$97 for $3600+ worth of products (I would say that's a pretty good deal)

All materials, documents, posts/comments/replies, emails, blogs, digital files, paper documents, and any other work created by The Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle the 4.0 Edition (The Launching Edition) in relation to this Bundle is the exclusive and sole property of each individual collaborator and is protected by United States Copyright Laws (USC Title 17). You agree that The Systems & Workflow Magic Bundle's content is not to be used for purposes beyond your implementation.

Once you purchase the Bundle you will have instant access. You will be sent a confirmation link from Dolly DeLong Education & From Thrivecart (so you will receive 3 emails immediately) You may need to check your Spam or Promotions tab just in case! 
The Bundle itself is housed in Thrivecart Learn, so once you purchase the bundle you will be sent a username/password from Thrivecart!

For only $97 you are getting over $3600+worth of Launch Related Courses/Materials/Resources to help you better map out, and plan out your next launch (or your first launch)! These resources are yours to access until August 1st, 2024 (and remember you will be given a specific code to access each course). 
I would strongly advise to purchase the bundle, then go in and access all of the resources right off the bat (Don't worry I'll give you an option to help you keep everything organized) and you can then have ongoing access to all those resources even past August 1st, 2024!

Expect to learn the foundations of launching and how to apply it to your specific business.  Since there is not a one size fits all approach to Launching you will be given different resources all related to Launching and you can pick and choose which one you want to test for your own business!

This is a no-fluff Launching related Bundle. We actually want you to walk away with tangible strategies and tips to apply it to your business, no matter where you are in your business journey. 

The ultimate goal is to help break down the systems and workflows (the puzzle pieces) of launching foundationally so it's more tangible and easy to digest so that you can actually apply it to your business!

You only have until August 1st, 2024 (so almost 6 months after the Bundle Purchase) to access all of the resources.
Now once you have accessed the resources/materials you will have ongoing access, but you only have 6 months to take the first action step and download everything! Remember, we want you to take action on your next launch!

If you click HERE you can see what is included in the Bundle!

If you click HERE you can see who the speakers will be + how to connect with them! 


Even More FAQs Answered Below: 

Can I spilt the cost with a friend to save money?

Again, you are going to be getting over $3600+ of educational resources all dedicated to helping you understand the foundational puzzle pieces of launching

Please don't be THAT person who divides the cost with 10,000+ other people. 

Be fair, be ethical, and purchase it on your own!

Terms of Use Of The Systems & Workflow Magic Bundle-The Launching Edition

You are granted one single-use, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to access and use all resources inside The Systems & Workflow Magic Bundle. All Bundle materials, including all recorded and live content, workbooks, swipe files, formulas, and templates, etc. may not be shared with any third party. You shall not modify, publish, transmit, reverse engineer, participate in the transfer or sale, create derivative works, or in any way exploit any of the content, in whole or in part, found in The Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle. Violators of this federal law will be subject to its civil and criminal penalties.

Can you guarantee my results? I won't buy it unless I am guaranteed 100% results. 

Well, aren't you cute!

Not everyone's results will be the same. 

These are all go-at-your-own-pace courses and you (my business owning friend) have the responsibility of taking the TIME to optimize every part of your own business. 

Things take time. 

That is why we encourage you to please consume a few of the courses per QUARTER in 2024 so that you can flesh out some optimization strategies in your own business.

Be realistic for your business and your personal numbers.  

When does the Bundle go live?
And How Long Do I have to Access The Courses? 

The Bundle is LIVE to purchase: Feb. 5th through Feb. 9th, 2024

But, once you purchase the Bundle pass you will have until August 1st, 2024 to download and access all the materials given to you.

However once you have access to each resource, it is entirely up to each contributor how long they will keep it up in their online platforms (you will need to contact the contributor to ask resource specific questions NOT Dolly DeLong Education)

If you purchase the Bundle and you are having trouble accessing the specific courses, you will need to contact each contributor directly- NOT Dolly DeLong Education. 

Where can I find that Tracker Template that will help me track all of my courses I want to consume?

Great question! 

You can find it in the Introduction "Start Here" Module of the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle! 

It will be linked to a Trello Tracker Spreadsheet which you can copy to your own Trello

This year it is an upgrade for only $9 to your Bundle Purchase! If you missed out on the upgrade I will make sure to put it as a link. in Module 1

I heard that some of the Contributors offered BONUSES to the purchasers/students who purchased from their links! How do I access that?

That is also a great question!

Unfortunately I (Dolly DeLong Education) do not have FULL access to each of the contributor's bonuses that they allowed their email list to have access to when their email list purchased from the Bundle!

Each Contributor was given an option to offer a bonus gift to their audience who purchased the bundle from them,  and then their specific audience received those bonuses! 

Now, if you know that your specific person who you purchased the bundle through (meaning you used their link to purchase the bundle) promised you a specific bonus if you purchased from their link, then you will need to contact them directly (not Dolly DeLong Education).