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Join me, Dolly DeLong, along with my biz besties Mara K. and Bekah R., as we reveal the key trends you NEED to know for Black Friday 2024. With an unpredictable election year and a shifting economy, we’ve got the insider tips to help you stand out and drive sales like never before!
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66: How To Grow Your Email List Strategically With A Private Pop Up Podcast Featuring Magan Ward’s Pop Up Podcast (TM) system


Are you ready to accommodate your entire audience’s learning styles? Maybe you have digital products, downloadable, and a regular podcast – but what if you created a pop-up podcast that helped you promote or skyrocket your business? In this episode, Magan Ward teaches us how we can use a pop-up podcast in our businesses – and how she teaches her students in a “no-fluff” course how to get started right away! If you are ready to kick-start building your email list in a way that can help you promote whatever you are trying to accomplish this year, this episode is for you!

The Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast is brought to you by Dolly DeLong Education. This podcast is for creative business owners who want to learn tangible steps to automate their business through workflows, systems, tools, and strategies to go from scattered to streamlined with purpose because even muggles can become automated wizards.

Meet Magan Ward

Magan has been an entrepreneur since she charged $0.25 for a single cracker with spreadable cheese from her lunch box at the Kindergarten lunch table.

Magan is an educator who knows the struggle when creating an email list, the opt-in, the welcome sequence, and the millions of other details that we handle while doing all the things as we run this digital biz. She took her email list that was suffering and grew it by 78% and she helps others do the same.


I have put together the comprehensive checklist you need to ensure that all of your puzzle pieces are in place for your next opt-in, your next offer, or even your next bundle! Stop letting tech fears hold you back from automating and streamlining the backend of your amazing offers and opt-ins!

Grab the Guide

Review the Show Notes

Dolly’s successful experience with a pop-up podcast

A breakdown of Magan’s chewable-moduled and binge-worthy course

Magan’s one-click marketing plan to help you not only create a podcast but get it out to your audience

Writing out episodes with Magan’s signature framework for the flow of the episodes

What to expect if you are thinking about starting a pop-up podcast

How you can use a pop-up podcast in different ways to accomplish your goals

Considering your different learners and making your podcast accessible to your entire audience


To purchase the popup podcast system™ & any other item from Magan’s shop use code: Sale goes live, Thursday, February 23rd -Sale ends Tuesday, February 28, 2023, at 11:59 pm, CST goes live!

Get 40% off anything in The Email Template Shop (even courses) with code DOLLY40

(*note this is my affiliate link) The Pop Up Podcast System™: https://dollydelong–maganward.thrivecart.com/the-pop-up-podcast-system/




How To Use Your Podcast To Grow Your Email List Freebie








Dolly Delong
Hello, and welcome back to the systems and workflow magic podcast. I am your systems-loving host and BFF Dolly Delong and today we are doing Episode 66. I have the honor of having Magan Ward back on the podcast today. I mean, she pretty much is my co-host at this point, and we’re going to talk about her signature pop-up podcast system that she is known for. I am just so excited about just talking about the disparate systems and workflows of her signature program so that maybe you guys can incorporate a private pop-up podcast in your own small or creative business. So welcome back, I don’t even know how many times you’ve been on this podcast, but welcome back.

Magan Ward
It’s four and I love that you said I might as well be a co-host because I was gonna make that joke too. So thank you so much for having me again. I do love coming on the show. Your listeners are truly just the best though. I love when y’all come to find me on socials or hop on my email list. You really are the best. I love Dolly’s audience so much.

Dolly Delong
They are really amazing. And yeah, I do want to be completely transparent with my audience, this is the first episode I’m recording after having baby Jack who is my second born. So he is right beside me. Magan sees him. He’s right beside me. So you might hear, well, you probably won’t hear baby cooing but there is baby cooing happening in the background. I was just like sharing with Magan beforehand, like, I don’t know, I have like a weird amount of energy right now, which is very strange. So we’re gonna go with it, Magan. So I’m really excited to have Jack beside me. He’s gonna learn about pop-up podcast systems too. So, Magan, I know that in episode 15, if we go all the way back to the Episode 15 that dropped last year in March of 2022, we talked about lead magnets, and you specifically talked about one that grew your email list by 78% in less than one month, which is bonkers, and that was using your pop-up podcast system. Since then you created a course the pop-up podcast system, which I purchased from you as soon as it launched, and it’s been incredible using it.

Magan Ward
Yes, you sure did. You were one of the first purchasers when I launched that and at that time, I had no idea how big this pop-up podcast craze was gonna get. But I have received such good feedback on the course and especially from you Dolly. Now I’m going to pause for just a second if I can, because anybody that’s tuning in who has never heard of me before, or ever heard of a pop-up podcast before a pop-up podcast, it’s a limited series of podcast episodes that are only available through a private link for your listeners to tune into. And additionally, the pop part of a pop-up podcast means that the episodes are only available for a limited time. Now I usually have my episodes available for about six days during my own pop-up podcast events. So now you know the definition of a pop-up podcast and we got that out of the way. Dolly, I know this is your podcast, but you did call me a co-host a minute ago. So I’m gonna turn the tables and interview you a little bit if that’s okay.

Dolly Delong
Yeah, that’s totally fine. Let’s do it.

Magan Ward
Okay, so you finish putting together your very own pop-up podcast for the bundle event that you just had. Now at the time we’re recording this none of that has gone live yet so you’re not going to have results on this episode. I believe dolly might have some for you coming up soon on another episode coming up. But just from you going through the pop-up podcast system course and putting together your own pop-up podcast. Did you find it easy to consume that course?

Dolly Delong
Yes. So you all, Magan is not paying me to say any of this. I just have to preface this by saying that. The reason why I purchased the pop-up podcast system from you Magan is well one like we’re business friends, we’re industry peers, but also you have had so much email marketing industry knowledge and wisdom to share, and I love learning from you, I love your personality. So it was an easy yes for me to purchase the system from you. Also, I knew that with going into my second bundle, well, it hasn’t dropped yet. But the systems and workflow magic bundle, the 2.0 version, I knew that I wanted to have a lead-up to it to give listeners and viewers a free opportunity to consume and listen to what to expect from the bundle. So I just wanted to give them like a little appetizer to the bundle. So that’s where your pop-up podcast system came in. And for those of you who are listening now, if you did jump on my foundational funnel pop-up podcast, I had a pop of podcasts that aired from January 31 to February 10, or 11th. It featured four days of speakers talking about the top of the funnel, middle of the funnel bottom of the funnel, and beyond the funnel, which are all the courses that we pretty much are featuring in the systems and workflow magic bundle. So again, I just wanted to give my listeners and new subscribers a way to consume and learn more about the bundle without actually having to buy the bundle and get excited about buying the bundle. So your pop-up podcast system really helped me organize just that launch, instead of doing a webinar, a challenge, or Summit, those are all great things, but for me, I love hosting podcasts. I love listening on the go, well, everybody knows this. I’m a mom of two now and so I wanted to make learning easy. I know with podcasts, you can listen on your own time, but then there was also a limited amount of time to listen to it. For me, it was like 10 days.

Magan Ward
Yes, the pop-up podcast is so accessible for everybody, like you said on the go, especially busy moms, you know, and right now you’ve got these middle-of-the-night feedings that you’re having to do. So maybe you’re listening during that to keep yourself awake while you feed the baby. So also in the pop-up podcast system, when you first purchased it, I will never forget this, I was setting up my youngest child’s Christmas program and I got a text or a Voxer message from you Dolly and you’re like, oh my gosh, I just finished listening to the podcast version of your course, she had just bought it on Black Friday, I think this is back in 2021 When you first purchased it, and I was setting it the Christmas program just like a week or two later, and what I had done you guys is I had also taken all of the course material and made it into a podcast form, not a pop-up podcast, but the pop-up podcast course in a podcast form if that makes sense. So that way, it’s just much easier for students to consume it, so Dolly flew through it. As soon as she had it, she put it in her podcast app, and she listened through the entire thing pretty quickly, which was the point. So I think that you enjoyed that and were able to go ahead and go through it before you sat down and watch the videos, Dolly. And it was just so important for me to make that course easy for everybody to go through and listen to on the go, then like I said, students could come back and watch the videos, or grab any swipe files or graphic templates that are mentioned inside the lessons. And I think that you really did enjoy that part of the course.

Dolly Delong
Yeah, I did. I love that. With my personality or learning personality type. I like listening, again, auditory learners, because I know that there are so many different types of learners. So for me, I like consuming, reading, listening, then I go back and I either rewatch or I re-listen and I take notes, then I have a plan of action because I’ve already consumed everything is like slowly seeping into my brain, and some people that may not work for, but for me, that works. That has always been my best learning mechanism. Yes.

Magan Ward
So now inside the course, I walk everyone through the basics of the tech stack that I used in I don’t know if you remember this part, Dolly. But when I first hosted my own first pop-up podcast, I didn’t have a podcast, I didn’t know anything really about hosting a podcast. So I used my phone and for recording and editing, uploading episodes. All of it was all through my phone, which I feel like that makes this so much easier and so much more accessible for anybody that wants to host their own pop-up podcast. You really could do it all using your phone. It is a little easier now that I’m you know into it a little more, it is easier with having the computer and the bigger screens, but you really can do it all from your phone. And it’s not that bad.

Dolly Delong
Yeah, it’s super easy. And y’all I mentioned this earlier, but Magan’s pop-up podcast system, literally, she breaks it down into chewable modules in her course. So they’re not more than 10 to 12 minutes each, maybe the longest one is 15 minutes because you’re showing a tutorial, you’re doing step-by-step guidance. But there are only six modules total that I can remember off the top of my head and each one has bite-sized lessons. So that’s something that I appreciated, not just as a business owner on the go, but as a mom on the go, I was able to fit that into my future forecasting planning of how I’m going to promote certain bundles or certain launches and ideas I had. So, Magan, you made it really easy to consume.

Magan Ward
Good. Yeah, I don’t like fluff, we just get down to the nitty-gritty. I teach you exactly what you need to know, so no fluff inside there, for sure. I think that’s what helps keep lessons more bite-sized, too. So inside the tech stack portion, I go over how I use my phone as I mentioned a moment ago for anybody that does want to do that. But I’ll also dive into all of the other tech needed and used and provide tutorials. And I know, Dolly, we ran into like one small snag and said hello audio, that was just due to recent changes that they had made that I had not been able to record an updated lesson for, but other than that, did you find the rest of the tech pretty easy and straightforward to use?

Dolly Delong
Yeah, at first, when I read the term, tech stack, I remember learning about that term several years ago, before I became obsessed with systems and workflows, that term would terrify me. I don’t know if it terrified you, but it terrified me. But for those of you who are listening, you’re brand new to systems and workflows. Don’t let that term terrify you. It just means the different apps and the different tech like your website platform, Canva, or project management tools that you use to put together the pop-up podcast system. So it’s just like all the apps you use together. It’s not complicated. It’s not hard. So I just want to let everyone know who’s listening into this, that the tech stack is not complicated. So for me, I used the tech stack of Hello Audio to upload and record all of the private podcasts for my own pop-up podcast, I also use my website platform, Showit I love Showit. I know you use Showit Magan and you love it. I used my email marketing platform, which is Flodesk, and I know you use ConvertKit. Then it was very helpful having a project management tool like Trello, I know you use Asana. So it was like maybe up to five to six different apps that I used in total, to bring this private podcast to fruition. Again, with your guidance with your step by step tutorials, I knew when I needed to open up those certain applications. I had put everything together and with my personality, as you all know, or may not know about me, I’m very thorough. It’s just like my personality. It’s part of my brain, so I have a master Google Doc and I just like wrote everything out. I had a checklist and I just like making sure I was following Magan’s step-by-step very thoroughly. And again, it was super easy.

Magan Ward
Wonderful. I love to hear that. And yes, don’t be intimidated by the word tech stack. If this is one of the first times you’re hearing that, it’s not anything to be afraid of at all, just like Dolly said, it’s just kind of a list of what we used to pull off our own pop-up podcast. Now, Dolly, I’m not sure. But your favorite part might have been the marketing plan section where I provide a handy dandy Google Sheet and it just kind of spits out all the dates that you need for your launch and there were sample funnel maps too.

Dolly Delong
Yes. I love that. Absolutely love that part so much. Magan, I’m surprised that you don’t sell that separately in your shop. I think you should as like an upsell or bump offer whatever you want to call it. But this part was amazing. Because after I had mapped out my private pop-up podcast for my own bundle for my own launch, I needed a marketing plan. And I had an idea of how I wanted to market it but this Google spreadsheet that you created Magan, it asked me several questions like when is your actual launch happening. So I put in that date, and then it worked backward based on that date. It let me know okay, this is when you need to start promoting it on social media, and this is when you need to start promoting it to your email list. It had all the formulas in it, I’m not so good with formulas within Excel documents, and spreadsheets. So I love that you had put that all together and it was the perfect bonus that came with this training. It gave me more confidence to actually execute my whole marketing plan and it gave me a good springboard to share with other contributors, because other contributors like yourself who are a part of the bundle, they agreed to promote this pop-up podcast, so they knew the exact dates based off of this marketing spreadsheet template that you created, and it made it easy for everyone.

Magan Ward
Yeah, so if you’re not an Excel guru, if they make you sweat a little bit and break out in hives, or Google Sheets, all alike, if you’re not a fan of those, you don’t have to do anything, but put one date in there and hit enter. And then you have everything you need. So you don’t have to mess with the formulas or anything like that. So just to go ahead and let you know, it really is like a one-click kind of deal, and boom, you suddenly have your marketing plan all planned out in front of you.

Dolly Delong
Yeah, I want to jump in and say this, that, I’ll use an example. So that if you are listening in when this comes out like Magan was sharing, this is after the fact like the systems and workflow magic bundle has already come and gone but if you want to do some investigative work on your own, here’s a little the date that I had shared on the Excel spreadsheet. So I knew that the bundle was launching on February 6 of 2023, that’s when the bundle went live. So I knew that the pop-up podcast needed to come out at least a week before to warm up my audience to the bundle, or right and so I knew that I wanted to have the pop-up podcast be four days long, and so it started January 31 of 2023. So I put in January 31 of 2023 as my date, and it gave me January 17 to start marketing very heavily for this pop-up podcast. So if you want to do some again investigative work on your own and see oh, like let me see Dolly’s Instagram, go back and you’ll notice like starting or if you look at the timestamps, January 17 is when I started heavily promoting the pop-up, not the pop-up podcast, my private pop up podcast about funnels and then you will see oh, like hopefully, like visually seeing that will help you see oh, wow, that marketing plan really did work for Dolly.

Magan Ward
Yes, and I love that so much because it makes it so so easy to know exactly when to start scheduling all of that stuff. So I’m gonna switch gears just a little bit since I am so interested in viewing you as the unofficial co-host today. When it came to writing your episodes, though, this is one of the more time-consuming parts of the pop-up podcast, the pop-up podcast system course utilizes my signature framework for the flow of the episodes. Can you tell us a little bit like maybe how you use this? And if you found it helpful?

Dolly Delong
Yeah, it was very helpful in for me writing out my episodes, okay, I’m gonna share this with everyone, this might be very surprising to people. But this is the part that I dread the most. I dread writing out my podcast episodes because I have all the information in my head. But it’s just writing it out to be smooth and eloquent and not so dang. Like, I know I can be fluffy. And I know I can like add more than what needs to be said like, even my husband always says like, Maybe you should take that 16 Paragraph thing that you just wrote out daily and make it into two sentences. And like that is my weakness. And so it was really good. Again, having you break down like you literally gave those of us who purchased the pop-up podcast system from you a template to use and so I use that template. I saw how to lay everything out, so that’s what I used for each intro for each day, then my private pop-up podcast training on funnels. I also did, I added an additional thing of having the contributors who wanted to share a little teaser for what they’re sharing in the bundle. Any contributor could send a five to 10-minute mini mastermind class about what they were selling in the bundle. And so that also helps jam-pack each episode with more value. Because like each episode, it turned out to be like 60 minutes long, which is a lot. But it was value packed in I had going back to your template, I had a system for how this was all going to flow and it every day made sense and built on top of each other in again, it was free education, and it was so valuable.

Magan Ward
Wonderful. I’m so happy to hear how helpful in writing the episodes module inside the course was for you. Now, I think we’ve established this very well today, but Dolly’s using her use pop-up podcast event is more of a launch event. Rather than purely a list growth event. If you listen to it back to Episode 15 or remember, we kind of mentioned this at the beginning of this episode. I had originally used my pop-up podcast event, when I first did it as a list growth kind of like a free workshop, essentially an audio workshop. But I love how Dolly’s using this for a launch event and I’m going to begin using it more for launch events as well to create that excitement around whatever it is you’re launching. In Dolly’s situation, it was for her bundle. Now I’m currently doing some updates to the pop-up podcast system course including those updates on Hello Audio that I mentioned because they have begun having more robust features inside and I need to update my tutorials and kind of do some more videos showing everyone around and everything that you can do inside Hello Audio now. But also I’m going to be adding in how you can specifically utilize it for a launch in lieu of or in addition to a webinar or a workshop. So if you have any, do you have any other tips, Dolly for anybody that’s considering the pop-up podcast system course or anything you think I need to also add to as you’ve been through it?

Dolly Delong
Yeah. So again, let me just repeat, I know I mentioned this earlier, but Magan makes it super easy to consume, not only on the go, but if you want to sit down and consume it all in one setting, you can easily finish it like maybe not finish your pop up podcast, but you can finish the program in less than two to three hours, I would say under three hours. So a good solid mid-morning thing to work on during your business hours or afternoon or after if you have kids after the kids go to sleep. But either way, it’s not like weeks on weeks and weeks to finish and consume, Magan makes it very, very easy. She also provides definite templates for every module, so when she walks you through the tech stack, she gives you links to either showcase certain tech stacks or Hello Audio for example, I had never used it before. But thanks to Magan she had her own affiliate link for Hello Audio and so I was able to get Hello Audio and navigate it with Magan’s help. Then she also had this something I forgot to mention. Magan, I really liked that you provided Canva graphics for the marketing promotional period of the pop-up podcast because I am not a graphic designer by any nature, this is why I hire graphic designers to help me have clear branding and consistent branding. So, Magan, I love that you had all these templates provided for like a podcast cover for your private pop-up podcast, and then you even had social media templates that you can switch out with your own branding colors and branding fonts. You made it I mean, make it you made it so easy. So that’s something else that I really liked. Because there are so many different ways to streamline this process, you’re like picking from graphic design, and then you are also needing email templates, then you’re also needing website templates. So you guided us through the listeners through like, everything you’re going to need to pick and choose from, but then you didn’t leave us empty-handed. You actually gave us those templates to use or you guided us in learning how to create those templates instead of us as a listener. Okay, like now I have to buy more things like that you like literally provided everything so thank you.

Magan Ward
Yeah, and this is reminding me one of the other updates that I’m going to do is to those templates, when I first created this for Instagram static posts, everything was still very much a square. Since then we’re all migrating to a more rectangular you know, the more real estate, the better it says on Instagram for a while, we’re pushing those bigger posts. And I think it’s 1080 by 1350 pixels or something like that as the size of your Instagram static posts. I need to go in and update those templates so that they reflect that. I was just thinking, like, I don’t remember if I had any carousel templates in there. So I need to do those as well because I know the Instagram algorithm kind of helps push those a little more and people just like reading, sometimes they want to flip through the carousel and just swipe through and read. So I need to definitely make sure and make a note to update that inside the course too. So that really got my mind going.

Dolly Delong
Well, either way, like you provide. I just wanted to like make your head super big in this interview, like provided over provided, I believe for the price that I I know I purchased it, like when you were launching in 2021. I feel like I hit the jackpot with it and again, I’m not trying to like make your head all puffy. But I hope you feel really good about yourself

Magan Ward
It’s okay for a little confidence boost every now and then.

Dolly Delong
It’s an incredible program. I’m so glad and I’m planning on using it for future launches for other events for other systems and workflow-related courses, but this was a lot of fun. So you’re ready to grow that email list but you’re a little stuck on ideas for lead magnets, am I right? I think we’ve all been there. So that’s why I created the perfect idea list with over 20 pages of lead magnet ideas. This list is perfect for entrepreneurs in the creative field, all the way to direct sales. Grab the master lead magnet idea list for free at the link in today’s show notes. If the listener is wondering, okay, well Dolly, if you could like, give me a definite timeline of how long it took you to put this all together. So I mapped it all out after listening to Magan’s pop-up podcast, and actually implementing every module it took me about up to two weeks total to put this all together and that includes getting interviews, like clips from the different contributors that included me writing out the episodes and doing the marketing, I do a lot of again, if you’re a listener to this podcast, you know, I love batching out and planning everything out. So I even batched out the Instagram captions, the graphics, and my email marketing. So it’s, it was all done within two weeks. And you should know I don’t work like eight to nine hour days, I’m a mom, I have like I have other hats that I’m wearing, so I was maybe working up to four hours during business hours, like maybe like two to, I would say up to four hours. Those were the days my son was in his school, then the days he wasn’t in school, then I would do two-hour increments when he was taking a nap or playing. So yeah, it was only two weeks, and I mapped it out. And I cannot express to you how easy it was, it was so easy.

Magan Ward
I need to mention this too. So Dolly did have all of the or several of the contributors to her bundle, thinned in, you know, audio clips to utilize the pop-up podcasts that I have done in the past have mostly all just been me and sharing in a workstyle format. So I feel like that added another layer of challenge to you to Dolly to have all those extra audio clips and get all that put together and organized. But just so everybody knows, like you don’t have to do I mean you can, especially if you’re going into launching a course or a certain type of service or membership or anything like that you can get audio clips from past clients or students or anything like that to really solidify some of that. What do we call your social proof?

Dolly Delong
Yeah, I do want to say I have to give a shout-out to my husband Ty. Ty, I love you so much. He edited all of the clips were me like because this private podcast was free. It was all free leading up to my paid bundle. So I tried to keep things very lean as a small business owner and so I knew like okay, I can either pay for a private editor to put this all together and but I just want to know that I can do this like on a very lean budget. So I know my husband has a path like he He used to be in a band. He’s really good at editing and all that stuff like that’s his past life. So I asked him one day, and I was like really nervous. I was like Ty, like, do you mind helping me save money and editing this podcast? And I thought he was gonna be like, No, I don’t really want to do that. He was really excited about well, mainly about helping me save money because he loves saving money, and he knocked it out. This is all again, this is all before our son, our second son Jack was born. So I was like 10,000 months pregnant. I am so dramatic. Everyone who’s listening, I’m so dramatic. I felt like I was 10,000 months pregnant. He did it over Thanksgiving break of 2022 and he was very nervous about it. I was like, it’s this is fine. This is all free education and had so much value packed into it. So he learned a lot about digital funnels and he loves that this is not his world. I just want you to know this makes it like he makes fun of me about like, he’s like, is this a tripwire? Is this like a top-of-the-funnel? Like he always makes fun of me for everything, it’s hilarious.

Magan Ward
That’s hilarious. I love you were like, I’m so dramatic. I was 10,000 months pregnant. I feel like you’ve said that for the last few months

Dolly Delong
Yes, I say I’m 10,000 months pregnant a lot.

Magan Ward
Well, we all feel that way. You always it doesn’t matter if you’re newly pregnant, or right there at the end, you do feel 10,000 minutes pregnant the whole time. So and this brought up another thought, and I feel like this, this episode is going on forever and ever. But I love talking with them. But you might wonder like, Okay, you did all this work, and you just gave it away for free. She did. And I have to, however, you don’t have to. If you want to put this sucker behind a paywall, you absolutely can. There is a way in Hello Audio that it becomes, you can make it evergreen, it doesn’t have to come down after that the X amount of days, it can be a workshop and audio workshop that is paid, and maybe it’s a low cost paid, you can do that 100%, nobody says you can’t. I’ve been seeing that, especially in 2023, there are going to be a lot more paid workshops, things that you might have seen on a webinar for free, maybe they add a little more beef to it. They’re starting to put them out there into the world. I just got an email this morning from somebody. At the end of last year, she was kind of doing a recap for us of how it all went and she had a workshop, it was a $22 workshop, and she had I forget how many ad-something people sign up. So you know, you do what feels best for you what’s best for your business, what feels right for you, and serves you, your clients, your students, and your customers in the best way.

Dolly Delong
And I would also say to that like start off small, like start off with maybe you can go the route of this is your lead magnet. And then a way to boost your email list. And then the next iteration when you get very comfortable with doing a private pop-up podcast, you can do it more and invite other guests to be a part of it. And then the next iteration can be a paid version like Magan was sharing. So don’t feel like right out of the gate, you have to like do all the bells and whistles because I love that Magan initially did this, like two years ago, I can’t believe this is two years if feels like yesterday, you did this. But it was two years ago, you did this for free, but you grew your email list by 78%. And that is where the value is email list growth.

Magan Ward
Yeah, and she mentioned using it as a lead magnet, you really can have a quick little audio clip, I have a client, who literally has a clip, and it’s three or four minutes long. And that is an opt-in that’s very specific to their brand in that opt-in that lead magnet, three or four minutes long had brought in 1400 subscribers between May and August of last year. So just to give you an idea, people love audio. And it’s just it’s on a quick little private RSS feed link. So if you’re a podcaster, you know what that is, but for those that are not familiar with that, it’s just a link that you would get in your email, you click it and it adds it into your favorite podcast app. And then you can listen to it. But you cannot access that without that special link. And so that’s kind of the beauty of holo audio helps us that are not podcasters to be able to do something like that. So it could be something very small one quick little lesson that you want to have as a lead magnet in lieu of creating another PDF They basically can be your PDF and audio version. So I mean, the sky’s the limit in how you could utilize something like this.

Dolly Delong
Oh, and also want I was just thinking this if you are worried, Okay, what about my, my listeners, this is a weird thing to say to listeners who are hearing impaired or need to read, like they like can’t necessarily listen on the hill, there is a way to take all your audio recordings and making them into a transcript and then putting that transcript per episode in a private page on your website. I know this whole like sentence may be confusing to somebody. But Magan, you also break that down in your private pop-up podcast system course. And that made it very easy for me. I wanted to make this first private podcast on funnels, very consumable for all learner types. So yeah, I had like four different private landing pages on my website, leading to each day’s pop-up podcast, and then that way the learner could read along and just in case they can’t just listen to need to read as a yes, yes, and

Magan Ward
every time and you’ll see in the templates and the email templates, I always said, click here to listen or click here if you prefer to read. And so it just lived on a, like a private link on my website, a private page. And the entire script was right there and available for anybody that needed to read or needed it to be read to them sometimes, too. So yeah, accessibility is so important.

Dolly Delong
It really is so important. I’d like just, again, like I had mentioned earlier in this episode, my preferred way of learning is listening, and then consuming, then watching, and then to the next action step. So I want to encourage any listeners who are listening to this podcast episode, to consider different learning types, like you may be learning so well from listening to a podcast like this, but also consider your visual learners. And also consider, I can’t say all the different types of learners because of course, my brain is mush right now. But consider, how you can serve your other different types of learners in podcast form. So that’s why I also like encourage you to do like a transcript and maybe have like a corresponding blog post that goes with each podcast and has visuals that are attached. And so the sky’s the limit, just consider your different learners.

Magan Ward
You know, what I was just thinking about, I had not yet sent out my annual survey, I like to send out an annual survey to my audience and just get feedback like where are your struggles and pain points at what do you want to learn more of? What do you not want to see more of for me? But one of the last questions is what is your preferred way to learn? Is it visual, auditory, or kinesthetic, visual, of course, watching courses using visual objects, graphs, charts, etc? Auditory audio workshops, or kinesthetic, those physical hands-on like, learn by doing maybe like in-person style things. And most were visual and auditory. It was kind of split down the middle for my group. But that’s another thing you can do is you can kind of poll even if you put it out on Instagram stories to ask people if you’re curious, like, do I have a lot of auditory people that prefer to listen, as they’re learning and get an idea of poll your audience of? Would they enjoy this? And would they get a lot out of it? I think they would, I think just because of that whole on-the-go feature because they can listen because we’re all so busy. Yeah.

Dolly Delong
So I know, we went off on a tangent on that. One we did like, I just wanted to like mention that to any listeners who are considering the system, just like make sure that you’re, you’re also including different learning types as well or just like be aware of that for your own audiences. All right. So is there anything else that you want to mention about this course Magan?

Magan Ward
Just that there is something super special coming up and you can get it pretty much just through Dolly, there’s going to be a couple of other people there’s going to be a special code from Dolly to be watching out specifically this week at the end of this week that you’re listening to this on Thursday, February 23. Dolly’s going to have something super special for you. So if you’re you are interested in this course or even anything else in the email template shop which is my shop, you will be able to get a super special surprise coming up and it’s going to be available like I said Thursday, February 23 through midnight on On Tuesday, February 28, really 11:59 pm Central Standard Time on Tuesday, February 28. But Dolly will have all of that information for you. So it would be a great opportunity if you are interested in this or anything else. If you have seen anything else that I have out there, it will be a great opportunity so that you can dive in and start, you know, creating your own pop-up podcasts and growing that email list.

Dolly Delong
And how can besides learning about your signature, I’m calling it your signature program, your podcast system, how else can people work with you connect with you find you, Magan? Because you really are a wealth of knowledge when it comes to email list growth and email marketing.

Magan Ward
Thank you Dolly. So I’m always on Instagram at @TheMaganWard. You can find me on LinkedIn or at MaganWard.com. But come visit the email template shop. That’s where all the goodies are hanging out and how you can find your way over to the pop-up podcast system course if that’s what you’re interested in. But don’t forget, actually, you wouldn’t know this. This is kind of an announcement. I am launching my own podcast, not a pop-up podcast, a real deal podcast, the School of marketing, it starts mid-March of 2023. So make sure and tune in and watch out for that Dolly will be on the show. So you can find Dolly over there this year, and I’m very excited for what’s to come there, and some of the guests that I already have lined up for you.

Dolly Delong
I’m so excited not just to be a guest but to listen in to subscribe. Again, anything that you put out, Magan, it’s fun, it’s relatable. And it’s like consumable. So I’m really, really excited about it. And of course, I’ll have all the links up to make sure everybody can find you. So again, I want to thank you so much for taking the time to talk about your popup podcast system. I know it’s been a blessing for me in my small creative business. And I want other creative business owners to know that there is a system with private pop-up podcasts and they can start incorporating it in their future launches it for lead magnets. Again, the sky’s the limit. So thank you so much, Magan.

Magan Ward
Thank you, and thank you for letting me take the reins a little bit today and kind of interview you, just thank you again for having me. I do think it is the fourth time that I’ve been here. So thank you so much.

Dolly Delong
I pretty much should make you the co-host. So for those of you who are listening, thank you so much for tuning in. And I hope I hope that you continue to find the magic and joy and systems strategic workflows in automations for your business, and your life. And I will talk to you all next week. Bye.

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