33: Introducing The Dubsado Toolkit for Family Photographers (The Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast)

Episode 33 of the Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast

Welcome back to another episode of The Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast! I am so excited for today’s episode because I finally get to share a project with you that I have been working on for the past year or so. If you have been following along for the past six weeks or show, you’ll know I have been sharing about the power and magic of Dubsado and how much of a difference using the program can make for your business.

Today I am excited to share that I have created a resource called The Dubsado Toolkit for Family Photographers: a seven-day mini-course for designed to help family photographers automate and streamline their business to save time, serve their clients better, and let their business work for them instead of running their lives. In this episode, I am sharing all about the WHAT, WHY, and WHO of the toolkit, plus some of the heart behind it. 

The Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast is brought to you by Dolly DeLong Education. This is a podcast for creative business owners who want to learn tangible steps to automate their business through workflows, systems, tools and strategy in order to go from scattered to streamlined with purpose. Because even muggles can become automated wizards.

Dubsado Toolkit for Creatives

Are you a family photographer looking to utilize Dubsado for your business? I’ve created the essential toolkit you need for your family photography business in order to better streamline & automate the backend of your client’s journey & services! Use code 50OFF for a special discount!

Review the Show Notes:
Personal life announcement! (1:17)

What is the Dubsado Toolkit For Family Photographers? (3:33)

Why I created the toolkit (7:54)

The magic of automating your own business (15:13)

Who is this toolkit for? (16:08)

Why the Dubsado Toolkit For Family Photographers is for you and your business (17:50)

The heart behind my Dolly DeLong Education (20:19)


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Links Mentioned

Dubsado Toolkit for Creatives Use code 50OFF for a special discount!

Systems for Financial Freedom with Ty DeLong

Connect with Dolly ⬇️




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Review the Transcript:

Welcome to the systems and workflow magic podcast where I help entrepreneurs go from scattered to streamlined in their creative businesses. I’m your host, Dolly DeLong, a wife, a mom, and a photographer turned systems educator. Join me every week as we have conversations centered around creating tactical workflows, and automation in your business. Now, let’s make some strategic workflow magic.

Hello, and welcome back to another episode of the systems and workflow magic podcast. I am your systems-loving host, Dolly DeLong. And this week, I am so pumped to finally get to share a project I have been working on for well over a year. Now, if you haven’t been following along for the past six or so weeks, I have been sharing so much about the power and magic of Dubsado. And so I am excited and over the moon to share that I’ve created a resource called the Dubsado toolkit for family photographers. So yay, hooray. It’s happening. And I’m so excited to talk about it. I do have a little bit of a personal life announcement to share with all my listeners. If you’ve noticed in the future episodes, I have batched out I’ve been a little breathless. And it’s because I am pregnant with my second. And so I have been keeping it under wraps for a while. And I’m officially in my second trimester and officially kind of like coming out of being sick constantly. I’m still a little sick. But yeah, so if you are listening to this in the future, and you’re wondering, oh my goodness, Dolly is just breathless in all of these episodes. It’s because I have been growing a child. And so it’s been quite an adventure. And then again, it’s my second pregnancy.

I have a little one for those of you who listen, every week, sometimes I talk about Blaise. And so Blaise is going to be a big brother. So pray for him, y’all. He is about to be demoted, to not be king of the house any worse. So yeah, so I just wanted to share that little life update with you all and let you know, if my voice has been weird for I know several episodes now. It’s just because I’m pregnant. And I’ve been a little breathless. But thank you for still sending me so many fun DMS and messages and leaving positive reviews about how much this podcast is impacting your creative business and how much it’s helping you. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. It just makes me so happy that I get to help you out in this way. Anyway, so lets I just wanted to share that good news with you. And I wanted to go back to the topic of today is just talking about the Dubsado toolkit for family photographers. And that’s something that I’ve been working on for quite some time, and I finally get to open the doors to you all. So I wanted to share a little bit about what it is, why I made it, and who it’s for. And then finally, just the heart behind why I created this. So first things first, what exactly is the Dubsado toolkit for family photographers. So it is a toolkit or a mini-course designed to help family photographers understand the foundations and tools of Dubsado so that they can better automate and streamline their family photography business, save time to serve their clients better, and let their business work for them instead of the other way around making their business run their lives.

They want their business to work for them. The framework I use for this toolkit is based on my own Dubsado VIP experiences, which I use for all of my one-to-one clients. And I understand that not everyone can work with me in a one-to-one capacity for Dubsado Plus, I only take one VIP client per month. And I know I have lots of people who asked me Dubsado related questions. And again, I can only do one-to-one at a capacity of one person per month for a VIP day. So I decided to convert my one-to-one framework and I translated it into a mini-course to help other family photographers learn the foundations of Dubsado in seven days, so you might be thinking to hold up dolly seven days what does that don’t even mean. So I know that temptation with many courses is to throw in the entire kitchen sink and bombard the student with information overload. Or just to the point, the student may feel too overwhelmed, you know, to even where do I begin, or they might start but never finished just because life happens, or there are so many modules, there’s so much to learn, there’s so much information. And let me tell you, I am guilty of this. I have purchased many, many courses in the past, and I’ve failed to complete them. And it’s made me feel like I’ve wasted money, it’s made me feel like a failure. But at the end of the day, it’s just because there’s so much information.

And I don’t know, I just like wish I had had a better plan of action for finishing up the course. But with the Dubsado toolkit for family photographers, I purposefully divided it up into seven modules, okay to be consumed in seven days, so that the viewer, the family photographer, can watch one module a day for one week, and slowly build out their Dubsado account, and hopefully, by the end of the week, know how to establish their first workflow and confidence. And it’s doable because I don’t want a family photographer, to sit in front of their computer for 12 hours and drink from like a firehose of information. I want them to just consume one smile module a day, then do the action step homework, and I teach the lessons, the way I teach my one-to-one clients. So that’s, that’s where my VIP framework comes in, I just want to say, there is nothing wrong, if you are so like, if you have so much time or if you are like so excited to consume an entire course in a day, then go for it, like definitely do that. But this is like created with family photographers in mind, who may have their own families, or they may already have, they may have a nine to five. And they’re slowly building out their family photography, business. And they can only consume education, maybe one to two hours a day, or just in life, life happens. And so somebody may not have that time, that valuable time to like to sit down and consume an entire course in a day. So this is specifically created for a family photographer who needs more balance in their life and needs better time management in their life.

So hopefully that makes sense. And again, I am definitely not dogging anyone who consumes an entire course in a day. That’s amazing. I wish I could do that. But this is just mostly geared towards people who need to consume education in smaller chunks every day. Okay, so now that I shared a little bit of what it is, I wanted to share why I created this toolkit. So as a family photographer, myself, I know and I get the struggle of having to stay on top of my client’s work of desiring to save as much time as possible. Because I have a growing family I just shared with you all I have an additional little one coming, Lord willing, and now that the other one is on its way, I want to save even more time to focus on what matters most to me. And for me, that’s my family. Yes, I want to run a successful creative business, but I don’t want it to run my life. Because in the past, this has been the case for me. So while building up my own business in the past, I let it become I call it I call it a god to me and I let my business dictate everything to me. And it was very draining to a lot of different aspects of my life. I know I’ve shared this before and I know that I brought my husband on and then past episode it was where we were talking about the financial aspects of just like my business and just like I shared that with you.

I’ll put that episode in the show notes. But we had like spoken a little bit about how I used to let my business run me. And it was very draining for our relationship. It was not healthy. But I will say that one catalyst one thing that has helped me stay a little bit more streamlined with my business and it’s helped me literally helped me give get more time freedom back has been Dubsado So it’s been many different steps, but one of the catalysts has been Dubsado and that’s something that I am so grateful for and that’s why I will always like talk so highly about Dubsado and its company and the owners are just amazing and they want to help out other business owners. So I will say that there is a huge learning curve with Dubsado and it is not a magic pill that once you buy will solve all of your problems overnight. But it is a great foundational CRM tool to incorporate into your creative business like your family photography business. And once I started learning how to actually use it, I love utilizing it to streamline more parts of my business. So I just like slowly built up momentum over time with Dubsado. And it’s really given me so much time freedom back so that I can concentrate on things that matter most to me, and I’m gonna be honest, it’s taken me well over, I’m gonna say three years, I was gonna say two years, but now we’re closing in on three or so it’s taken me well over three years to confidently teach others about Dubsado. And I feel like, still, I see, I don’t feel I know, I see people constantly complain about how hard learning Dubsado can be, or how confusing it is. And I remember being in their shoes four to five years ago.

And I remember thinking, Man, I wish someone would just sit down and explain this program to me, like I was a five-year-old or like I was in fourth grade, just some very easy way to understand because I had meetings with other photographers. And I feel like I constantly would pick their brain. And I would ask questions, and I would think, what are they understanding that I’m not understanding because, at the end of the meetings, I would feel even more lost even more dumb and confused and frustrated. And I left feeling dumb. And I know I’m not dumb. And I know, I’m very creative. And this is something that God has blessed me with. And so I know I’m not dumb, but something wasn’t clicking for me. And it was so frustrating. So anyway, after years of slowly learning about Dubsado, like taking my chance at this company, and just tiptoeing my way into it, and learning how to be competent in it in the past year alone, I have been working more, one on one with VIP clients on helping them set up their own Dubsado accounts.

And then I have been taking the step even further, and I decided to become a Dubsado certified Pro. And then I decided to take my teaching framework of how I break down Dubsado to my VIP clients and simplify it into the Dubsado toolkit for family photographers where I am today. And like I explained earlier, I broke this toolkit up into seven easy-to-digest modules, just breaking down how to use it and how to build out your knowledge in Dubsado in seven days, overall, I created this because I want other family photographers to be and to feel confident in streamlining and automating their own family photography business. And I want to show that it is possible to automate parts of your services so that you can have more time freedom back. Raise your hand if you are a photographer who feels like you’re in the struggle bus Dubsado Because you don’t know where to begin with automating and streamlining your business. Yep, you feel like you bought the CRM platform only to feel more confused and frustrated. And you just want to throw your hands up and try something else. That seems easier. Well, before you give up too early,

I want to let you in on a little secret. I have been working behind the scenes to create a resource for family photographers that would break down the foundational concepts of Dubsado in bite-size and attainable pieces to make you feel more confident and create workflows. If this sounds too good to be true. It’s not. I have taken my knowledge as a certified Dubsado specialist and have created a framework I use for my own VIP clients. And I put it in the form of a resource called the Dubsado toolkit for family photographers. It’s a go-at-your-own-pace course that I have purposefully divided up into seven parts to be consumed in one week so that you can go from scattered to streamlined in your workflows in under one week.

This resource comes with templates, swipe files, and loads of essentials to better automate your family photography business. To learn more about this resource, head on over to the show notes to join the waitlist because the doors open soon to the Dubsado toolkit for family photographers and I have so many bonuses I cannot wait to share with other photographers from one family photographer to another. I want you you’d be more organized and streamlined in your business so that you can make big and bold moves as you scale your business. So, what are you waiting for?

And another reason why I created it is that I love the magic of automating my own business. I mean, obviously, the systems and workflow magic podcasts, I created this resource because I love sharing systems and workflows. And I think it’s so cool to learn how to put the puzzle pieces of automation together, and specifically infuse it with Dubsado to your specific service, like family photography. In this example, I do want to point out, that this toolkit will not give you a Ph.D. level of Dubsado knowledge, okay? That is too overwhelming. Instead, this toolkit was designed to help family photographers, like creative business owners understand the foundational concepts of Dubsado so that they can start building out their own workflows and create systems that work for them, and it’s a repeatable system. So let’s answer the question of who this toolkit is for so if you haven’t guessed already, this toolkit was specifically created for family photographers in mind. And you’re probably wondering, well, why Dolly? Like, why are you leaving so many people out? Okay, hear me out.

It’s because I have been a family photographer myself since 2008. And remember, I became a full-time business owner in 2018. So it took me over a decade to just like build out my family photography, and business and go full time. And I understand the importance of running a business efficiently and actually having smooth processes because it affects so many different aspects of your life. Even though I have worked with many different creative business owners for their VIP experiences with me, from Ghost Writers to copywriters to hair and makeup artists, to portrait photographers, like, again, examples that are not they are not family photographers, they have other creative businesses. But the number one area I can give so many templates, guides, and examples from is my own decade’s worth of experience in family photography. And yes, I may have just dropped a hit already, there are templates, there are guides, and a plethora of examples geared towards family photographers, in this toolkit to make consuming the Dubsado toolkit for a family photographers, so easy to watch, intake, and actually put into practice. So in recap, I would love for you to check out the Dubsado toolkit for family photographers, because it shows you how to automate your business for more time, more freedom, and more flexibility. Also, this toolkit will help you understand the foundations of Dubsado. In a simple, easy-to-understand way, this toolkit will teach you Dubsado By using my own VIP framework.

So I want to teach you in a very specific way, you will learn how to set up an optimized workflow from start to finish. And again, how to efficiently rinse and repeat the process because if I’m guessing if you are a family photographer, you probably have three or four services under your photography business like maternity photography, newborn photography, lifestyle photography, and those are all different workflows. And you probably have different processes and email templates and just ways of communicating to your clients in different ways. So I will teach you just how to begin with a workflow. And then you can repeat this process for each of your workflows. And this toolkit will help you automate the back end of your services through proposals, contracts, and invoices with ease. So you’ll understand how all these forms and Dubsado work together and why it’s important to have in your business. And of course, I really want to help you get your Dubsado up and running in your business in seven days or less. All right, I don’t want you to drag it out any longer. I want you to accomplish this in one week. I do want to help you stay on top of your inquiries without letting a single potential client fall through the cracks. So I teach you my framework of how I create a contact form that wows and how to integrate that into your workflow process. And then finally, I want to help you take back here A time and run an efficient streamlined family photography business of your dreams to help it not just like drain you, but help it to give back that timeframe or give you back joy and actually running a family photography business. So the heart behind my business, darling DeLonge education is to show other creative business owners how to find the joy and magic in automating and streamlining their own business. All right.

Again, you don’t have to have a Ph.D. in systems and workflows in order to optimize and automate your business and even your life. And so I hope this toolkit can be used to help solve your Dubsado-related questions, especially, especially if you’re a family photographer, who wants to be more proactive and efficient with your time. Again, the doors are now open for the Dubsado toolkit for family photographers. And the cart will close on July 18, 2022. But yes, I will say you can purchase it afterward. But this will be the lowest price you can get since it is my first official release date. And so I just want to make sure it will be at its lowest price. And then after the 18th of July, it will go up. So no, I’m not trying to make anyone panic, I’m just letting you know like this, this is the best time to buy it. And I would just love for a lot of family photographers to purchase it now. Because it’s, it’s still a little like it’s summertime, you may be in a slower season of your business. And if you are truly a family, just a family photographer, your busy season will most likely start at the end of August going to mid-November because of the holidays. And so I wanted you just to start prepping for your busy season by getting your Dubsado ready. So if you head on over to the show notes, I have a special offer code for you to use until the cart closes. Okay, so please be sure to check out the show notes. Plus, I want you to check out the Dubsado family photography toolkit sales page and see if it’s a good fit for you and your own business. I want you to read through the seven modules to see if you would like to learn more about me. So on the sales page, I go into depth about what each module covers.

So I just want to make sure it’s the best fit for you. So anyway, I am so nervous and excited about finally releasing this to the world. I have been teaching so many one-to-one clients in the past year. And so I knew that I was ready. I’d like just to know that this framework was ready to help shared with other people. So thank you so much for tuning into this week’s podcast. If you are listening to this episode live when it comes out, well then please consider checking out the Dubsado toolkit for family photographers. And you can get a specific coupon code in the show notes of this episode. As always, I hope you continue to find the joy and magic of creating systems that work for you and your creative business. And I am just over the moon so excited to finally get to share this huge, huge news with you. So I will talk to you all later. Have a wonderful week. Bye.

Thank you so much for listening to the systems and workflow magic podcast. You can find full show notes from today’s episode at dolly DeLong photography.com forward slash podcast. If you’re loving the podcast, I’d be so honored if you’d subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast player. Be sure to screenshot this episode, share it with your stories, and tag me at dolly DeLong education over on Instagram. Until next time, go make some strategic workflow magic


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