mini cooler packed with Sonic-type ice, mini water bottles, and maybe even juice boxes and bust it out when your children need to take a moment to hydrate and cool off.

If your session is at your house, that is even better because the fridge and snacks are even more accessible to help calm and soothe those tummies down.

Thanks for reading along! My goal for each and every session is to make sure I am best capturing and illustrating every client session in a joyful, colorful and radiant manner, and sometimes the best way to ensure this is to set up every session with making sure the clients are as comfortable (and hydrated) as possible!


If you are an expectant mom-to-be and are wondering what a maternity family experience looks like, click HERE for an example!

As always, thank you so much for keeping up with my family & photography adventures! I love serving you all through photography and I love sharing my stories with you! Have a wonderful week! Tune in next week for tip #3 on how to work with children for a family photography session! 

meet your friendly Nashville family photographer

Dolly DeLong is a wife to a super cute computer nerd, mama to a little drool machine, and a destination wedding and family photographer based out of Nashville, Tennessee. Even though she loves all things social media,  Dolly was born in the mid-80s, so she likes to stress to people she is not a cool Millennial, and she remembers dial-up internet from when she was in high school. Whenever she has a spare moment, she enjoys watching TV (i.e. Survivor), she eats way too many sweets and listens to podcasts while running or walking. To work with Dolly DeLong Photography LLC, please email her at or fill out her contact form here.

Nashville Intimate Wedding Photographer and Luxury Family Photographer Dolly DeLong Photography LLC

  1. […] A Modern Romantic Blush, Gold and Gray Wedding at the Boutique Clementine Hall in Nashville || Dolly DeLong Photography   »« Secrets to having a successful family photo session (secret #2): Dolly DeLong Photography LLC (A Nas… […]

  2. […] out on Tips #1-#9? Read Tip #1 HERE, Tip #2 HERE,  Tip #3 HERE, Tip #4 HERE,  Tip #5 HERE,  tip #6 HERE, tip #7  HERE,  tip #8 HERE , […]

  3. […] out on Tips #1-#8? Read Tip #1 HERE, Tip #2 HERE,  Tip #3 HERE, Tip #4 HERE,  Tip #5 HERE,  tip #6 HERE, tip #7  HERE, and tip #8 HERE […]

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